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#1 chemical ali

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Posted 27 August 2006 - 02:34 PM

In the briefing room of the Clandonian military command in Union City, excilled but not with the supplies from the ISAF ready to prepare for operations again as units were resupplied. The naval forces were preparing an operation in communication with a Yuktobanian and the AU militarys, a task force was being sent to rescue the Atlantian prisoner President Tetigen before he was killed in the concentratin camp.

Using AU space technology they were able to see the island off the coast of Atlantia, estimates that there were 100 or so guards and at least 3 ships in moored up. In preparation Clandonian has mustered up several ships which were being resupplied ready for combat operations.

Pugwash Destroyers
URCS Blackdoor
URCS Jacknight
URCS Hoodwink

Bombardment Class Aircraft Carrier
URCS New Warrier

Alonex Missile Cruisers
URCS Orca Knight
URCS Wishthink

The ships supported by 42 Marine Commando Brigade, totaling around 1000 combat marines on the various ships. Support from the 22nd Joint Special Forces division and Clandonian airforce for recon provided by Nimrod MR4 aircraft and the airsupport provided by the Joint F-35A task group operating off the carrier. The operation is expected to commence in 2 days with the ships already on the way, we hope to meet up with the AU navy in the Dalsan straits and we invite Yuktobanian forces onto our ships and aircraft.
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#2 crave22


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Posted 28 August 2006 - 04:01 PM

Echo team, the same squad which assisted in the rescue of Premier Porokov, will be deployed with the Clandonian forces to help rescue Teitgen. We can only hope we will arrive in time...
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#3 chemical ali

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Posted 28 August 2006 - 04:15 PM

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And so the Clandonian small Carrier Battle Group went to action, aproaching from its patrol area towards the Darsan Straits off the coast of Blaglug. The AU special forces team had touched down on the carrier from helicopter and were being introduced, the once mortal enemis to their new friends of the Clandonian 22nd Joint Special Forces Divison.

From bases in Surumar, Clandonian Nimrod MR4's operated providing up to date intel of the location of possibly hostile Atlantian naval forces. The plan was simple, get in and get out. Forces would land via ridgid raider boats, they would advance in and wait for forces to cut the islands power by frying the transformers and cutting the communication systems from the mainland. Then using CWS and NVG they would go in, get Tetigen and get out as quickly as possible by this time the ships would have begun sailing away so helicopters would extract the forces.
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The forces would launch in just under 3 hours time......

Edited by chemical ali, 28 August 2006 - 04:18 PM.

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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#4 chemical ali

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Posted 28 August 2006 - 07:08 PM

Clandonian Warrier Carrier Naval Taskforce, Darsan Straights,
off the coast of Atlantia
2000 Hours

As dusk began, the assault boats were lowered into the water from the carrier the special forces team assembled in them, suited up in C95 clothing, weapons locked and loaded with the NVG headsets and CWS weapon sights.

The leader a Clandonian Colour Sergent with 20 years special forces work in him, he looked at his fresh faced team and towards his Aesanian counterpart with their small team of eight members. The Clandonian men numbered 40 in total, 20 were set for taking out the power and communication centre with the other 20 acompanying the Aesanian team to get Tetigen from the prison. The boats got moving as the ships began a rapid turn around to a patrol and combat stance in the Straights, the 20 of so miles to the shore where they saw the lights on the land of the Atlantian GE guards and the lights of the ships moored up.

'OK team we will take the power plant down and get that comms mast down with explosives at the base.' Said the team leader in one of the boats.

In the other boat, the more dificult task of getting Tetigen out fell to the hands of Young corporal to the age of 22 years on his 3rd combat mission of the war so far. He knew that the guards would be etchy after the official declartion of war against Clandonia by the Atlantian regime. Overhead the buzz of a Nimrod MR4 its navigation lights off monitoring Atlantian communication movement and ready to come incase of hostile naval threat.

The rocky beach neared, the boats began scraping the bottom the engines were cut as the troops went into the water and began moving towards their asigned tasks. The first thing which would happen is all the lights would go out thanks to Tango squad as they ran towards the power station, Alpha team hid awating the signal of the explosion as the communication mast went down meaning they could go ahead for their part of the mission.

