Sex: male
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: dark brown also
Height: about average
Weight: skinny(more on the scrawny side)
Age: 23
Pre-Outbreak Profession: computer programmer/ professional hacker
Weapons: a knife(kitchen knife), a small hand gun(only 4 more rounds left), a rifle(no ammo left), and a metal bar
Other Items: pocket computer(has GPS, mobile, and other stuff), torch, some food, and a bit of water, swiss army knife, and a hamster(he has a soft spot for the rodent)
Clothes: tattered jeans, white(but stained) t-shirt, a small backpack slung over one shoulder
Description: kelvin is a 23 year old male with dark brown hair, and deep dark brown eyes to match, he is pretty skinny and long limbed, with not much muscle, but can move swiftly.
Around average hight for someone his age, and always carries around his small rodent in his pocket
Background: *refer to "was going to be my background" topic, in the In-Role section
now, for the hamster
name: boo (possible name change if better comes along)
sex: male
fur colour: dusty brown
age:-don't know, i have never had a hamster and don't know how long they live-
pre-outbreak profession: full time children's pet
weapon: hamster sized semi automatic pulse plasma rocket launcher
lol, not really
description: timid hamster who mostly resided in kelvin's pocket, dusty brown colour, with brown eyes.
Edit: hamster is officially called boo
oh, and changed Kelvins name to Kaltesh(that whole funny c thing was starting to annoy me, so I changed it to an s, it was an s sound I wanted anyway
Edited by some_wierdGuy., 22 December 2007 - 04:37 AM.