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Operations: Roundhouse + Power Break

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#1 Ash


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Posted 12 July 2006 - 10:14 AM

The two halves of the new Belkan Dagon Fleet had split up in the middle of the ocean, and now ran parallel to the huge Aesanian naval base. One half was tasked to destroy the Aesanian carrier Strength, while the other was charged with sinking the new superdreadnoughts that the AU had been constructing. The Strength was in for repairs, and so would probably be quite an easy target. The dreads were still at anchor, too. The Belkans covered the entire entrance, cruisers at the lead with AA weaponry making a veritable wall around the more important ships; the two carriers, who launched their compliments of the JSF fighters. Highly advanced, these fighters sported the latest in long-range air-to-surface weaponry. They were backed up by the more conventional Su-35K aircraft, some with a dogfighter configuration but most in an AtS role. The Belkans held the entire entrance, and the Aesanians would be left bottled.

The first signs of incoming were the destruction of SAM sites near the entrance by Belkan naval missiles, which marked the initiation of the two air attacks.

((OOC: Site A will denote the carrier, Site B will denote the dreads. I ask you to use the same code Crave :p ))

#2 crave22


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Posted 12 July 2006 - 03:17 PM

Aersan Command

"Sir, Belkans at the mouth!"
"Where is the Home Defense Fleet?"
"Out to sea. They can be here in a few hours."

Mouth of Aersan Bay

At the mouth, two massive defensive areas sat, waiting for such an attack. And with the recent Defense Alert Level 1, they were ready for combat at any second. The massive shore batteries sang as missiles left the tubes of Fort Kalee and Fort Harlo.

Aersan Airfields

The sirens went off as men were chased from their cots into their flight uniforms. They were sent to the ready room, where they were briefed on the situation.

"Now, you will not leave the bay's airspace, because doing so is more or less suicide with the enemy's air defense capabilities. Your job is to keep their planes out of the area. Let the shore batteries and what few ships we have here duke it out with the fleet. Now get your little asses in those cockpits and make your nation proud, God damnit!"

Soon enough, the skies were filled with planes, and the battle was on...

Divine Shield Site

"Orders from command. Put the pressure up on the incoming aircraft. Nothing gets in, and if they do, none of them get out."
"Excellent. Prepare the Excalibur laser. And wait until they're off guard."

((OOC: I dunno why you're so obsessed with the Strength. It's just a Unity-class, my smaller class. But, bring it on! :p ))
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#3 Ash


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Posted 12 July 2006 - 05:49 PM

((OOC: The word Strength. Hence 'Power Break'. If you've ever played Final Fantasy, the Power Break spells decrease enemy Strength :p A carrier is still a pretty nasty blow, even if it is a smaller class. Plus there's the morale blow. I have not time to post my IC reply so I'll do that tomorrow if I manage to awaken...))

#4 Ash


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 11:25 AM

((OOC: Sorry this is a crappy post, but I'm not sure what to put. I'm in the throes of a half-hangover + 4 hours sleep...bear with me :unsure: ))

The fighters flew, the ships fired and advanced. The ships targeted defence stations and any oncoming ships, while the aircraft sped towards their allotted targets.

#5 crave22


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 06:11 PM

Flak bursts were seen around the mouth of the massive bay, meant to swat at the oncoming fighters. Those which made it through had to contend with the Home Defense Air Force. SAMs streaked through the sky as the battle began to escalate.

Anti-air destroyers left their berths, some still with scaffolding covering the decks. They sprayed the air with hot lead, trying to subdue the oncoming swarm.

The Aesanian Home Defense Flotilla, however, was going to use the neck of the bay to their advantage. Since it was the only way into the bay, and the Belkans were moving in, the flotilla moved at full steam to "cap the bottle."


((assume that this part is from earlier, when you first began your attack :p ))

Sand Island AFB

The squadron ready room was filled with activity as rumours spread of what was going on just up north. The attack had caused the entire nation to go under the highest alert condition possible.

The room immediately became silent as Colonel Orson Perrault walked into the room to deliver the briefing. The squadron rose to attention, but he waved them to sit down. There was no time for such things.

"You've probably heard rumours of an attack on the Bay. Well, let me assure you, it is true. And they need experienced pilots up there. Therefore, I've been ordered to brief you on the situation."

He clicked a button on his remote, bringing a projector to life. On the screen was a map of the Bay of Aersan, where both Allied and enemy ships and positions were marked. Key targets were outlined as well.

"As you can see, the Belkans are beginning to enter the bay itself. Soon enough, they will reach their objectives, which we have outlined speculated objectives here."

He pointed to several targets, from the facilities themselves to the nearby cities. Both the Strength and the superdreadnoughts were listed as targets.

"You're going to make a refuel stop at Patal, and move in from there. You are to expect stiff resistance from the enemy, but I know you can do it. Now get your asses in gear and get to your planes."

With a strong "Yes sir," the twelve Wardogs were away...


