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#1 ched



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Posted 07 June 2005 - 12:11 AM

you will find listed here all the useful stuff that isnt good enough to get its own tutorial, but should help you anyway
before reading any of this, i suggest you first get familiar with the INI file by taking a look at this
Feel free to post to add stuff

(Q) How do i ... ?
(A) -> before asking a question on the forums, have a look through the tutorials on the main site and in this section

(Q) What do i need to ... ?
(A) -> skin = Photoshop or GimpShop
-> model/animate = Gmax + Renx
-> extract my INI files = FinalBig or XCCMixer
-> map = WorldBuilder

(Q) Where do I get these programs?
(A) -> Photoshop = Download a free 30 day tryout here.
-> Gimpshop = Windows version or Mac version.
->Gmax, Renx, FinalBig & XCCMixer = Look in the tools section.
->WorldBuilder = Came with bfme.

(Q) how do you install the stuff found in the tools section ?
(A) -> download them and read the ReadMe, thats what its here for

EDIT: (Q) How do you install the dds plugin? There is no readme.
(A) -> put dds.8bi in the 'Plug-Ins\File Formats' folder of your photoshop directory

(Q) all my army self destroys after 5 minutes and i lose the game, what is my problem ?
(A) -> its a feature that is here to prevent games' piracy. Just reinstall your game

(Q) Can mods be used in multiplayer?
(A) -> mods can be used in MP but only if all players have these files. Is will cause a mismatch if they don't.

(Q) How do i remove those annoying ads ?
(A) -> open gamedata.ini and add this to the gamedata block:

PlayIntro = No

EDIT:Also if you do not want to affect multiplayer you can delete these files in the data\movie folder:
The long movie is the biggest file in the folder. I can't remember the name

(Q) How do i remove all team colors ?
(A) -> in gamedata.ini, find this :

EnableHouseColor = Yes

and change the Yes to a No

(Q) How do i rescale a unit ?
(A) -> simply add
Scale = 1.5
(or whatever number you want) after the Geometry section of your unit's code

(Q) How do i increase the number of units in a horde ?
(A) -> http://www.artistryg...izetutorial.txt

Edited by Lord Of Gifts, 18 June 2005 - 08:12 PM.

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#2 Lord Of Gifts

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Posted 07 June 2005 - 03:32 AM

(Q) How do I switch animations between models?
(A) Hostile asked this on deezire's forums a while ago. The answer he got is here.

(Q)How do I reapply the forged blades glow to a model?
(A) Re-adding the Forged Blades glow to a model

Edited by Lord Of Gifts, 07 June 2005 - 03:33 AM.

#3 Lord Of Gifts

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Posted 07 June 2005 - 03:45 AM

This post is by halbarad. I accidentally deleted it while trying to move it to this topic. And I added the quote.

(Q) How do I switch animations between models?
(A) Hostile asked this on deezire's forums a while ago.  The answer he got is here.

i find that making the animations change for the skeleton is a lot harder than the other way round

i often use multiple animations by switching the model to one that is bound to the skeleton required (having multiple models that are identical except the skeleton they are bound to)

then u can put a quick

          Model = whatever

Edited by Lord Of Gifts, 07 June 2005 - 03:46 AM.

#4 {IP}Gil-Galad



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Posted 27 July 2005 - 07:04 AM

(Q) How do I Add ExperienceLevels?
(A)This is a 3 step process

1. Adding GameData
2. Adding AttributiveModifiers
3. Adding Experience Levels

For This Tutorial We Will Try to Get GondorGandalf To Level up To Level 15

1. GameData (Found in Gamedata.ini)

To make it easy in the long run were going to add 15 new macros
5 For EXP Awards
5 For EXP Needed
10 For Attributive Modifiers

EXP Needed is the amount of points needed to Level up to this specific level
First we see whats already there
EXP Award is the amount the unit is "awarded" once it reaches the level
AttributiveModifiers We will be adding 5 Damage Add macros and 5 HP Add Macros so when he levels up each level he recieves more HP and damage

