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How to Load your New Splash Screen

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#1 JEV3


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 09:44 PM

This tutorial will teach you how to make a batch file that will load your mod with your own splash screen.

If you have a computer and a BFME game then you have everythin you need ;)

First make your splash screen and save it as "EnglishSplash.gem" (with quotes)

Then open up notepad and paste this code:
ren "EnglishSplash.jpg" "EnglishSplash.tmp"
ren "EnglishSplash.gem" "EnglishSplash.jpg"

lotrbfme2ep1.exe -mod (your mod here).big

ren "EnglishSplash.jpg" "EnglishSplash.gem"
ren "EnglishSplash.tmp" "EnglishSplash.jpg"

Change (your mod here) into the big file that holds your mod. If you keep your mod in a folder place the directory there. Also rename lotrbfme2ep1.exe into lotrbfme2 if you are modding BFME2 without the expansion or into lotrbfme if you are modding BFME.

Then save that as "(Your Mod Name Here).bat" (with quotes) of course, change (Your Mod Name Here) to the name of the mod you want.

If you want to run the game run the batch file, and if you want to run it from the desktop make a shortcut of the batch file there.

oh, and if you want to change your batch file it is useless with out first changing the extension back to a .txt. Here is a tool I find comes in handy: Extension Changer 0.5

Now I can tell you how it works:
The "ren" command changes the EnglishSplash.jpg into a temporary file wile also making EnglishSplash.gem
a jpg which makes the game read that instead of the temporary file. Then it runs ROTWK with the -mod command which loads up the splash screen, and then it reverses the extension changing effect. Also note that this only works if it is in the folder of the game you are modding. Thats why you have to make a shortcut to the bat file not just copy the bat file as you would a shortcut.

Special thanks to bummper for giving me the idea.

Hope this helps,

EDIT: you don't have to use .gem as your second extension, you can do anything you want, just be sure to change the batch file to rename the .gem into .(whatever you picked)
Hope this helps, JEV3

Edited by JEV3, 01 February 2007 - 10:22 PM.

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Posted 12 February 2007 - 06:25 PM

Wow! I didn't think this could be done, great work!
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#3 Bart


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Posted 12 February 2007 - 07:41 PM

I'm against changing anything in the game dir when modding, but for those who are not this is a good guide :rolleyes:
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Posted 12 February 2007 - 10:40 PM

That would be me :p

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#5 JEV3


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Posted 12 February 2007 - 11:00 PM

It does change the EnglishSplash screen, but it reverses the change afterwards, so its as if it never changed it. :p
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