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#1 Tiberian Moon

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:48 PM

i saw your tiberium which looks wonderfull by the way and i am wondering if you got the whole respawning thing to work yet, i have an idea on how to get it to work

for tiberium respawning would this work, use the same principle as americas supply drop but change the drop zone into a tiberium tree and animate it to spawn spores very say 10 seconds but it will only spawn 3 credits so it takes a while to reloadall of the credits, change the c-10 cargo plane into an invisible animation or take it out (if u can) and then finally make it so that it turns the supply crates from the ones that u touch and it adds to your credits to the ones that you harvest

if you could help me on this and matbe we could share the code with all the projects that are doing the respawning thing ie regeneration ion storm etc it would be frigin awesome

#2 Lancaster

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 08:42 PM

I tried turning the supplydocks in the Mutated Tree with a small field of tiberium, then make it spawn tiberium every... lets say 30 seconds. The tiberium would be some supplycrates with a different model, that of tiberium.

But the problem here is that whatever u use for harvesting would suck the supply docks dry first so you get a very akward looking field with an empty centre.... plus the spawning is not what we want because it would use standard bones for spawnpoints....

My guess is that the best way to make tiberium is to map it perhaps.. but thats were my experience runs out, i've got no clue of the mapping capabilities of Worldbuilder.

As I'm still experimenting on this, when I find somehting good, I'll post it immediately.

#3 Tiberian Moon

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 10:05 PM

well i can make decent maps, but i cant script so what i think you are saying is to script it so it spawns more tiberium, that would be difficult to do,

now can you try this, make the tib. tree a supply drop zone and put some small crates (tiberium) around it so it looks like a field that way it wont look like it has an empty center, i think it would also look better if i made a new tile that looks tiberium ish, but i dont think i could do it that well:(

also if you did this could you please give the code to me and if you could , could you give me the tib. tree and tiberium, of course all credit for the tiberium would go to you and Kwartjuh, i will also give you the tiberium tile if i can make one, i know how too make tiles :0

for the tiberium tile how do you think this sounds
have it like the normal dark grass but with some tiberium vines in bright green so hows that sound?

#4 Lancaster

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 08:56 AM

Heh that sounds pretty cool.

I just gotta find that old code, hang on, i might need to redo it since we're trying to experiment with a lot of different ways.

#5 user_unknown


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Posted 29 May 2004 - 10:28 AM

There's some stuff in this thread you may find helpful for tiberium :p


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