Written by Solinx for The 3rd Age community
Allright you want to be able to use a Create a Hero power as a normal hero power.
I'll use Arwen as an example:
Arwen only has special powers at level 2 and level 10, I think she deserves a little more.
Not much, it has to stay the cheap hero, so I'll only include Summon Familiar Lvl 3 at level 5. This power is from the Archer CAH class.
Allmost all aspects of CAH's are stored in special files, same goes for powers.
You'll need to copy code from:
And place it in:
In addition you'll need to add some lines to:
Start by looking for the power in Createaheropowers.inc ( ini\object\createahero )
This is the code that needs to be copied:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SUMMON FAMILIAR SPECIAL POWER Level 3 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_CreateAHeroSummonFamiliarEnabler_Level3 SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityCreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_CreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3 End Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_CreateAHeroSummonFamiliarPower_Level3 SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityCreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3 OCL = OCL_CreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3 CreateLocation = CREATE_AT_LOCATION StartsPaused = Yes SetModelCondition = ModelConditionState:USER_1 SetModelConditionTime = 8.1 EndOpen up Arwen.ini ( ini\object\goodfaction\units\elven )
Search for "Flood" ( without the "" )
Below Flood are the three behaviors of the level 10 power.
You will need to past the code from Createaheropowers.inc after that and change some names:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SUMMON FAMILIAR SPECIAL POWER Level 3 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_NormalSummonFamiliarEnabler_Level3 SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityNormalSummonFamiliar_Level3 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_NormalSummonFamiliar_Level3 End Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_NormalSummonFamiliarPower_Level3 SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityNormalSummonFamiliar_Level3 OCL = OCL_CreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3 CreateLocation = CREATE_AT_LOCATION StartsPaused = Yes SetModelCondition = ModelConditionState:USER_1 SetModelConditionTime = 8.1 EndAs you see, everywhere, with the exception of the OCL, I changed CreatAHero into Normal.
We are done with Arwen.ini
We made a new upgrade ( TriggeredBy = upgrade), so we will need to define it in Upgrade.ini
Open it and add this:
Upgrade Upgrade_NormalSummonFamiliar_Level3 Type = OBJECT EndClose Upgrade.ini and open Createaherospecialpowers.ini
Look for this and copy it:
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SpecialPower SpecialAbilityCreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3 Enum = SPECIAL_SPELL_BOOK_CREBAIN ReloadTime = CREATE_A_HERO_SUMMON_FAMILIAR_RECHARGE_L3 // in milliseconds PublicTimer = No RadiusCursorRadius = CREATE_A_HERO_SUMMON_FAMILIAR_CURSOR_RADIUS // Also used in CreateAHeroFamiliar_Level1 Flags = WATER_OK InitiateAtLocationSound = CaH_SummonFamiliar EndNow open Specialpower.ini and past it somewhere.
The only thing you'll need to change is this:
SpecialPower SpecialAbilityCreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3
SpecialPower SpecialAbilityNormalSummonFamiliar_Level3
Close both files, if you haven't already.
Only a few steps to go.
Open experiencelevels.ini and find this:
ExperienceLevel ArwenLevel5 TargetNames = ElvenArwen RequiredExperience = ARWEN_LVL5_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = ARWEN_LVL5_EXP_AWARD LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX ;LevelUpOCL = OCL_GandalfLevelUp1OCL Rank = 5 AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage4 SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_good Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End EndAdd this between AttributeModifiers and SelectionDecal:
Upgrades = Upgrade_NormalSummonFamiliar_Level3
Now the only things needed are the commandbutton and commandset
We start with commandbutton.ini
Search this:
//------------------- Create A Hero ---------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------- CommandButton Command_CreateAHero_SummonFamiliar_Level3 Command = SPECIAL_POWER SpecialPower = SpecialAbilityCreateAHeroSummonFamiliar_Level3 TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:CAH_SummonFamiliar_Level3 ButtonImage = CAHSummonFamiliar Options = NEED_TARGET_POS CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND RadiusCursorType = FamiliarRadiusCursor CursorName = Bombard InvalidCursorName = GenericInvalid ButtonBorderType = ACTION DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:TooltipCAH_SummonFamiliar_Level3 InPalantir = Yes // UnitSpecificSound = AragornVoiceSummonOathbreakers // AutoAbility = Yes // // TriggerWhenReady = Yes // CreateAHeroUIAllowableUpgrades = Upgrade_CreateAHero_ClassArcher CreateAHeroUIMinimumLevel = 7 CreateAHeroUIPrerequisiteButtonName = Command_CreateAHero_SummonFamiliar_Level2 EndThis is the commandbutton for the CAH. We will copy it and use our own values, changing it into this:
//------------------- Create A Hero ---------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------- CommandButton Command_Normal_SummonFamiliar_Level3 Command = SPECIAL_POWER SpecialPower = SpecialAbilityNormalSummonFamiliar_Level3 TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:CAH_SummonFamiliar_Level3 ButtonImage = CAHSummonFamiliar Options = NEED_TARGET_POS CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND RadiusCursorType = FamiliarRadiusCursor CursorName = Bombard InvalidCursorName = GenericInvalid ButtonBorderType = ACTION DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:TooltipCAH_SummonFamiliar_Level3 InPalantir = Yes // UnitSpecificSound = AragornVoiceSummonOathbreakers // AutoAbility = Yes // // TriggerWhenReady = Yes // EndI changed the name of the behavior by replacing CreateAHero with Normal and did the same replacement at SpecialPower.
The last three lines are only used in the CAH power menu and thus not needed for a normal hero.
The last step is to have the button in the command list, which is done in Commandset.ini
Find this:
CommandSet ElvenArwenCommandSet 1 = Command_ToggleStance 2 = Command_MountHorseArwen 3 = Command_ArwenElvenGrace 4 = Command_ArwenFlood 12 = Command_CaptureBuilding 13 = Command_AttackMove 14 = Command_Stop EndWe are going to add the new power between ElvenGrace and Flood, so it will look like this:
CommandSet ElvenArwenCommandSet 1 = Command_ToggleStance 2 = Command_MountHorseArwen 3 = Command_ArwenElvenGrace 4 = Command_Normal_SummonFamiliar_Level3 5 = Command_ArwenFlood 12 = Command_CaptureBuilding 13 = Command_AttackMove 14 = Command_Stop EndAfter this, you are ready to test your new ability.
Hope it helped you.
If you encountered any problems, please post here or post in the main BFME 2 / RotWK discussion forum and send me a pm (private message).
Do note that this guide is only about a basic ability. There are many abilities that function just a bit differently than this one. Most important exceptions being healing abilities and stealth abilities (including the disguise ability, as Cahik noted here.)
Edited by Solinx, 21 January 2007 - 12:07 AM.