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Tony Blair is dead!

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#1 Athgar

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 12:12 PM


Tony Blair yesterday claimed the spate of knife and gun murders in London was not being caused by poverty, but a distinctive black culture.

He said people had to drop their political correctness and recognise that the violence would not be stopped "by pretending it is not young black kids doing it".

Rest in Peace, mister Blair. :salute:
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#2 Tom


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 04:49 PM

Right so these "black people"/immigrants come here generally because of oppression, they have no wealth and no communities due to the system, just as in america. Many of them live in poverty or just above the poverty line and now they are the only people committing crime. What is it with the blatant racism, it makes not difference if a white person stabs someone or a black person, its still a criminal act. Blair basically just signed his resignation. Just because gangs are becoming a larger thing in the UK, this doesn't mean it has anything to do with the influx of immigrants. And also if it apparently does, we can only laugh at mr blair for his open door immigration policy. Fucking moron. Also for a leading a party that has led this "political correctness" fad, or basically led the destruction of freedom of speech this is yet again another hypocritical side of blair.

Really we should impeach labour, the tories and the liberals from government. They are definately parties that should not exist because their politics and ideals create this system that causes this poverty/"crimewave" and then they are hypocritical it.

Edited by Hybrid, 13 April 2007 - 04:52 PM.

#3 OmegaBolt


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:05 PM

Personally I think political "correctness" is a load of crap. People are way too sensitive these days, especially towards racism such as changing "Bah Bah Blacksheep", which has been going for many years, is ridiculous. May as well simply rename the colours. When light isn't present it isn't bl*ck children, it's dark grey.

I do not think the doors to this country should be open as lightly though. Many people come here demanding payment from us when they should be coming here ready to live in this society already. And half of the people coming in don't even know English so the council tax payers of England have to fork over for English classes when they should know at least some to simply be allowed into this country so they can live. I don't see how the government can expect them to wash into society when they can't speak our language, that is a strong divide and is a large contributer to this racism people are talking about.

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#4 duke_Qa


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:47 PM

its an interesting topic that can easily provoke alot of people, immigration.

the main problem with immigration these days is prolly culture. we are too lazy to get enough children to be able to support ourselves, and the ones who have enough children have so different cultures that it makes it hard for them to integrate themselves into our socities.

in my opinion i am usually quite liberal in my opinions, but that doesnt mean that i don't see the risks in letting too many immigrate if they are allowed to live as if they lived in their homeland in the new land. firstly there are plenty of laws that would differ, secondly they wouldnt need to even learn the language of the country, and thirdly the differences in social acceptances such as respect and honour and dedication to letting authorities taking care of problems.

naturally, the line between integration and assimilation is one that is not discussed openly. the entire topic is usually a big mess. for example, we don't really worry if we see a polish worker walking down the street you rarely would be able to tell that they are from poland unless they have painted their flag in their face for a football-match. on the other hand, people from the middle east and africa are alot easier to notice for us.

one interesting theory though, how do we react if we see asian immigrants? its not like we have the same fears of them, even though its likely that in the future that China will pwn us all :blink:. i think religious backgrounds has alot to say in todays immigration politics.

edit: figured i add this little topic about the australian prime minister saying that immigrants with HIV should not be allowed in. http://news.bbc.co.u...fic/6553623.stm

it sounds pretty strange in my opinion, unless he fears that every HIV-positive immigrant used to be the village rapist at home i don't see a big political point in this but saving hospitals from spending cash on them.

Edited by duke_Qa, 13 April 2007 - 06:51 PM.

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#5 Elerium


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:30 PM

Personally I think political "correctness" is a load of crap. People are way too sensitive these days, especially towards racism such as changing "Bah Bah Blacksheep", which has been going for many years, is ridiculous. May as well simply rename the colours. When light isn't present it isn't bl*ck children, it's dark grey.

I do not think the doors to this country should be open as lightly though. Many people come here demanding payment from us when they should be coming here ready to live in this society already. And half of the people coming in don't even know English so the council tax payers of England have to fork over for English classes when they should know at least some to simply be allowed into this country so they can live. I don't see how the government can expect them to wash into society when they can't speak our language, that is a strong divide and is a large contributer to this racism people are talking about.

YES. Bolt speaks the truth.

Politcal correctness needs to be burned, stomped on, burned, stomped on and then threw into the pits of hell. It's turned our society into a load of softies, puffs and sissies, and it's seeped into the military, and the police force. Homosexuals have seeped into key positions in our society so they influence the media, police, etc (not that I have a problem with them but that it's now being broadcasted and shoved down our throats, for the love of god why can't they just keep it to themselves and not the entire society). We can't even say anything for fear it offends other races, and it works one way mostly in that whites are exumpt from PC which means society is imbalanced and unfair. It's all going horribly wrong, and Tony Blair has allowed this to happen in the entire frecking first place.

As soon as this destroyer of Britannia is gone the better. Our army is in tatters, we are humiliated and our society is eating itself from the inside out due to immigration, 'big brother', poor education, Iraq and other crap.

Edited by Elerium, 13 April 2007 - 07:39 PM.

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#6 olli


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 01:21 PM

btw, theres no need to type bl*ck. it makes it sound as though its a swear word. its not rude at all and there is the polite and correct way of calling someone who has african origions. "coloured" is not accepted any more, and no body takes offence if you say black, as in " i saw a group of black people".

relating to tony bush...i mean bliar....i mean blair.

wouldnt it be great if he said this at one of his speaches....
"I feel i am a great leader and ruler of this great nation. In ancient times there were empires, and they were ruled by emporors, there were kingdoms, which were ruled by kings and then then you have this country...which is ruled by me"

:huh: ;)
(ps...if you dont get it, take the "o" out of country...then you will get it. if you dont get it then....go back to school)
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#7 OmegaBolt


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 03:18 PM

btw, theres no need to type bl*ck. it makes it sound as though its a swear word. its not rude at all and there is the polite and correct way of calling someone who has african origions. "coloured" is not accepted any more, and no body takes offence if you say black, as in " i saw a group of black people".

