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Nod Airstrip

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#1 Lancaster

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 09:00 PM

I've been looking into how to make the Airtstrip do its thing and bring a C17 in to drop some Units...

Here's what I found out so far:

If we would use a building that calls an OCL C17 to momentarily land then OCL a Unit en make the C17 Take off again, we would be restricted to 1 unit called with the OCL just like the Tech Airport... right?(this is how the techairport works i guess since it spawns only 1 kind of unit and not a unit of choice)

We could also put a delay on the Unit Spawn, then just call an OCL to fly a C17 in, Land, Take off for animation and have the Unit spawned when the delay has passed... But this give the problem that the animation would not be synched with the time the delay has.

I hope someone can read the above and understand it :p
Because I'm pretty much stuck with either something that doesn't work or something that looks really bad.

Help is greatly appreciated!

#2 Lancaster

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 01:33 PM

:p ohhhh, so you're saying this airstrip wich builds these here dummy beacons.

Call in a timed aircraft, kill the beacon and upon death of the beacon spawn the unit wich corrosponds with the beacon builed e.x. Beacon_Buggy or somewhat alike?

Wow, you did some mighty thinking about that :blinky: thanks! Ill try it out immediately!

#3 Guest_ImmoMan_*

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 03:26 PM

I don't know if this is the same idea (neither of your explanations is very clear to me ;)2 ), but here's mine:

When you build a unit, say "NodTankLight", you in fact build an object called "NodTankLightBeacon". That object uses OCLUpdate to call in an OCL, and then dies through the use of LifetimeUpdate. This OCL is a DeliverPayload-type OCL, which calls the actual produced unit in similar to a paradrop.

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