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How to Change Font Color

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#1 JEV3


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 06:44 AM

This tutorial will teach you how to change the font color. It is not very hard but it can be very tedious.

First you will need:

A basic understanding of color values
A hex editor, you can find one here: Hexplorer
Some photoshop type software that can tell the hex value of your chosen color
FinalBig, Though if you don't have it you probably won't bother looking at this tutorial!

Ok first you need to come up with your new colors, it is wise to do so AFTER you make your color scheme so you can get the contrast and such just right.

Use your photoshop type thing to determine the hex values of your colors.

Open up the apt folder and look for mainmenu.big, this will ensure you see your effects right away but in order to change all the fonts you'll have to do some searching around all those big files.

Extract mainmenu.const

Open it with Hexplorer and search for "ColorAngmarCore" From there replace the color values with the ones you chose.

Simply add the file to your big file or your main mod folder and your colors are ingame.

Now the hard part is doing everything else, because there is so much. You have to open each big file individually and search for the .const('s). Then scroll through and see if they have any color values, if they do extract it and and follow the same procedure described above.

Special thanks to Ched for helping me find a program to modify the .const's and to Stealthsnake who inspired me to find a way to do this.

Hope this helps,

EDIT: AngmarCoreColor amended ColorAngmarCore

Edited by JEV3, 02 February 2007 - 10:17 PM.

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#2 Stealthsnake


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 11:47 AM

yay i was wondering about font colour. I doubt i can survive anouther night looking through althoughs .bigs in the apt folder though, so i doubt ill bother for now. But great work :)
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#3 ched



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Posted 01 February 2007 - 01:08 PM

very nice, I'm thinking of merging this tutorials and Tom's in order to get it up on the site. Proper credits would be given of course.

Any objections to that from either of you ?
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#4 JEV3


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 02:48 PM

Any objections to that from either of you ?

Its all right with me. I'm just glad that I could in some way contribute to such a great modding community. ;)
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#5 Stealthsnake


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 04:33 PM

sure go ahead ;)
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