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Creating a Character

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#1 Cheshire Fox

Cheshire Fox

    El Hombre Sinestro

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Posted 29 October 2007 - 02:18 AM

To create a character, simply fill out the form below and post it inside the Character Creation forum with your character's name as the title. Also, please read the Setting the scene thread if you have not already.

As Pasti so eloquently put it: "...this game tries to go for average people in an extraordinary situation, not extraordinary people in their ordinary situation."

Name: No weird Japanese names if your character isn't Japanese (this game is set in the US by the way), and no names from Final Fantasy! I know Cloud is cool, but his name does tend to get used a hell of a lot!
Sex: Yes, we all no the "Yes please" joke
Hair: What colour
Eyes: What colour (Don't go for orange or purple, this game tries to go for average people in an
extraordinary situation, not extraordinary people in their ordinary situation)
Height: Tall/average/small, whatever you want to say (include actual height if you wish)
Weight: fat/thin/etc., or specific if you wish
Age: Rather self explanatory
Pre-Outbreak Profession: Yes, I know zombie hunter is tempting but they really don't exist, trust me. (Preferably not too many soldiers as this would lead to a rather unbalanced game. Remember this is going to be set in a city)
Weapons: Please don't go over the top, I'm being rather trusting letting you choose your starting weapons. I would prefer them to be something impromptu like a mallet or a household gun found commonly in America, not a SAW or a bazooka etc. There will be many more chances to get weapons in the game. If possible state to us what type of gun the guns you list are, for those of us that are not enlightened. Let us know if you're low on ammo as well.
Other Items: Cigarettes, personal items, supplies, a car, etc. Please try and think that this is the start of the outbreak so no massed supplies, more like stuff grabbed in a hurry.
Clothes: Self-explanatory as well. No super suits of armor please.
Description: Please describe like a dating service, so purely on looks; ie. Stuff not covered. **** is a white female with a slight figure, her hair is stuck up at angles and looks like it hasn't been washed for weeks, much like the rest of her. I DO NOT want a description of the life of the person before the game put in public forums, i would like you to have one in your head and if possible PMed to me so i can account for it. Include tattoos, etc. here.
Background: What's your character's story? Try to keep it decently brief, and you are welcome to keep this blank and fill it in as the story progresses and more information is revealed.

By the way, that's all Pasti's handiwork.

Edited by Darkskul, 20 November 2007 - 07:28 PM.

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This is the place where all the junkies go, where time gets fast but everything gets slow.
I'll get to the moon if I have to crawl.
The problem with any government is that it eventually attracts politicians.

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