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C&C RenEclips 2006 Reborn

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#1 ChrisV80

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Posted 14 November 2005 - 03:06 PM

If u have seen on the site ATM i removed loads of inactive navbar buttons.
because all these pages never made.

My site scripter it whas a good friend has left his work and never completed the site.

Now i want to make a new start with the website in januari 2006.
I hope Deathstrike or immoman can finalizing the site. because hunter says maybe they want to do that.

Greets Chrizz

#2 Az3r^


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Posted 14 November 2005 - 03:07 PM

Good Luck ! , all the best for next year i guess :D
Quotes :
Paradox @ Ali - "And what the fuck would you know? Ever been? Oh no, sorry, your map says 'HERE BE DRAGONS' anywhere outside of your rock"

#3 Natus


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Posted 15 November 2005 - 03:36 PM

I look forward to seeing the site complete.
Natus 3.4

Corrupt program now requires constant reboots and does not function at all in majority of instances. Designed with a web browser component to replace AOL, it has exceeded our expectations by being more crashy and unreliable and with worse tech support. We didn't think it was physically possible! A general product recall is advised; when it does function it seems to require background processes Girl 0.1Beta to stave off further crashes. Will someone PLEASE remove that code, and insert Backbone 1.9 in its place? That's assuming we even bother to continue this prog.

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