#define	GANDALF_LVL1_EXP_AWARD    70
#define	GANDALF_LVL2_EXP_AWARD    80
#define	GANDALF_LVL3_EXP_AWARD    90
#define	GANDALF_LVL4_EXP_AWARD    100
#define	GANDALF_LVL5_EXP_AWARD    120
#define	GANDALF_LVL6_EXP_AWARD    150
#define	GANDALF_LVL7_EXP_AWARD    180
#define	GANDALF_LVL8_EXP_AWARD    210
#define	GANDALF_LVL9_EXP_AWARD    250
#define	GANDALF_LVL10_EXP_AWARD    300
#define	GANDALF_LVL2_EXP_NEEDED    100 
#define	GANDALF_LVL3_EXP_NEEDED    200
#define	GANDALF_LVL4_EXP_NEEDED    300 
#define	GANDALF_LVL5_EXP_NEEDED    500 
#define	GANDALF_LVL6_EXP_NEEDED    700 
#define	GANDALF_LVL7_EXP_NEEDED    900 
#define	GANDALF_LVL8_EXP_NEEDED    1100 
#define	GANDALF_LVL9_EXP_NEEDED    1500 
#define	GANDALF_LVL10_EXP_NEEDED    2000

To Make It realistic we create 5 more of each that are numerically and equally consistent

#define	GANDALF_LVL11_EXP_AWARD    350
#define	GANDALF_LVL12_EXP_AWARD    400
#define	GANDALF_LVL13_EXP_AWARD    460
#define	GANDALF_LVL14_EXP_AWARD    520
#define	GANDALF_LVL15_EXP_AWARD    590
#define	GANDALF_LVL11_EXP_NEEDED    2500
#define	GANDALF_LVL12_EXP_NEEDED    3000
#define	GANDALF_LVL13_EXP_NEEDED    3600 
#define	GANDALF_LVL14_EXP_NEEDED    4200 
#define	GANDALF_LVL15_EXP_NEEDED    4900

Now we are going to add some Damage and HP add Macros here are the basic pre-existing ones

#define	HERO_LVL2_HP_ADD    	60 
#define	HERO_LVL3_HP_ADD    	60 
#define	HERO_LVL4_HP_ADD    	80 
#define	HERO_LVL5_HP_ADD    	100
#define	HERO_LVL6_HP_ADD    	100 
#define	HERO_LVL7_HP_ADD    	100 
#define	HERO_LVL8_HP_ADD    	100 
#define	HERO_LVL9_HP_ADD    	100
#define	HERO_LVL10_HP_ADD    100 

#define	HERO_LVL2_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL3_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL4_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL5_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL6_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL7_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL8_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL9_DAM_ADD  	10
#define	HERO_LVL10_DAM_ADD  	20

To Make It realistic we create 4 more of each that are numerically and equally consistent

#define	HERO_LVL11_HP_ADD    120 
#define	HERO_LVL12_HP_ADD    120
#define	HERO_LVL13_HP_ADD    150 
#define	HERO_LVL14_HP_ADD  	160
#define	HERO_LVL11_DAM_ADD  	20
#define	HERO_LVL12_DAM_ADD  	20
#define	HERO_LVL13_DAM_ADD  	20
#define	HERO_LVL14_DAM_ADD  	30

Now that we Have the Macros added in the gamedata.ini we must move on to the next step

2. AttributeModifier (Found in AttributeModifier.ini)

Now what were adding is when Gandalf Levels up he recieves the HP and Damage he should for that specific Level

Heres an existing Code for A Hero at level 9

ModifierList HeroLevelUpDamage9
	Category = LEVEL
	Modifier = HEALTH HERO_LVL10_HP_ADD    
	Duration = 0

Now we must add the ones for Levels 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 (15 is excluded because there is no level after it and 10 is included because that was not added in the original ExperienceLevel)

ModifierList HeroLevelUpDamage10
	Category = LEVEL
	Modifier = HEALTH HERO_LVL11_HP_ADD    
	Duration = 0
ModifierList HeroLevelUpDamage11
	Category = LEVEL
	Modifier = HEALTH HERO_LVL12_HP_ADD    
	Duration = 0
ModifierList HeroLevelUpDamage12
	Category = LEVEL
	Modifier = HEALTH HERO_LVL13_HP_ADD    
	Duration = 0
ModifierList HeroLevelUpDamage13
	Category = LEVEL
	Modifier = HEALTH HERO_LVL14_HP_ADD    
	Duration = 0
ModifierList HeroLevelUpDamage14
	Category = LEVEL
	Modifier = HEALTH HERO_LVL15_HP_ADD    
	Duration = 0

That is where the new macros we added tie in.

