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Beta 0.1.0

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#1 Corsix


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 11:17 AM

For those of you with beta access, version 0.1.0 has been uploaded.

Things to check:
- Program loads up without errors
- A mod can be loaded without errors

I would just like to make ensure that everything works so far.
Next beta will have mod loading/saving and UCS loading/saving.
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#2 compiler

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 01:36 PM

I just tested it.

- It opens fine until the welcome screen ("what do you want to do...").

- I tried to load a mod made for WA and one made for 1.4, which are both working in-game. Both resulted in the application crashing to desktop before finishing to load the mod : it gets to the point wher eyou have a tree beginning to build on the left, and a window with several choices that opens.
I tried to install the 3 files in the Dawn of War toot folder or in the ModTools root folder, and got the same results.

I run on WinXP Pro service pack2, with all the latest patches from Microsoft.
I have all the required V6 files and dll.
Athlon 64 3200, 2.21 GHz
RAM : 2 Gb
14 Gb of free space on the HD I installed the exe in.
It installed on disk C, where is also the Windows system and the Dawn of War folder.

Hope this helps.

Edited by compiler, 15 January 2006 - 01:37 PM.

#3 Corsix


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 01:48 PM

Is there no error message that comes up?

The files can be put anywhere btw, they will automatically find the DoW folder and stuff.
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#4 Corsix


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 02:02 PM

Ahh, think I found the problem. Uploaded beta 0.1.1 - try that.

Beta 0.1.1
- If a mod is missing an optional .module file entry, application will no longer crash
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#5 Finaldeath

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 03:09 PM

Got beta 0.11, I know I must have something missing (and I am not particlarly fond of using libaries seperately downloaded and installed to just run a single tool), but message:

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Anyway, I'll make sure I have the downloads you require. I just found this funny considering the file is in the same directory as the exe, heh.

Edited by Finaldeath, 15 January 2006 - 03:19 PM.

#6 Corsix


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 03:39 PM

Yeah, with the official releases i'll put in all the required files - with the betas its easier to ask testers to DL them once and not need to put them with the EXE.

I assume oyu are running Windows 98 finadeath - the error message is a bit misleading becuase it is actually DLL not found OR DLL failed to load. I think that you need advapi32.dll to be in the tool's forolder or in system32 - you can grab it from the beta download page.

Or try beta 0.1.2 - I've changed the DLL to use ole32.dll instead of oleaut32.dll. Now all the DLLs that rainman needs are also needed by DoW, meaning that relic will have already ensured that they are on your system :dry:

Edited by Corsix, 15 January 2006 - 05:03 PM.

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#7 Finaldeath

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 05:26 PM

I have WinXP actually, just to let you know.

#8 Corsix


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 05:47 PM

So advapi32.dll wan't the problem if you have WinXP and neither was kernel32.dll, so it must have been oleaut32.dll. Seeing as beta 0.1.2 uses ole32.dll instead of oleaut32.dll, see if that works.
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#9 compiler

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:23 PM

Version beta 0.12 works for me.

It opens the mods it failed to open before.
The mod opens, the tree is displayed, the module file can be accessed and displays correct informations, the tree displays the correct files.
The program ws closed with the "quit" buttons and closed with no error.

I have not attempted to edit anything, though...

#10 davisbe

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:38 PM

Actually, I'm getting the same error as FinalDeath did. I have all the d/l's, and I even tried copying the ole32.dll, advapi32.dll, and oleaut32.dll from my \Windows\System32 folder to the folder I have the beta in.
I have WinXP with all updates, and I'm using the beta 0.12.

#11 Corsix


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:49 PM

An error #48 is:

    *  The file isn't DLL-executable.

      If the file is a source-text file, it must be compiled and linked to DLL executable form.
    * The file isn't a Microsoft Windows DLL.

      Obtain the Microsoft Windows DLL equivalent of the file.
    * The file is an early Microsoft Windows DLL that is incompatible with Microsoft Windows protect mode.

      Obtain an updated version of the DLL.
    * The DLL references another DLL that isn't present.

      Obtain the referenced DLL and make it available to the other DLL.
    * The DLL or one of the referenced DLLs isn't in a directory specified by your path.

      Move the DLL to a referenced directory or place its current directory on the path.

The file IS a DLL, it IS a windows DLL, therefore either one of the DLLs that it references is missing or isn't in Path (Path is current directory, application's directory, system32 and system). So, could you check if/where these DLLs are on your system:

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#12 davisbe

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:58 PM

Well, I extracted your files to my Dawn of War folder, so that's where Rainman.dll is, and the rest are in my \Windows\System32 folder.
I installed all your required d/l's, so I'm not really sure what else to do.

#13 Corsix


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 10:08 PM

The only thing that I can think of is to try putting Rainman.dll into the system32 folder and see if that works.

Edit: Also try downloading and running path.exe to the same place you downloaded the mod studio and posting the results.

Edited by Corsix, 15 January 2006 - 10:23 PM.

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#14 davisbe

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 10:52 PM

Well, nothing. If I'm the only one having this problem, then I must have something on my end. I made sure my \Dawn of War\ directory was included, but still the same error.
I even tried copying all the dll's to the Mod Studio dir, and same thing.
Here's what's in the directory ATM, anyone else have any ideas?
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Edited by davisbe, 15 January 2006 - 10:55 PM.

#15 Finaldeath

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Posted 16 January 2006 - 03:01 PM

Not from me, I downloaded all the required files...and it still brings up the same error...

Perhaps there is something else missing. I am betting you need adminstrator rights to run the program (bad Corsix!) but I'm an admin anyway.

I'm not going to disable my firewall and virus scanner to test compatibility. This tool should be all independant anyway :p

If I knew VB (which I don't, and would rather not learn), I'd help and try and look at the source if you put it out.

Its probably something partly obvious, I've no idea what.

#16 Corsix


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Posted 16 January 2006 - 03:50 PM

It doesn't require administrator to run - I can run it on a limited user account on my XP box.

I've uploaded a file called FullInstall.zip to the beta site which is a setup program generated by the VB Application Deployment wizard, so that _should_ ensure that all the required DLLs are present and up to date.
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#17 davisbe

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Posted 16 January 2006 - 09:44 PM

Well, I tried the full install, and still the same.

Also, I forgot to post the Path.exe results earlier.
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No idea!!

#18 Corsix


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Posted 16 January 2006 - 10:03 PM

Did you try it (studio and path.exe) with rainmain.dll copied into c:\windows\system32 ?

Edit: Whoops, made a small typo in path.exe that made it try and load "rainmain.dll" instead of "rainman.dll" - thus it would always fail. Could you D/L and run it again, but only post the error code.

Edited by Corsix, 16 January 2006 - 10:13 PM.

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#19 davisbe

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Posted 16 January 2006 - 10:24 PM

Whoops x2. After the full install, I tried my original, instead of the new install. :blink:
Sooo, it works! Hallelujah!
I loaded a few mods, save & quit, no probs.
Thanks, and I'll do some more poking around tonight.
Oh, and a little spelling thing on one of the tabs, it's "compatible". ;)

Edited by davisbe, 16 January 2006 - 10:24 PM.

#20 Corsix


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Posted 16 January 2006 - 10:36 PM

That is good news davisbe :blink: I'll be happier when all you can get it working though ;)

Spelling wise, I used what I found in hte module files:
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; List of mods that have scenarios compatible with this mod
;; CompatableMod.1 =
But then again, it does use both spellings (compatible in the comment, compatable in the code). I'll update it to use an i instead of an a.
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