A Fingulfin Tutorial
First off, thank you to all the good Folks at T3A who tried to help me get this working, including, but not limited to, Solinx, 2PlayGames, and Cahik_.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a working Commandset Switch, compatable with BFME II.
Now on to the tutorial!
Switching Menu Tutorial
1: The Files
You will need to have a medium level knowledge of coding, including at least an O.K. knowledge of CommandButtons.
2: The CommandSet
Open CommandSet.ini, and create your new commandset. It should look along the lines of this:
CommandSet MyUnitSet End
Now we will add all the spots.
CommandSet MyUnitSet ; 1 = ; 2 = ; 3 = ; 4 = ; 5 = ; 6 = ; 7 = ; 8 = ; 9 = ; 10 = ; 11 = ; 12 = ; 13 = ; 14 = ; 15 = ; 16 = ; 17 = ; 18 = ; 19 = ; 20 = ; 21 = ; 22 = ; 23 = ; 24 = ; 25 = ; 26 = ; 30 = End
For Starters, leave everything commented out.
3: More CommandSets
Now is where it starts to get logical
CommandSet MyUnitSet //Main Menu 1 = Command_ToggleStance ; 2 = ; 3 = ; 4 = ; 5 = ; 6 = ; 7 = 8 = Command_AttackMove //Menu 2 ; 9 = ; 10 = ; 11 = ; 12 = ; 13 = ; 14 = ; 15 = 16 = Command_AttackMove //Extras 30 = Command_CaptureBuilding 31 = Command_Stop End
You will see why it looks like this in a little bit. The Toggle Stance button is there so you can toggle Stances, Capture Building so you can Capture Stuff, Stop for the hell of it, and attack move at the bottom of every menu, so we can attack move no matter what menu we are on (I learned this the hard way )
4: The Visible Buttons
Add this at the top of the list, right under the CommandButton name, and Right Under the //Main Menu.
InitialVisible = 8
This makes it so only the first 8 buttons are pressable (so our hotkeys don't get confused). This is also the reason for all the attack Moves. Don't worry, we can still capture buildings and stop!
5: The CommandButton
Now we will make 2 Buttons. Do a search for one of the Fortress Menu Switchers (Example: Command_SelectUpgradesMordorFortress) Copy and paste one to the bottom of CommandSet.ini
CommandButton Command_SelectUpgradesMordorFortress Command = PUSH_VISIBLE_COMMAND_RANGE TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:SelectUpgradesMordorFortress ButtonImage = UCCommon_UpgradeStructureNew ButtonBorderType = SYSTEM DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipCommandSelectUpgradesMordorFortress Radial = Yes CommandRangeStart = 6 CommandRangeCount = 7 End
First, rename it 'Menu2Switcher', and tell it
CommandRangeStart = 8 CommandRangeCount = 8
Now amend it to look like this:
CommandButton Command_Menu2Switcher Command = PUSH_VISIBLE_COMMAND_RANGE TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:SelectUpgradesMordorFortress ButtonImage = UCCommon_UpgradeStructureNew ButtonBorderType = SYSTEM DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipCommandSelectUpgradesMordorFortress Radial = No InPalantir = No CommandRangeStart = 8 CommandRangeCount = 8 End
Note how I made it so you will not see the button (Radial = No, InPalantir = No). The 'Button Image' does not matter, as this button is invisible!
6: Enter the STR!
Now comes the interesting part: Under 'Text Label' type in CONTROLBAR:SwitchMenu. Then in your STR Type the Following:
CONTROLBAR:SwitchMenu "&M" End
This makes it so the HotKey for this button is 'M'.
However, the user will have no clue what it is, so we have to find a way to alert them!
7: The ShortCut Button
Make a new button. The Command doesn't matter, as you will not be able to click it. This is what I used:
CommandButton Command_Menu2Shortcut Command = CANCEL_UPGRADE Options = NONPRESSABLE TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:Menu2 DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipMenu2 ButtonImage = UCCommon_EvilHeroes ButtonBorderType = ACTION InPalantir = Yes EndNow a little bit about this button: It is Non-Pressable, which means the command Does not matter, It is 'InPalantir' so you can see it, it has an image (so you can see it ) ant it has a 'TextLabel' and a 'DescriptLabel'. Now lets go fill those in.
8: More STRs and ComandSets
In your STR make 2 Strings:
CONTROLBAR:Menu2 "Go to Second Menu" End CONTROLBAR:ToolTipMenu2 "Press 'M' to go to the second menu" End
Now add these 2 buttons to your commandset. When you are done, it should look like this:
CommandSet MyUnitSet InitialVisible = 8 //Main Menu 1 = Command_ToggleStance ; 2 = ; 3 = ; 4 = ; 5 = 6 = Command_Menu2Shortcut 7 = Command_Menu2Switcher 8 = Command_AttackMove //Menu 2 ; 9 = ; 10 = ; 11 = ; 12 = ; 13 = ; 14 = ; 15 = 16 = Command_AttackMove //Extras 30 = Command_CaptureBuilding 31 = Command_Stop EndNotice how the Working Button Is in the '7' Slot. This makes it so you can't see it (in the palantir it would be an invisible slot) but it is still active! The 'Shortcut' IS visible, so the player can hover over it, and be able to see what button to push to activate it.
Our CommandSet will now Switch! But we are not finished yet!
9: How do we get back?
Make another button:
CommandButton Command_MainMenuSwitcher Command = PUSH_VISIBLE_COMMAND_RANGE TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GoToMain ; ButtonImage = UCCommon_EvilHeroes ButtonBorderType = SYSTEM ; DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGoToMain Radial = No InPalantir = No CommandRangeStart = 0 CommandRangeCount = 8 EndThen Fill in Your STR:
Make yet one more button (another Shortcut) that looks like this:
CommandButton Command_MainMenuShortcut Command = CANCEL_UPGRADE Options = NONPRESSABLE TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:MainMenuShortCut DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipMainMenuShortCut ButtonImage = UCCommon_BackArrow ButtonBorderType = ACTION InPalantir = Yes EndAnd once again, fill in the STR:
CONTROLBAR:MainMenuShortCut "Go to Main Menu" End CONTROLBAR:ToolTipMainMenuShortCut "Press 'N' to go back to the main Menu." End
Add them to the commandSet and you are done!
10: Finished Work
You should, in total, have made 1 CommandSet, 4 CommandButtons, 6 STR Strings, and 1 Menu Switching System! Your Finished CommandSet should look like this:
CommandSet MyUnitSet InitialVisible = 8 //Main Menu 1 = Command_ToggleStance ; 2 = ; 3 = ; 4 = ; 5 = 6 = Command_Menu2Shortcut 7 = Command_Menu2Switcher 8 = Command_AttackMove //Menu 2 ; 9 = ; 10 = ; 11 = ; 12 = ; 13 = 14 = Command_MainMenuShortcut 15 = Command_MainMenuSwitcher 16 = Command_AttackMove //Extras 30 = Command_CaptureBuilding 31 = Command_Stop EndJust add your powers into the commented slots, and you have a hero with a HUGE Arsenal!
I hope this tutorial was helpful! If you beleive you can help me improve upon it, send me an e-mail at ulairemapping@yahoo.com, a PM on Revora, or simply post in the Topic where you found this!
Thanks in Advance,
Solinx: Corrected a numerical typo which led to some confusion.
Edited by Solinx, 23 October 2006 - 06:09 PM.