Back at CENTCOM in Auroria, the Chiefs of Staff sat around in the Situation Room smoking, drinking coffee and spirits from the well stocked Wet bar of the former Clandonian Airways First Class lounge at Union City Airport.

'General, how long will your boys be?'

'They should be back on that carrier by Midnight our time.'

'How are the patrols going?'

'Nothing as yet, we have detected several Atlantian Naval forces, their fleet is dispered they should'nt be a threat. The ships are on their way from the island after doing a running drop off the Atlantians will assume its a common naval patrol. The helicopters will go to pick them up once we get the signal if need be close air support will be operated off the carrier by the joint Navy and Airforce F-35A contignent.'

'Lets hope we get our man Tetigen.'

'And if it all goes wrong, we have the Marines ready to fight to death on the ships.....'
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#5 Paladin58


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Posted 28 August 2006 - 09:44 PM

Southern Yuktobania
Mrekolov AFB

"Okay, boys, here's the plan. We're gonna spring Teitgen. As we weren't immediately alerted due to still-faulty communications, we are stuck with the paradrop option. Our role is to HALO drop into the prison, and start taking out guards on the inside. All the while, our Aesanian and Clandonian friends are gonna keep the enemy's eyes off the prison," reports Master Sergeant Atley to his troops, the elite of the Yuktobanian armed forces,"You all will be assigned a quadrant of the prison, which you will clear of all hostiles. If you are able to, try to spring other prisoners on the way to Teitgen's location. That will be all. I will be leading Alpha squad; Jensen, you're Delta; Andersen, you're Bravo; and finally, Waltz, you're Omega's team leader. Stay clean, and slash the enemy to ribbons. I expect you all in the C-130 in twenty. Dismissed."

Southeast Yuktobania
Aznekoy AFB

"Gold, Blue and Red squadrons," begins the top ace Mig pilot and squadron leader of Gold Squadron, Charles "Penguin" Eckland, "We are going to get involved with an air engagement here," he then points to the spot on the map where the prison island is located," and give our allied ships in the area a much-needed rest from eventual air attacks from opposing forces. Rumor is that Emperor Teitgen, the rightful Atlantian ruler, is being held here by the faux government in place. we take off at 22:00, and fuel up at an as-yet-undisclosed AU AFB, most likely Sand Island. From there, we are supposed to provide round-the-clock air support to a three-mile perimeter of this island, and any allied naval assets on the way. You'll see Atlantian signatures up there, but don't be fooled. All Atlantian air assets are to be considered hostile, and fire on sight. Dismissed."

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

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#6 MSpencer


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Posted 28 August 2006 - 10:47 PM

Disposition of Forces (Bear in mind these are very weak units, company sized)

Cataan Defense Area
1st Independent Garrison Company (120 soldiers)
GE Camp Security Force (73 well trained soldiers)
AES Trebonia (CGNF-102) (Fleet Lead Variant)
AES Basilicus (CGN-104)
AES Blanchard (CVL-05)
AES Fearless (SSN-233)
AES Spartan (SSN-232)
AES Honorata (SSCVN-03)
Defense Group West (Pedosia)
103rd Marine Infantry Regiment
1st Marine Raider Brigade
184th Marine Airborne Regiment
333rd Marine Transport Wing
343rd Interceptor Squadron

AES Trebonia (CGNF-102)
"No sir, I'm trying, we have no response from anyone on the island including the nuclear labs," the communications officer said, obviously frustrated. Without warning, three minutes earlier, all power had gone down on the island. Worse, the communications seemed to be down, which was odd considering they were powered by a backup.
"TACCO, what's Thunderclap telling you?", an older gentleman wearing the insignias of a captain asked. Thunderclap was the name for the ARPVS-6E radar system, an addition to the SPY-1E radar system featured on the Trebonia subvariant. Essentially it sent out large bursts instead of continuous waves, thus reducing any constant signature while still providing some detection abilities. The system was still being worked on, but it was hoped that some day it could replace conventional radar, something not too accepted from any end except for the submariners.
"Absolutely nothing, it's dead out there," he said, hesitantly.
Now the only decision remaining was to scramble fighters from the Blanchard or to wait?