1. ExperienceLevels (Found in experiencelevels.ini)

Finally We must add the 5 more Experience Levels for Gandalf and include all the new things we added in the previous directions.

Heres an Example of His Level 9

ExperienceLevel	GandalfLevel9
	TargetNames      =	GondorGandalf GondorGandalfGrey GondorGandalfWhite GondorGandalfCavalry
	RequiredExperience    =	GANDALF_LVL9_EXP_NEEDED
	ExperienceAward    	=	GANDALF_LVL9_EXP_AWARD 
	AttributeModifiers    =	HeroLevelUpDamage8
	Rank      	=	9
	LevelUpFx      =	FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
;LevelUpOCL      =	OCL_GandalfLevelUp1OCL
  Texture      =	decal_hero_good
  OpacityMin    	=	50%
  OpacityMax    	=	100%
  MinRadius    	=	40
  MaxRadius    	=	200	
  MaxSelectedUnits  	=	40

And heres Levels 11 through 15

ExperienceLevel	GandalfLevel11
	TargetNames      =	GondorGandalf GondorGandalfGrey GondorGandalfWhite GondorGandalfCavalry
	RequiredExperience    =	GANDALF_LVL11_EXP_NEEDED
	ExperienceAward    	=	GANDALF_LVL11_EXP_AWARD 
	Rank      	=	11
	Upgrades      =	Upgrade_GandalfWordOfPower
	LevelUpFx      =	FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
                AttributeModifiers    =	HeroLevelUpDamage10
  Texture      =	decal_hero_good
  OpacityMin    	=	50%
  OpacityMax    	=	100%
  MinRadius    	=	40
  MaxRadius    	=	200	
  MaxSelectedUnits  	=	40
ExperienceLevel	GandalfLeve12
	TargetNames      =	GondorGandalf GondorGandalfGrey GondorGandalfWhite GondorGandalfCavalry
	RequiredExperience    =	GANDALF_LVL12_EXP_NEEDED
	ExperienceAward    	=	GANDALF_LVL12_EXP_AWARD 
	Rank      	=	12
	Upgrades      =	Upgrade_GandalfWordOfPower
	LevelUpFx      =	FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
                AttributeModifiers    =	HeroLevelUpDamage11
  Texture      =	decal_hero_good
  OpacityMin    	=	50%
  OpacityMax    	=	100%
  MinRadius    	=	40
  MaxRadius    	=	200	
  MaxSelectedUnits  	=	40
ExperienceLevel	GandalfLevel13
	TargetNames      =	GondorGandalf GondorGandalfGrey GondorGandalfWhite GondorGandalfCavalry
	RequiredExperience    =	GANDALF_LVL13_EXP_NEEDED
	ExperienceAward    	=	GANDALF_LVL13_EXP_AWARD 
	Rank      	=	13
	Upgrades      =	Upgrade_GandalfWordOfPower
	LevelUpFx      =	FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
                AttributeModifiers    =	HeroLevelUpDamage12
  Texture      =	decal_hero_good
  OpacityMin    	=	50%
  OpacityMax    	=	100%
  MinRadius    	=	40
  MaxRadius    	=	200	
  MaxSelectedUnits  	=	40
ExperienceLevel	GandalfLevel14
	TargetNames      =	GondorGandalf GondorGandalfGrey GondorGandalfWhite GondorGandalfCavalry
	RequiredExperience    =	GANDALF_LVL14_EXP_NEEDED
	ExperienceAward    	=	GANDALF_LVL14_EXP_AWARD 
	Rank      	=	14
	Upgrades      =	Upgrade_GandalfWordOfPower
	LevelUpFx      =	FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
                AttributeModifiers    =	HeroLevelUpDamage13
  Texture      =	decal_hero_good
  OpacityMin    	=	50%
  OpacityMax    	=	100%
  MinRadius    	=	40
  MaxRadius    	=	200	
  MaxSelectedUnits  	=	40
ExperienceLevel	GandalfLevel15
	TargetNames      =	GondorGandalf GondorGandalfGrey GondorGandalfWhite GondorGandalfCavalry
	RequiredExperience    =	GANDALF_LVL15_EXP_NEEDED
	ExperienceAward    	=	GANDALF_LVL15_EXP_AWARD 
	Rank      	=	15
	Upgrades      =	Upgrade_GandalfWordOfPower
	LevelUpFx      =	FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
                AttributeModifiers    =	HeroLevelUpDamage14
  Texture      =	decal_hero_good
  OpacityMin    	=	50%
  OpacityMax    	=	100%
  MinRadius    	=	40
  MaxRadius    	=	200	
  MaxSelectedUnits  	=	40

