age: 45
sex: male
hair: brown
eyes: brown
height: 5ft 10
weight: lanky
pre- outbreak: chef
wepeons: cleaver and a hunting rifle (he likes to hunt)
other items: spices a turkey leg and a beer bottle (with beer) woot woot
cloths: a chefs uniform i think u all understand wat that looks like
description: tough as nails likes to joke around and will do almost anythign to get a good meal.
he manage to survive because the resturant he works at is on a major road. he heard on the radio about the outbreak. he grabbed his cleaver and ran untill he saw a car. a big truck with a deer tied to the top of it rolled down the road. jeff waved down the driver when the truck vearred off the road. jeff ran down to the truck and saw the driver get up his eyes were bloodshot and his skin was an off green color. jeff swung with his cleaver and cleaved threw the drivers neck. jeff got into the truck and drove as far away as he could.
i did this really fast b4 school so if theres anything wrong with it just let me know
Edited by gorshnac, 24 October 2007 - 07:49 PM.