GE Camp for Highly Dangerous Prisoners #01
Cataan, Atlantia
Alerted to losing the lights in the compound, the GE guards set the camp into lockdown mode. The front gate was shut, and guards were armed. Additionally, thirty prisoners deemed as "low value" by the local Party official were shot. The system was long standing, a relic of the days before the government was reinstated, when the NWOP had held a say in government and had silently set up such a facility. It had been deactivated and the prisoners released by the rightful government... but now...
It was also on this note that the local garrison was alerted. Soon, they would move to secure high value sites, such as the Applied Biological Systems Lab, the "Republican" Nuclear Research Labs, and the "Republican" Advanced Design and Research Lab, all usually staffed by civilian scientists.
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#7 chemical ali

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Posted 28 August 2006 - 11:06 PM

'Good work tango squad, we are going in now!'

'Tango element is moving to secure perimiter now, we have active lock down it appears there is activity around the site, I have no idea what his place is there are some odd buildings around here and possibly more troops than we know off.'

'Roger going in now in 3,2,1!'

The low thud of a controled packet explosive went through the night sky, it had started to drizzle as alpha element moved in with two of the sharpshooters fired a volley of shots at two guards on the perimeter from their silenced SR-16's.

'OK get over that wall the gate is locked when you get the man, we will blow the wall away.'

As members of the team climbed over the wall under the cover of darkness their NVG and CWS monoculars glowing on their weapons they moved in past a pile of dead bodies in what looked like extremely dirty and old Belkan Uniforms.....

The team moved silently avoiding contact with all the guards if need be, they didn't want to kill them if but they were trained if they really had to, a silenced weapon, a stock but to the head or a quick but messy cut across the throat.

'Err nothing to be of worry sir but this area is showing up as hot?'

'What do you mean hot, soldier?'

'Sir this area is about 20% more radioactive than normal I have no idea why though.'

An 8 man sub team had managed to get to the cell block looking around, there were some odd sites, sealed rooms with biological warning signs, bins of used gloves and medical equipment, needles, all in sealed glass biologically marked containers.

'Why?' Thought the medic in the team, this was a prison cell block not a hospital wing.... what could be all the meaning of them?

The team came towards a heavily guarded cell, four GE guardsmen that were quickly dispatched with some quick head shooting from the smoking barrel of a supressed G36K.
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#8 MSpencer


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Posted 28 August 2006 - 11:16 PM

AES Trebonia (CGNF-102)
With the first explosion, the decision had been made. Using SATCOM and bouncing a signal off of a communications satellite, the Rear Admiral in charge of the defense force sent a message to command simply containing: UNDER ATTACK, UNKNOWN FORCE COMPOSITION, ASSIST.
Across the small stretch of sea, interceptors from the 343rd Interceptor Wing began to warm up and take off. Already the Alert 5 fighters on deck had taken off, while the men of the 184th Airborne Regiment began preparing to board transports for an immediate emergency drop.
Beneath the waves, the AES Honorata began preparations to surface and launch two F-35s on a ground attack mission. Their task was to recon the beaches, and check the status of the power plant.
Meanwhile, the group commander sat there biting his fingernails. Failure was a death sentence, but maybe not for him...
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#9 Paladin58


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Posted 28 August 2006 - 11:26 PM

Above Cataan Prison

"All teams, commence chute open."
"Order confirmed, opening chutes. Ready rifles, we're going in hot."
"I'm opening a link to the head of the Clandonian teams..."

As the slight poof sound of parachutes went, small black silhouettes could be seen against the dark clouds, floating towards the prison, weapons at the ready.

"Silent insertion achieved, how's things going groundside?"
OOC: Sorry about the sudden post, Spence, but I want to keep as a part of this insertion and infil.
200 miles from Cataan Prison

"It looks as if we'll get to have some fun, after all. Boxer, you and Levi take my wing. Everyone else, prepare for a showdown..." said Penguin in his Mig-29, ready to close the distance to Cataan...

Edited by Nology5890, 28 August 2006 - 11:43 PM.

