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AEN/MR Submarine Operations

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#1 MSpencer


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Posted 05 August 2006 - 04:10 PM

AES Juno (SSN-246)
Exoan Ocean, Known Sealane
All was quiet in the control center of the Swordfish class submarine. Once a pinnacle of Atlantian submarine construction, she was now nearing the end of her service life, and although upgrades tried to breathe new life into her every few years, design flaws were becoming evident when compared with the newer Pike class. However, she still was quite adept at her current mission, sealane interdiction.
Suddenly, a beeping came from a communications console, the floating buoy had received a transmission.
So which is it?, the Captain wondered as he walked over to the readout, and read:

"Right gentlemen, we've received confirmation. Weapons, bring up track Sierra Seven, prepare a Skipper. Officer of the Deck, make your depth 6-3 feet," he said, grasping at a handle near the communications system as the submarine shifted. A "Skipper", as it was referred to by submariners, was the SLGM-33B Long Range Anti-Surface Missile, known as such for it's tendency to create accidental sounds with air disturbance from having an extremely low cruise altitude. Yes, it made it significantly more deadly, however without too much work, or an adjustment, a skilled sonar operator could find out a good bearing on where the shot came from. Thankfully, the only thing around then flying Clandonian flags was Sierra Seven, the track name for a Clandonian civilian oil tanker. Above them, an S-8G maritime patrol craft circled about, tracking the tanker with her visual sensors and her Surface Search Radar. She was out of missiles, having expended them on earlier targets, and was simply loitering to confirm the kill...
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#2 MSpencer


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Posted 28 October 2006 - 02:46 AM

RAS Proteus, SSN-229
Centro Ocean, near the DAR-Belkan border

For two hours, the RAS Proteus had sat quietly in the depths waiting for the right moment to strike. Her target was the nearly crippled, moderately damaged AES Levasseur, the destroyer which had taken a hit from the ridiculously disorganized resistance put up by the Marine Républicaine's "Main Strike Group".
The target for today was to be hit fairly soon. Enemy ships had moved away from the damaged destroyer, now escorted solely by a single cruiser as they made their way northwards at a snail's pace. Despite the damage to the destroyer's hull, her size still loomed intimidatingly. Her superstructure bristling with antennae, the powerful ship was capable of targeting and engaging enemy ships miles and miles away. They had been built at such a cost to the old Imperial regime that only three could be constructed. Now, one had been blown apart, and the other had been crippled and was now being assessed by Marine Républicaine personnel after the hasty FAF retreat. Powered by dual naval nuclear reactors, the ship was usually capable of a solid thirty two knots, sustainable nearly indefinitely. With a lucky hit from the now greatly damaged Réquin, the vessel was restricted to a mere fifteen, a consequence of the high damage to Reactor #2 which had to be shut down.
This fact was not lost on the crafty commander of the RAS Proteus. He had originally been the tactical officer on board the RAS Perseverance, and had become fairly well acquainted with fleet attack tactics. Unfortunately, that had been only a month ago. The commanding officer, executive officer, tactical officer, and engineering officer of the Proteus had been shipped off mostly to the Garde Elevée camp at Cataan, although as a "political liability", in that definition the daughter of a fairly prominent assemblyman, the XO had been shot and dumped into the harbor of Oporto when the GE came to haul the rest of them away. With the loss of over 2/3rds of the senior command staff of the fleet to the camps during the brutal purges, ensigns found themselves promoted to lieutenant commander, and lower level officers were suddenly finding themselves in command positions. The Proteus was one such case.
Merely hours after the debilitating strike on the Marine Républicaine, the black beast went to periscope depth, and a few seconds later, opened four of her front tubes and fired, simultaneously, four anti-ship fire and forget missiles at her primary target, before entering a crash dive to escape any retribution from the onboard ASROCs or ASW helicopters. The large missiles hummed along not unnoticed by their quarry. Missiles streaked up from VLS systems, then downwards towards the rapidly approaching projectiles. One was hit, and then another, by the desperate coordinated efforts of the two ships, but despite the efforts of the CIWS system, the others slipped by. Hitting the aft superstructure, with the other striking the bow dead on, the aft of the Levasseur exploded in a sharp burst of light and heat. The radar mast, home to the SPY-1E radar system, collapsed inwards, striking the now painfully vacant hole where a helicopter platform had once been.
The hit to the fore section was more severe. The missile had punctured the hull and exploded, blowing the bow clean off and causing massive flooding in sections 1 through 6. Pressure doors had been closed, but the Levasseur, for all intents and purposes, was now trapped, dead in the water.
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#3 MSpencer


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Posted 29 October 2006 - 03:40 PM

RAS Paragon, SSN-237
Centro Ocean, Aesanian Civilian Shipping Lane

For weeks the DAR Intelligence Section had been receiving reports of Aesanian passenger ships, serving routes to Blaglug and Yuktobania, having secret encounters with illegal Atlantian passenger vessels in a bid to extricate persons of interest from the mainland and deliver them safely abroad. The whole thing was a lovely story, likely a ruse concocted by a politically reliable mid-level intelligence officer with an excellent imagination and prodigious skill in making up facts, but of course, the humorless First Directorate of Operations had ordered interdiction patrols all along the coast.
The Paragon was to undertake the first such patrol, with stringent orders to engage any suspicious ships without first relaying a message to command. Neutrality was to be ignored in this case, neutrality certainly didn't apply to the protectors of convicted criminals, murderers, scoundrels, and rapists under the command of that aristocratic, self-promoted bloodthirsty murderous buffoon.
The first target of the day had been spotted, an Aesanian cruise ship, massive and slow moving. Since the general direction she was heading in, west along the coast to take in the beautiful scenes of the windswept cliffs, seemed rather suspicious to the overly paranoid and brainwashed crew, she was deemed to be a legal target. The Paragon quietly slipped upwards, nearly to the surface, and prepared to fire one torpedo to deal with the terrible threat that the massive, unarmed vessel posed to national security. The foolish terrorists would pay for their treasonous activities.
Moments later, one FT17 533mm torpedo flew from its tube, zipping along at a good 23 knots. They would now just watch and wait...

OOC: Purposely left it a bit vaporous. Wondering if perhaps cruise ships are protected by an old formerly mothballed frigate or cruiser as they sometimes are in times of war in at-risk areas. Also I'll let you RP the damage.
Cruise ships are lovely targets y'know.
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