Sex: Male
Hair: Blonde, long, rather messy
Eyes: Blue
Height: Around 5'7" (about 1.7 meters)
Weight: Hasn't weighed himself in a while, but a little on the thin side
Age: 20
Pre-outbreak Profesion: Drifter
Weapons: Large knife he's always carried to protect himself
Other Items: None (his backpack was stolen)
Clothes: I don't know what season this is in, so I'll make two sets of clothing. Summer: Worn cargo pants, loose brown t-shirt, worn sneakers Winter: Same, with oversized brown marine jacket.(Hard to explain what it looks like...but it's here)
Description: A young, white vagrant. He doesn't look like he's been on the streets for too long. His facial hair is beginning to get a bit scruffy, but isn't very long. He seems to have a constant look of sadness, but whether it's because he's sad or because his face just looks that way is unknown. He usually has a fairly laid-back attitude, but that could change with the virus outbreak.
Edited by Darkskul, 29 October 2007 - 02:33 AM.