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Operation Farbarossa

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#1 chemical ali

chemical ali

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 10:12 PM

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And so it begins! The liberation of Yuktobania as the 10 Lancers left their airbases 4 hours ago striking targets with directed Storm Shadow Strikes on front line defences of the Yuktobanian armed forces.

Meanwhile from their bases in Surumar F-35A's pounded airbases knocking out runways, fuel dumps and munition bunkers with the aim to disabling the enemys airforce!

Meanwhile Clandonian troops crossed the border on mass with streams of Challenger 3 tanks engaging in the plains with their superior gunnery and armour the massive numbers of enemy obselete tanks would stand no chance. Paratroopers from their base in Surumar bailed out from the skys looking like a sea of men falling from the heavons from the big bellie hatchs of the C-130K's of the CFS, aiming to secure airbases. Artilery pounded away as the Commando artilery regiments met with their larger AS-90 cousins blowing away the dirt as the guns fired creating a deafening sound.

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Clandonias 20,000 marines crossed the bridges constructed proudly by the Clandonian Field Enginers rode high on their Stryker IFV's gun toting happy waving the Clandonian flag. The 16th Air Assault Brigade with active expirience in Germania rode through on their Chinooks and Apache supports escourting the marines as the crossed in a large T-shape into Yuktobania

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Locals celebrated as Clandonian tanks roled in more arrived in the ports of Surumar and in the bellies of the C-5's and C-17's joining the transport convoys all the way they hoped the Yuktobania.

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Secret Request to ComFIAN:

We request that everyone moves in and finally achieve our objective or destroying ISAF, we ask for the Rivanians push forward and meet up with our forces we catch them offguard now free their Socialist craving people and conquer another land. For the great alliance of the ComFIAN!
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

Economic Left/Right: 10.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.56

#2 Paladin58


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 10:41 PM


Towards the north of Yuktobanian territory, word got to the Prime Minister of the invasion by the Clandonians.
"Well, it looks like we must prepare. Begin Operation Greenlight. All troops are to let the Clandonians in. Don't fight them, let them over-extend. Send Razgriz Squadron to take out those damned bombers. We will not fall to these invaders..."

As the Clandonians moved in, they met less and less resistance from the Yuktobanian army, except for the random airstrikes and air raids coming from the north.

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

Posted Image <-This stays up there for you, buddy!

#3 chemical ali

chemical ali

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 10:48 PM

'Roger that', as the ten F-302's the group captin took the lead from its base in Surumar as they sped through the mountains they saw on the ground as they spread through the explosions from AS-90 gun fire pummled through the defences.

'Engage all hostile air targets.'

'Yes sir.'

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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

Economic Left/Right: 10.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.56

#4 crave22


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 12:07 AM

The response from the Aesanian Union, however, was swift. Planes launched from bases around Tarsan, moving to intercept and break the lines of the Clandonian air forces. Wyverns spiraled upwards into the skies, moving to intercept the Clandonians.

In the meantime, the Divine Shield Network activated, with the two Excalibur-type lasers based in Tarsan springing to life and preparing to pick off Clandonian squadrons one by one...


Yuktobanian-Aesanian Border

The Third Army silently slipped across the border into Yuktobania in order to reinforce their allies and give them the boost they needed. Forces were being recalled worldwide as the ComFIAN penetrated the northern continent.

The Aesanian government was two steps away from initiating the endgame doctrine, the next step being enemy forces on home soil. It was something they were determined to keep from happening.

But at this point, it was inevitable...
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#5 Paladin58


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 01:20 AM

"Captain, we have one hostile bogie, flying fast. It's heading straight for us. Shall we arm Sidewinders?" said one of the pilots of Razgriz Squadron, ready to flip the switch for Sidewinder warhead arming.
"Check on that, Razgriz one. If he wants a dogfight, he'll get one. Prepare to engage."

The four Wyvern fighters speed towards the F-302 fighters, preparing for a showdown of the skies...

Edited by Nology5890, 02 August 2006 - 07:59 AM.

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

Posted Image <-This stays up there for you, buddy!

#6 Blodo


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 06:17 AM

Official message to Clandonia transmitted internationally on RTV National News:

Mrezov first gave a speech about internal matters, then moved on to the subject of war with the ISAF.

On the subject of Yuktobania: It is my personal woe that it would be unwise to cross the border at this stage. The Clandonians have made the error of not evaluating the plan with Rivanan high command, and although we would definatly be all behind the idea of liberating Yuktobania from the capitalist pigs, at the current stage of the now uncovered Lumiaran resistance - approx. 3 hours before the Clandonian invasion - it would be extremely unwise to allow our supply lines to be broken by any rebels in number. Leaving enough forces to keep the whole country in check would leave Rivana itself undefended, and the southern wolf would probably not hesitate to use the situation. That not being enough, Auroria is on the brink of civil war. Should it succumb, our only supply routes would probably break down, effectively cutting off our forces in Pythogria and Lumiara. As such it is with great pain that we must denounce help to the Clandonians during this operation. It is imperative that we maintain our position and focus on internal matters.

(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists.
(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

#7 Paladin58


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 06:54 AM

OOC: Yeah, Ali, if you are talking about the Surumarian locals here, it's okay, but if you are talking about Yuktobanian citizens cheering as they watch their country get steamrolled, I consider it a small bit of godmodding. If you would refrain from that in the future, that'd make me a little happier. :lol:

Edited by Nology5890, 02 August 2006 - 06:55 AM.

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

Posted Image <-This stays up there for you, buddy!

#8 chemical ali

chemical ali

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 07:51 AM

'Sir what shall we do we have lost word of command from HQ in Clandonia, what shall we do?'

'Withdraw.... I didn't want to go here the Atlantians have suposedly delcared war on us now its not going our way....'

'Stop all traffic and tell everyone to get back to Surumar we are taking casuatlies for a war we didnt need to go into....'

As the word of the possible military leadership coup de etat in Clandonia spread across the country as people woke up their armed forces were left alone wondering what to do, the General commander had just issued the withdraw as the Breaking News Banner went on CNN focusing on the killings at the Clandonian Ministry of Defence in Clandon City......
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

Economic Left/Right: 10.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.56

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