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Beta 0.1.0

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#21 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 01:57 AM

Sorry about being late with my feedback, been busy both with real life and getting the first in-team alpha of my mod out today. I've been testing using v0.12 (Beta_012.zip only). I managed to open a module, and edit the settings of the modules file. It loaded the tree on the left just like it should, but with the exception of settings in the .module file, I couldn't edit or manipulate anything else.

I haven't been reading properly up on it yet, so if I ain't supposed to be able to do that, then it is ok.

One recommendation though... some way to differentiate between files in your project, and files inherited from other projects (different icon colors or filename colors?)

I see there are some new files in the folder now, although I ain't able to test them on the machine I'm sitting at now. May be able to give you more feedback later.

#22 Kresjah

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 02:00 AM

That was me up there by the way... forgot to log in.

#23 Corsix


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Posted 17 January 2006 - 07:59 AM

Yup, colouring of things in the file trees and LUA trees is planned. I was thinginr light red for this mod, light blue for inherited and grey or the engine, but it'll have options to change it.

As for functionability in this version, I just wanted it be able to load things to fix any underlying bugs.
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