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself,
first as a dark demon. As a demon it uses it power to rain death upon the land,
and then it dies. However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns
As the demon sleeps, man turns on man.
Its own blood, and madness soon cover the earth.
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz.
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.
Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath
The demon soars through the dark skies
Fear and Death trail its shadow beneath
Until Men united wield a hallowed sabre
In Final Reckoning, the beast is slain.
Razgriz intrerpretation

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#10 MSpencer


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Posted 28 August 2006 - 11:44 PM

RAS Trebonia (CGNF-104) (Forgot to redesignate)
The detection of numerous radar blips, transport planes, was certainly a cause for alarm. With no knowledge of exactly what side they were on, as the Air Force could be quite shady and then pull a fast one and blame it all on a navy commander, the Trebonia had signalled to hold fire, but scrambled the entire fighter complement of the RAS Blanchard, with twenty fighters with an anti-air loadout and ten more with a ground attack loadout. Furthermore, forces were promised from the mainland, and the Atlantis CVBG was alerted and sent post-haste to the beseiged island.
It was a full on invasion, it had to be.
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#11 chemical ali

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Posted 28 August 2006 - 11:45 PM

'Sir we have found the target, Tetigen is ours hes been preaty badly done we request that medical teams be on standby on New Warrier.'

'Roger that good work gentlemen.'

There was a sigh of relief in the command centre and on the operations centre on New Warrier. But it was not all over, overhead Tango element saw the F-35's swoop over, they flatned themselves to the ground.

'Shit, we need to get out now', there was the crack of automatic gunfire and chatter on the radios as teams were engageing with the GE guards, Yuktobanian paratroopers had arrived just in time.

'This is Parker, we are in the South West part, helicopters are on root regroup for heli extract in 15 minutes max.'

'Ten four, we are on your way with Tetigen.'

Then suddenly a shot to the head took down Alphas radioman, he was dead they grabbed his body as the M-249 gunner targeted the sniper in the guard tower. It was now a shootout with no idea of how many enemies out there. Another explosion tore down part of war, as the troops rushed towards the evac zone the aproaching drone of the Seahawks and Sea Lynx calmed the men.

'Sir we are requesting support from offshore.' the voice of the young tango leader he had 2 men injured not critically but these had been his first of the whole war. The medic treated them, flesh wounds but they needed asistance he could do nothing out in the field.

'Roger, we have four F-35's on your way.' Came the voice of the electronical warfare operator on the Nimrod out at sea who was co-ordinating the attack effort.

On the flight deck of the carrier, 4 pilots were in their planes, as they switched the engines to VTOL they rose off into the night sky towards the glowing island as the rcommunication centre and power station burned. The marine contingenet watched from the ships as they saw the aircraft shoot towards the island as the ships moved away at a good speed.
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#12 crave22


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 12:39 AM

"Need some help?", Echo team's combat medic asked as he approached the Clandonian medic and wounded soldier. A few weeks earlier, the man had wanted to have a piece of the Clandonians. Now he was helping them with every bit of courage he could muster.

Echo team had followed along with the Clandonians on this operation, taking a back seat and playing more of a supporting role. Their weapons were M4's, very common weapons throughout the world. Their equipment? Made to look like that of Rivanan special operations, from uniforms borrowed from the Free Rivanans. ((Hope you don't mind, Blodo. Just to spice things up politically. :) )) They fought on boldly, their supressed weapons firing off in the night.

They made their way with the Clandonians to the extraction zone, fighting along the way as best they could. All that was left to be done was pray...
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#13 MSpencer


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 02:25 AM

Prayer would probably be required. After scrambling its entire complement of F-35s, the RAS Blanchard sent for assistance, assistance which was rendered by the 343rd Interceptor Squadron, and two S-8s out of NAS Cataan. In the mean time, the garrison company, realizing they had been duped, mobilized from the labs and began joining their partially routed GE comrades in pursuing the invading force. Curiously enough, they had decided to turn tail and run.
Meanwhile, the RAS Fearless and RAS Spartan began moving into position to engage enemy naval assets. The fools would now be working on a highly limited time table. Northeast of the island, a small submarine force began to occupy the Darsan Straights, but this force had not so readily changed designations and flags. The AES Danae, AES Dragon, and AES Perseverance stood ready to escort the coalition ships and if the need arose, secure the Emperor by force, under the direct orders of Vice Admiral Tillon. West of there, the AES Monarch, AES Levasseur, and AES Gloire prepared to set sail to the east as soon as possible, but remained stationary at the moment to provide quick reaction to any... precarious situations developing.
To the southeast of the small island, however, the Sovereign SAG, as well as the rest of the carrier fleet, were scrambled from their defense missions along the south coast to move up and eliminate the enemy forces.
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#14 chemical ali