Theres all the information you need to have your units level up above level 10

Edited by {IP}Gil-Galad, 27 July 2005 - 07:05 AM.

#5 AdmiralGT


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 01:21 PM

(Q) How do I add Custom Hero's to a Campaign?
(A) From Celeglin:

Actually, it can be terribly easy if you add him to certain maps. And if you want to do it easy, your best bet is to stick him in at Helm's Deep. Here's what I did (I think... It's been a while).

*Note1: If you want to have your hero begin at a non-special map, then what I have here won't help you. Doing that is like... insano long and beyond me.

Open up data/ini/campaigns/gondorcampaign and use the find tool to find: TheodenEowynSplitArmy:

	Name = TheodenEowynSplitArmy
	DisplayNameTag = LWA:Rohan
  ThingTemplate = RohanTheoden
  Quantity = 1
  ThingTemplate = RohanEowyn
  Quantity = 1

Now you have to add in your Erkenbrand:

	Name = TheodenEowynSplitArmy
	DisplayNameTag = LWA:Rohan
  ThingTemplate = RohanTheoden
  Quantity = 1
  ThingTemplate = RohanEowyn
  Quantity = 1
  ThingTemplate = RohanErkenbrand
  Quantity = 1


*Note2: if your Erkenbrand's ObjectName is not RohanErkenbrand, substitute your Erkenbrand's ObjectName.

This bit of coding will allow Erkenbrand to join with Theoden and Eowyn and will be with them for the rest of the campaign.

Now we've done the easy part. The next part is not only harder, but I won't be able to explain it very well as my World Builder isn't working at the moment and it's been a while since I've done this.

Open up the Good Helm's Deep Map (make sure you have extracted all the map files from Maps.big first and have moved Maps.big out of your B4ME folder) and centre your view on where the other heroes (Theoden, Legolas, etc.) are. Create a way point where you want Erkenbrand to be and name it Erkenbrand Spawn (or something like that... Just make it like the other way points for the other heroes). Now place the actual Erkenbrand object on top of the way point.

*Note3: Unfortunately, I haven't tried figuring out the way points for Eomer's reinforcements, so unless you can, you're stuck with Erkenbrand with Theoden and co.

Now this is the really tough part because I don't remember the details at all. Open up the Scripts (I think it's in the Edit drop-down). Look around in it until you find the Object Creation List for Rohan. Copy say... the Theoden code there and replace Theoden with Erkenbrand. If that makes any sense.

There is also a Script somewhere in there for the starting levels for Theoden and Eowyn. Find it and do some stuff for Erkenbrand if you want.

Now, I can't say that this is all. I really can't remember and I can't test it out myself, but I have got it to work in the past (added good old Haldir to Helm's Deep). Just save your campaign just going into Helm's Deep and test if your changes worked. If they didn't, don't save over that saved file and just keep looking around in the Scripts of the Helm's Deep map until you get it right.

Best of luck.

Edited by Lord Of Gifts, 16 February 2006 - 06:52 AM.