Twelve Flakens rose from the runway at Sand Island, Flights One, Two, and Three of Wardog squadron ready to take on the Belkans. They made their stop at Patal, refueled, and continued on their long journey to the bay. Just as the Belkans were entering the bay in full force, the Wardogs began their defense of the facilities.

"Flight One, on me."
"Copy that, Blaze. Edge, forming up."
"Chopper, two lit and ready, forming up."
"Archer, ready to get at them, forming up."

The two other flights joined into their formations, and the Wardogs were away...
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#6 Ash


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 08:43 PM

The Belkan attack was vicious and fast, the early aircraft wings striking with antiship missiles at the AA-dedicated vessels while the ships continued on.

The fighters dodged, weaving left and right to miss SAMs, and kept low to keep beneath the flak fire.

"This is Eagle One, form up. Tally-ho on the Strength. Get ready for lock-on...Eagle Two, do you have a lock?"
"Negative, I'm splitting and hitting the fuel dump. You hit the carrier, I have the fuel in my sights; bombs free! Bombs free!

Towards the other end of the harbour, Vulture Wing was mirroring Eagle's approach. This time, Vulture One ordered one of his wing to take down the fuel dump. If they failed to destroy the vessels, they knew they could at least slow down their use.

"All ships, be on the lookout for counterattacks. Air, land, sea, however it is, the counterattack will come." were the words from the Admiral, "Good luck, everyone."

#7 crave22


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 09:07 PM

"Wardog squadron, this is AWACs Thunderhead. We have multiple contacts moving in on the fuel dumps and carrier berths. Flak fire is ceasing with friendly interceptors arriving, so you don't have to worry about firendly fire. Good luck, Wardogs."
"Copy that, Thunderhead.", Blaze responded. "Moving in now."

The four Falkens sped towards the oncoming wall of fighters, spraying them with their cannons and loosing several missiles. They doubled around on a second pass, trying to keep them away from their targets long enough to destroy them.

Several bombs, however, got through, setting the fuel dumps ablaze in a raging inferno. While the battle raged above, fire crews battled the flames below.

Typhoons and Wyverns, meanwhile, launched from airfields all around the bay, in an attempt to intercept the bombers and keep them distracted long enough to catch them off guard. In all, the majority of the Aesanian Home Defense Air Force in the area was in the air.

Excalibur Laser AP-2
Control Center

"We have multiple planes on the radar. Think they'll get this far inland?"
"I don't think they even know we're here..."

The commander of this particular laser in the network paced about the room as technicians sat at their stations, watching the battle unfold intently. He spoke up after hearing his men speak amongst themselves.

"We wait for the order to fire, and when we recieve it, pick a target. So stop worrying about it until you actually have to."
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#8 Ash


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 09:15 PM

Some of the fighters broke off to keep the defending Wardog Squadron at bay, while others moved in to take on the carrier and her escorts. At the far end of the bay, the superdreads were imposing sights, all lined up. Queueing for death. If nothing else, there was comfort in that this was rather a rookie squadron ((ooc: I'm imagining this like First Strike...where the Yukes are pummelling the Osean docks...except I hope to do a bit more damage than that :p )). Even if they proved to be something special, they couldn't be everywhere at once.

"There's only four of them. Second wave is right behind us. We've caught these shnooks napping, now let's give them everything we've got!"

The Belkan submarines heading up the fleet went forward at full speed. They'd poured the entire fleet into this engagement and they were going to see it through at any cost. Those dreadnoughts would see the bottom by the end of the day, and that carrier would be left unfit to carry a paper napkin.

#9 crave22


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 09:22 PM

((OOC: Problem is they are my best of the best in this. Why else would I divert them all the way from Sand Island? :p Anyway, I'll post IC tomorrow or later tonight.))
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#10 Ash


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 09:27 PM

OOC: They might be the only ones in the area :p

#11 crave22


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Posted 26 July 2006 - 06:02 PM

UNS Andhrímnir

"Get us out there! Now, damnit, now!"

Crews scrambled to their stations aboard the monster Andhrímnir, the only dreadnought close enough to completion to be seaworthy. Her water jets fired up, and she gradually pulled from her berth. Her ETC guns swiveled into firing positions, and ripped open with tremendous force... Anti-sub torpedoes launched from hidden tubes along the sides of the Andhrímnir as missiles and shells flew in every possible direction.

Meanwhile, Wardog squadron engaged the Belkans full on, with Flights Two and Three taking up flanking positions around the famed Flight One. They cut through the skies, fighting with such courage to defend their homeland.

Excalibur Laser AP-2
Control Center

The phone rang, and the commander of this laser paused as he picked it up off the hook. It was the red phone.


He listened intently for a few miniutes, then hung up the phone slowly.

"Pick a target and fire.", he said softly. "We get to teach the barbarians what happens when you fuck with the Union in it's neighborhood."
"Yes, sir!", a technician said with enthusiasm.

They set to work, selecting targets around the bay like an executioner chooses the order in which he kills those sentenced to death...

