Edited by Gandalf, 27 September 2005 - 12:47 AM.
Public Beta Version - Hero Creator
Posted 25 September 2005 - 06:21 PM
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Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 25 September 2005 - 06:28 PM
yes a unit code , and a specialpower maker (don't know who's gonna make that but I know that someone is doing)I'm working on programs in Macromedia Flash, creating a new hero, etc. It was inspired by Gil-Galad's Horde builder, so I thought I should help out to. Right now I'm working on a new hero script, but I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions.
The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link
Posted 25 September 2005 - 06:35 PM
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:24 PM
-Gondor Archer
-Gondor Soldier
-Orc Warrior
-Orc Archer
Any others that should be in version 1.0? More will obviously be in later versions, but any important ones?
Also, except to see it, maybe today, but definetly this week
Edited by Gandalf, 25 September 2005 - 07:38 PM.
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:51 PM
My Modding Homepage
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Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:57 PM
Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:00 PM
Then I'll join with Gil-Galad and we can make a mod creator.
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:01 PM
make a weapon for hero or pick an existing one.
make armor for the hero or an existing one.
make moves based off premade ones like summons, attributive modifiers. etc
make commandSets and commandbuttons.
How many levels it can level up to and how much experience inbetween or base it off a prexisting one. etc etc bleh
anyway sorry to advertise in your topic but im just letting you no i already started one a while ago....of course no competition intended were to modders wanting to help the modding community
GitHub - https://github.com/ClickerMonkey
YouTube - http://www.youtube.c...r/ClickerMonkey
Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:08 PM
mod creator
ok so basically i'd like to have a mod set in the Star Wars Universe
-> program opens WordPad and starts writing a scenario, at the same time, Renx pops up and starts modelling
Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:12 PM
Also, we'll have two different versions then. A small, less capable, fast one, mine, and a large, satisfying, takes a little longer one, yours. I'm also going to try to make a formation maker with how I was hoping it would be, example seperate X and Y serepations.
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:16 PM
https://www.twitch.tv/vileartist - Yes shameless self-promotion
"Old modders never die, they just fade away" ~ Hostile
Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:34 PM
His Infernal Majesty
Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:57 PM
https://www.twitch.tv/vileartist - Yes shameless self-promotion
"Old modders never die, they just fade away" ~ Hostile
Posted 25 September 2005 - 10:16 PM
Note: It's not ready for a real hero making scenerio (of course it could make a new hero, just with a lot of restriction) just to make sure everybody would like the interface, along with making suggestions.
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 25 September 2005 - 11:39 PM
Note: A not finished version, it would be impossiblt to make a hero with, just what I have after 2 hours, nothing is registered, all I have is the program script in it, is at Hero Creator.swf
Note of the Note: This is only to see the interface, as I said before, it can't be used to make a hero yet.
Yet another note: I will be releasing a private alpha version to a few people, not everybody, but a few people, so if you want to check it out once it's done, just PM me. It will be able to make a hero, just not with an extreme amount of versatility yet. But once the program is complete, it will be extremely versatile.
So PM me if you want to alpha test it
AND another note: A tutorial will be made before the public beta version release.
Edited by Gandalf, 25 September 2005 - 11:40 PM.
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 26 September 2005 - 08:28 PM
NOTE: The undefines aren't the programs fault, I just haven't linked the system of the script to the input boxes. But here is what I have so far.
Another Note: I misspelled Biblo when putting it in. And yes, I did use the aragorn template, because all that I haven't done was linking all the buttons to change the variables and putting it in the code. But the system would have said "Undefined" if I had clicked on Pippin
Object Biblo SelectPortrait = HPBilbo ButtonImage = HIBilbo DefaultModelConditionState Model = Bilbo_SKN End TransitionState= TRANS_boredToAttention_Elendil Animation= GUAragorn_ATND AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND AnimationMode= ONCE End FXEvent= Name: FX_ElendilGlowEvent End TransitionState= TRANS_attentionToBored_Elendil Animation= GUAragorn_ATND AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND AnimationMode= ONCE_BACKWARDS End FXEvent= Name: FX_ElendilGlowEvent Flags= START_FRAME_LAST End TransitionState= TRANS_boredToAttention Animation= GUAragorn_ATND AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND AnimationMode= ONCE End End TransitionState= TRANS_attentionToBored Animation= GUAragorn_ATND AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND AnimationMode= ONCE_BACKWARDS End Flags= START_FRAME_LAST End ; --- Idle Anims IdleAnimationState StateName= STATE_bored Animation= GUAragorn_IDLE;no_fidget AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLE AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 12 End Animation= GUAragorn_IDLF;fidget AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLF AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 1 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() ifPrev == "STATE_attention" or Prev == "STATE_running" or Prev == "OATH_BREAKERS" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_attentionToBored") end EndScript End AnimationState= THROWN_PROJECTILE Animation= FLYA AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_FLYA AnimationMode= LOOP End End AnimationState= STUNNED_FLAILING Animation= FLYA AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_FLYA AnimationMode= LOOP End End AnimationState = DYING SPLATTED Animation = Splatted_On_Ground AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_LNDA AnimationMode= ONCE End EnteringStateFX= FX_SoldierHitGround End ; --- Dying anims AnimationState= DYING Animation= GUAragorn_DIEA AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEA AnimationMode= ONCE End Animation= GUAragorn_DIEB AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEB AnimationMode= ONCE End End AnimationState= STUNNED_STANDING_UP Animation= GUAragorn_GTPB AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_GTPB AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End End AnimationState= STUNNED Animation= LNDA AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_LNDA AnimationMode= ONCE End EnteringStateFX= FX_SoldierHitGround End ; --- Attacking Anims [Weapon_A] AnimationState = MOVING FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A ShareAnimation= Yes Animation = RunAndFire AnimationName = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATRA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState= FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE; Blademaster Mode StateName= STATE_ready Animation= ATKF AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKF AnimationMode= ONCE UseWeaponTiming= Yes End Flags= RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE FXEvent= Frame:25 Name: FX_BladeMasterHitOrient FXEvent= Frame:45 Name: FX_BladeMasterHitOrient End AnimationState= FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A StateName= STATE_ready Animation= ATKD AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKD AnimationMode= ONCE UseWeaponTiming= Yes AnimationPriority= 3 End Animation= ATKE AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKE AnimationMode= ONCE UseWeaponTiming= Yes AnimationPriority= 2 End Flags=RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End ; --- Moving Anims AnimationState= MOVING StateName= STATE_running Animation= GUAragorn_RUNB AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_RUNB AnimationMode= LOOP End End AnimationState= LEVELED; This state clears itself in 3 seconds Animation= LevelUp AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKO AnimationMode= ONCE End End AnimationState= SPECIAL_POWER_1; Aragorn shouting Elendil anim StateName= STATE_ready Animation= GUAragorn_ATKL AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKL AnimationMode= ONCE End ParticleSysBone= B_SWORDBONE ElendilFlare FollowBone:yes ParticleSysBone= B_SWORDBONE ElendilSwordFlare FollowBone:yes ;FXEvent= Name: FX_ElendilGlowEvent End AnimationState= USER_2 StateName= ATHELAS Animation= ATKP AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKP AnimationMode= ONCE End End AnimationState= USER_1 StateName= OATH_BREAKERS Animation= ATKN AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB AnimationMode= ONCE End End ; --------- Click and Hit Reactions ------------ AnimationState= HIT_REACTION HIT_LEVEL_3 StateName= STATE_bored Animation= Hit_Level_1_b AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_HITB AnimationMode= ONCE End End ;----Emotion Animations AnimationState= EMOTION_CELEBRATING StateName= STATE_ready Animation= CHRB AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 1 End Flags= RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End AnimationState= EMOTION_ALERT StateName= STATE_ready Animation= IDLA AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLA AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 1 End End AnimationState= EMOTION_MORALE_HIGH StateName= STATE_ready Animation= ATKN AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKN AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 1 End Animation= ATKP AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKP AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 15 End Animation= TNTC AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_TNTD AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 30 End Animation= TNTD AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_TNTD AnimationMode= ONCE AnimationPriority= 30 End Flags= RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End AnimationState= ENGAGED StateName= STATE_ready Animation= IDLA AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLA AnimationMode= ONCE UseWeaponTiming= Yes AnimationPriority= 1 End Flags=RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End AnimationState= SELECTED StateName= STATE_attention Animation= ATNE AnimationName= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATNE AnimationMode= LOOP AnimationBlendTime= 5 AnimationMustCompleteBlend = yes End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_bored" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_boredToAttention") end EndScript End End Side = Gondor EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = 1.0 ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT DisplayMeleeDamage = 3245 IsTrainable = Yes BuildCost = 3453 BuildTime = 34534 TransportSlotCount = 1 undefined VisionRange = 123 BountyValue = undefined DisplayName = OBJECT:Bilbo RecruitText = OBJECT:Bilbo ReviveText = asdf CrushableLevel = 0 CommandSet = BilboCommandSet CommandPoints = 0 undefined RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS INFANTRY PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER SCORE HERO ARMY_SUMMARY PathfindDiameter = 40.0 undefined345undefined25undefined
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 26 September 2005 - 10:07 PM
https://www.twitch.tv/vileartist - Yes shameless self-promotion
"Old modders never die, they just fade away" ~ Hostile
Posted 26 September 2005 - 10:11 PM
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
Posted 26 September 2005 - 10:41 PM
Here's an image of all the codes in it, see all the things around the outside of it
And for those of you testing, you have to already have the OBJECT: code made in your .str file, in the next version, it'll make it for you
Edited by Gandalf, 26 September 2005 - 10:47 PM.
My Modding Homepage
The Hobbit Forum
Don't make fun of how low my graphics are, my computer doesn't even meet system requirements
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