Well done. I was doing it because I was showing how ridiculous all this racism thing is getting.

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#8 Diesystem


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 04:43 PM

Let's not forget who's tax money goes to them as well...
I too am open as the next person and have many friends who come form south Africa and Nigeria who actuly pay their way and don't take liberties, they studied and have my respect for making that effort...

Some as you say don't speak a word of english and now our very words and ways of life have to be edited because people think it has bad meaning to them...

this is as you all say complete rubbish...

But to be honest I don't think it will end there and I think before it's too late we will be overun,
I mean who's not to say that everyday that at least once a day one terrorist is not sneaking their way into our country or someone with bad motives...

I hate to say this country has past going down hill...
I hear alot of people saying if they had the money they would go elsewhere...
So is this country going to end up being abandoned by us and then leaving it for the immigration hordes of the world? Or maybe I'm ebing too extreme meh you decide...
No words can express my joy.......



#9 Elerium


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 04:50 PM

So is this country going to end up being abandoned by us and then leaving it for the immigration hordes of the world? Or maybe I'm ebing too extreme meh you decide...

Not at all Diesystem.
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#10 olli


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 08:54 PM

with regard to the baa baa black sheep... its been changed to baa baa rainbow sheep. *ahem*.
WHAT THE FUCK IS A RAINBOW SHEEP? i mean this political correctness is bullshit.
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#11 Copaman



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Posted 15 April 2007 - 09:48 PM


I brought this (political correctness and it's overwhelmingness) to the attention of my local paper, as one of those editorial thingys... ya know, the reader-written articles meant to express opinions... I can't quite recall what the name of those damned things is.

The piece that I had written was very good - it recieved praise from an overwhelming amount of teachers in the school I was in at the time. I took the exact same article to the newspaper, hoping to get it published and show people how F*CKING RETARDED political correctness is.

The public are aware of the saturation of Political Correctness in today's EVERYTHING... the Media is simply annoying the amount of people fed up with it. They're afraid that if they let the 'Fed-Ups' have their voice out there that the minorities might get just the slightest bit offended... Offended Minority + Media Company + Lawsuit = Bankrupt MediaCo. And let's face it, no self-respecting head of a Media Co wants it to go under - because if the company goes under, there goes the manager's 3Mil per year Bonus.

Perhaps I'm off my rocker, but it seems political correctness is a way to make a bit mo $$... I'll let you decide.

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#12 OmegaBolt


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Posted 16 April 2007 - 03:13 PM

But to be honest I don't think it will end there and I think before it's too late we will be overun,
I mean who's not to say that everyday that at least once a day one terrorist is not sneaking their way into our country or someone with bad motives...

I hate to say this country has past going down hill...
I hear alot of people saying if they had the money they would go elsewhere...
So is this country going to end up being abandoned by us and then leaving it for the immigration hordes of the world? Or maybe I'm ebing too extreme meh you decide...

I agree. We will get overrun but I believe in the old Britain, one which was Great so I will not leave even if every other true Briton does. Fight to the last man! :p

Sure this is racist but it has to be said and isn't the internet the last free place? Anyway, I am not bothered about African immigrants because most of them respect our way of life and come here and give back. But what I think will overrun is more people from the Middle East because most of them come here, like I said, without knowing any English and then demanding Mosques and the likes.

Sorry to go American on your ass but there you go.

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#13 Kazyumi


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Posted 15 May 2007 - 03:26 PM

Appears he's gone soon, according to the news. I'm wondering what will happen when Blair and Bush shove off.

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#14 Ash


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Posted 15 May 2007 - 03:50 PM

You'll have Dick Cheney and Gordon Brown.

And things will be no different than they are now.

#15 Kazyumi


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Posted 15 May 2007 - 05:00 PM

You'll have Dick Cheney and Gordon Brown.

And things will be no different than they are now.


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#16 DemonWolf

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Posted 16 May 2007 - 12:39 AM

You'll have Dick Cheney and Gordon Brown.

And things will be no different than they are now.

Bzzt. Wrong.
Honestly, you should see some of the crap our newly-elected congress is trying to push through, including making people who tip off suspicious activities targets for lawsuits.
Anyone else think that's just wrong?
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#17 Hostile


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 12:39 AM

If you can find a link to that, I'd like to read it. Sounds interesting. I couldn't find anything. I might not have searched correctly or long enough for my short attention span.

#18 Verrückt


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 07:41 PM

I think what Tony Blair meant was that the indian and Muslim population has become overwelming in GreatBritain. Here the amount of Turks is becoming a problem. I mean he didnt need to come and say okay you fools are responsible for all the violence, but I personally don't like immigration.
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#19 Silent_Killa


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 09:52 AM

yes... lets blame the blacks, muslims and homo's... what happened to the good old days when it was just the jews?

I'm gonna go stand far away from you people, with the rest of the sane folk.
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#20 olli


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 05:12 PM

yes... lets blame the blacks, muslims and homo's... what happened to the good old days when it was just the jews?

I'm gonna go stand far away from you people, with the rest of the sane folk.

:rolleyes:.... i think the first part of that post sums up the majority of Britain. but some even still blame the jews

Edited by olli, 24 June 2007 - 05:13 PM.

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