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Posted 29 August 2006 - 10:40 AM

The helicopters didn't dare to land, they were just hovered about a metre from the ground, the Clandonian, Aesanian and Yuktobanian special forces had to jump or climb up with Tetigen rescued, but with one Clandonian KIA and others wounded the command leadership sure hoped that it was worth the whole op. As the helicopters left, they say the fighter support from New Warrier F-35 similar to the Atlantian design. News on the wire was that they had stired up a hornets nest and the task force was sailing at full speed to get away, fearing the threat of hostile naval forces Clandonia had scrammbled from its Surumar Station the 201st Nimrod Squadron had been scrambled and was on its way by the time the Clandonian naval forces were over the Darsan Straights it had been ordered to engage all hostile surface and underwater vessels with MK4 Harpoon and Stingray for anti ship and submarine use. If the Atlantians did catch up then they were to get Tetigen away first and call in CAS from F-302s which could launch a multitude of anti-ship weaporny high in the sky.

Clandonian Warrier Carrier Naval Taskforce,
Darsan Straights,
0000 Hours

The helicopters landed on the deck of the carrier, medical crews went in and secured Tetigen who was worse for wear. The dead Clandonian soldier was taken, no one would know his name he would fall as others in the great unknown of the Clandonian 22nd Joint Special Forces regiment have fallen in battle. Meanwhile questions were being raised of say about the piles of Belkan prisoners, the surgical and specialist biological equipment and the worrying radiation levels of that island? Command was alerted of the missions sucess but the worry that now they were on the run from the Atlantian navy, they had to make some space between them so they turned to the Aesanians for help.....

Message to AU Military Command

We request air assets and anti ship weaponry to be deployed against the Atlantian navy in a bid for us to reach safe waters. Tetigen will then be flow to your capital once he arrives in Surumar on a regular C-130K flight from the base. We thankyou for your co-operation in the operation and we thank your medical teams for aiding the Clandonian medics.

Message Ends
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#15 MSpencer


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 07:42 PM

In the west, the AES Monarch with its two escorts prepared for combat. The Clandonian ships were heading their way, and after their attack on Cataan, if their intentions were not friendly, they were prepared to engage, and if the need arose, to go down fighting.
On an open frequency, the following message was sent, just as an attack wing, twelve fighters, fifteen strike aircraft, and ten S-8s from the mainland, was forming up for a pursuit of the Clandonian group, probably with orders to pick off fleet support ships and smaller anti-submarine vessels.


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#16 chemical ali

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Posted 29 August 2006 - 07:54 PM

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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#17 MSpencer


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 08:11 PM


That, was the message received in the CIC of the RAS Atlantis. The entire discourse had been monitored, so that's what they had done? Orders were orders though, and begrudgingly the forces pushed north. The Atlantis CVBG remained alone, with the Sovereign SAG preparing a hook attack from the west. A simple message called them off, and told them to head to Cataan to assist in security cleanup. Perhaps... just perhaps... it was time to find out what was really going on without watching the government moderated news channel and reading the government written newspaper...
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#18 chemical ali

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Posted 29 August 2006 - 08:37 PM

The Clandonians breathed relief as they moved away from the Straights off the Western coast of Blaglug. With the Emperor Tetigen resting and happy to be be safe and in kind hands again. A helicopter was ready for the short flight to CAFB in Surumar where a C-130K was waiting for him to be transported to Aesania under military fighter escort. Nimrods had been patroling a moving area ahead and behind the ships they were well clear of hostiles for now....
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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#19 crave22


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 08:41 PM

Message to Clandonia:

We cannot commit such resources. Doing so would officially end our neutrality, seeing as we appear to be the only ones the Atlantians haven't declared war on. I'm sorry, but... You're on your own until you enter friendly waters.
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#20 chemical ali

chemical ali

    Pie! Be nice I'm staff and I can ban0rz j00!

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Posted 29 August 2006 - 08:50 PM

Message to Aesanian Military:

Your forces are no longer needed, the situation was defused and we should escape the last battle group following be advised Tetigen will be on the way to your capital within a few days time. We will arrive in Surumarian waters in 48 hours time where a UH-60 will transport the short trip the our airbase there for transportation back the Aesania.
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“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

"In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine." -Erwin Rommel

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