Origin of flag: Traditional flag of Czechoslovakia (Blue triangle joined with the traditional flag of Bohemia) with the Kocourkovi coat of arms added.
Government: Leninist Post-Revolutionary Communist State, Dictatorship of the Proletariat under Comrade Vaclav Novotny
Population: 103 million
Overview: The Socialist Union of Kocourkov is a post-revolutionary country consisting of two roughly equal halves separated by a small protected bay. The Kocourkovi people are primarily Czech in ethnicity, and are recovering from a revolution in which the dictatorial king, Edouard XVII, was brutally murdered. Later in its history, the SUK was disbanded and renamed Phoenixia for some time, a tribute to its ability to rise from the ashes, before being usurped by a ComFIAN invasion.
Military Strength: 1 million strong "Army of the People" (Armáda Populární) consisting mainly of infantry with powerful artillery and a focus on trench warfare. Tank forces are underdeveloped but remain battle hardened due to four years of civil war experience.
The air force remains largely underdeveloped, but the AP utilizes small groups of slightly outdated early monoplanes to be used as interceptors in case of attack, and operates a small tactical bomber force equipped with MB.131R4 Reconnaisance Bombers for light ground attack.
Naval forces remain largely undeveloped, with the exception of several outdated destroyers.
Technological Distinctions: The KIR, Kocourkovi Institute of Rocketry, is a government funded research institute headed by Dr. Milan Rastislav Štefánik. They currently specialize in theoretical rocketry, and are set to make their first test flight of a basic rocket in the next few years.
Edited by MSpencer, 30 August 2006 - 03:45 PM.