Excalibur Laser AP-2

Security guards could hear a deep buzzing as the laser powered up. Cooling towers rose from their positions in the ground around the laser, and began spraying their fluids on the main tower to keep it cool.

At that moment, a blue-purple beam lashed out to it's target: A Belkan squadron flying over the bay. It would not be the last time this behemoth fired that day...
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#12 Ash


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Posted 26 July 2006 - 07:29 PM

Half the Belkan squadron was ripped apart. The rest was able to break off.

The fleet suffered damage from the Aesanian attacks, but held its resolve and its fleet firm.

What the Aesanians had not yet counted on was the Archangel. She lobbed a large salvo of burst missiles in towards the Aesanian defensive forces and the dreadnoughts. Varying altitudes ensured a wall of destruction from ground level to two thousand feet in the air. Fortunately, what remained of the Belkan air wing had blasted up to a good four thousand before it occurred, while the Belkan navy was outside of the blast wave. The Aesanian forces, of course, were not so lucky.

#13 crave22


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Posted 26 July 2006 - 07:40 PM

"Multiple burst missiles detected!", a technician at the laser complex shouted.

The laser fired in quick succession, taking out two of the missiles.

"Shit! We can't fire for another 30 seconds! Where the fuck is the Arkbird!?"
"She'll be over in about an hour, sir..."

Many of the Aesanian aircraft managed to climb to barely above 2000ft, but many more suffered a horrible fate...

"Those fuckers..."


Port Inlet

The Belkans, however, had made a crucial mistake. The Home Defense Fleet had put to sea earlier, and as the Belkans moved into the bay through the bottleneck, the HDF moved to cap that bottle. They made their presence known with a massive barrage of missiles and shells as they took up positions around the mouth, effectively trapping the Belkans inside. Subs took forward positions in the area, patrolling the inlet to ensure none escaped. Meanwhile, those subs not delegated to patrol were called to hunt a worthy prize... The Archangel.

In all, the Aesanian forces had taken a heavy blow. Most of the aircraft in the local area had been destroyed, and there was little air cover. What air cover there was, though, fought on valiantly, using their brains and their planes to strike a blow to the barbarians...
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#14 Ash


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 11:50 PM

The Archangel wouldn't go down without a fight in any case. In the meantime, her compliment of fighters and UAVs circled for any potential targets to engage, whatever they may be, and she launched salvoes targeting the ships while the rest of the fleet advanced, attempting to cut a swathe through the new dreadnoughts under cover of their fleet air arm.

#15 crave22


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Posted 05 August 2006 - 04:10 PM

The only functioning superdread had moved into the center of the harbor by this time, firing wildly in every possible direction. The other two had already kissed the bottom of the harbor, never leaving their berths. The last remaining one had already sustained hits, but continued the fight nonetheless. She would go down in a blaze of gunfire or not go down at all.

The battle continued to rage...

Wardog One
High Above the Battle

Blaze flew with incredible precision, his wingmates by his side through the intense fight. However, his radio blared on a frequency used strictly for the highest orders.

"Dogs, you are to immediately return to Patal AFB for reassignment. There is something much bigger going on right now. Do you copy?"
"We copy. Blaze out."

The Wardogs began their exit, flying deep into the Aesanian homeland.

Edited by crave22, 05 August 2006 - 04:21 PM.

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#16 Ash


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Posted 05 August 2006 - 09:34 PM

With the intended targets all but annihilated, the Belkan navy began to concentrate fire on the third dreadnought. Several of the Belkan ships were in flames, or had huge holes gouted out of their sides, but continued on nonetheless.

Some of the minelayer-class submarines on the Belkan side began to fling them like depth charges, rather than the more conventionally-used method of just letting them go into the water. These mines were aimed at other surface vessels.

The fighters, meanwhile, were laying waste to the harbour facilities themselves, or were busying themselves mopping up whatever of the AU fighters still weren't smoking wrecks. The Archangel had hit hard, and now sank deeper into the water, first making a full-speed burst before cutting all engines and sinking down like a weight. The AU wouldn't hear her on the D-mics, and her depth would help her evade all but the bravest of AU subs. With nearly all of the Belkan navy engaged elsewhere, she couldn't call for aid. She had to just slip away quietly. Her fighter compliment banked northwest; they'd land on the nearest carrier, or would eject and be rescued, allowing their planes to thrust into a structure. After all, planes were replaceable.

#17 crave22


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Posted 12 August 2006 - 08:39 PM

Their targets destroyed, the Belkans began a withdrawl. The three superdreadnoughts had been made one with the bottom of Aersan Bay, and most of the port facilities in the surrounding area had been obliterated. The Belkans had managed to complete most of their objectives, crippling Aesanian naval power tremendously.

As they began to leave, Aesanian fire intensified. It was known that the Belkans would escape. But they were to take as many casualties as possible in their retreat from the bay. They would be allowed to leave, but a counterattack was already in planning. One that would change the face of the Belkan navy forever...

((Skip into Opn. Ragnarok, thank you very muchly. ;) ))
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