#6 Lord Of Gifts

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Posted 19 October 2005 - 02:26 AM

(Q) Why am I getting a game.dat error?
(A) Take a look at this topic for a list of known error causes

(Q) How do I get my edited/new files to work in World Builder?
  • Make a new .big file. Name it mymod.big or something other than INI.big
  • Put all of your edited files, with the correct file structure(eg. data\ini\), in this .big.
  • Make a new asset.dat with Sy's Asset Builder with your models.
  • Move the old asset.dat out of the bfme directory, then put your new one in.
  • Put mymod.big in the bfme directory.
  • Start up World Builder.
  • I'm not sure if you can use an .str instead of the .csf
  • Your code must be 100% error free. If it isn't World Builder will not show you any errors. It will just stop loading. Run it through the game first to check for errors.

Edited by Lord Of Gifts, 08 March 2006 - 03:38 AM.

#7 TKelly



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Posted 09 November 2005 - 12:55 AM

Idea and beginning started by Halbarad, finished and perfected by me

(Q) Why aren't the new cursors I added working?
(A) First off you can't make up new cursors without replacing. Second you can't change the ingameui.ini without putting the .big file into the bfme directorory

(Usually '<systemdrive>\Program Files\EA Games\The Battle for Middle-earth ™\') and use the -mod comand like this:

-mod "<systemdrive>\Program Files\EA Games\The Battle for Middle-earth ™\<your big file>

Edit by LoG: You can place your big in the usual(%appdata%/My Battle for Middle-earth Files) place and have it work.

-To make your own custom cursors to be used ingame, follow this short tutorial carefully.

-I noticed that you can't make up your own cursor names, they must be indexed in the game.dat, but also some C&C cursor names were just commented out. Here are some of the C&C commented out lines

;  SpyDroneRadiusCursor
;	Texture	   = SccSpyDrone_USA
;	OpacityMin	= 50%
;	OpacityMax	= 100%
;	OpacityThrobTime = 1000
;	Color		 = R:240 G:240 B:240 A:255 
;	OnlyVisibleToOwningPlayer = Yes
;  End

;  AttackScatterAreaRadiusCursor
;	Texture	   = SCCArtilleryBarrage_China
;	OpacityMin	= 50%
;	OpacityMax	= 100%
;	OpacityThrobTime = 1000
;	Color		 = R:255 G:0 B:0 A:255 
;	OnlyVisibleToOwningPlayer = Yes
;  End

;  SuperweaponScatterAreaRadiusCursor
;	Texture	   = EXTargeterAlpha2
;	OpacityMin	= 50%
;	OpacityMax	= 100%
;	OpacityThrobTime = 1000
;	Color		 = R:128 G:0 B:0 A:128; extra soft 
;	OnlyVisibleToOwningPlayer = Yes
;  End

;  AttackDamageAreaRadiusCursor
;	Texture	   = EXTargeterAlpha
;	OpacityMin	= 50%
;	OpacityMax	= 100%
;	OpacityThrobTime = 1000
;	Color		 = R:255 G:0 B:0 A:255 
;	OnlyVisibleToOwningPlayer = Yes
;  End
-Say you had a new special summon power that summons gold to the battle field, I'll use this as I already have screenshots, but you want to be able to specify with a brandy new cursor, how would you do it?

-Your filename: SCCThorinGold.dds

-You would add the following code to ingameui.ini

	Texture	   = SCCThorinGold
	OpacityMin	= 50%
	OpacityMax	= 100%
	OpacityThrobTime = 1000
	Color		 = R:240 G:240 B:240 A:255 
	OnlyVisibleToOwningPlayer = Yes

-Now you would simply add

RadiusCursorImage = SPY_DRONE

Edit by LoG: SPY_DRONE does not exist in game.dat. use:
RadiusCursorImage = SPYDRONE

To your commandbutton line.

-And now save it to where I specified above and you got a brandy new cursor.

Posted Image

Edit by LoG: I corrected some inaccuracies and whatnot. The original text is crossed out.

Edited by Lord Of Gifts, 16 February 2006 - 06:50 AM.

Posted Image

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