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#1 Pastinator


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Posted 03 December 2007 - 07:09 PM

I've always fancied doing a deathmatch game.
So here's one.
I'm going to use my char from apocalypse 'Jamie Beale'
And lets try and do a kind've realistic game fight, godmodding allowed(ie, awesome powers), but no controling other chars.
Arena: Abandoned City
Characters: Jamie Beale, vs, whoever you want.

Somebody take me!

Jamie Stood atop a rooftop, tightening his laces. he surveyed the empty city below and pulled out his crowbar. He held it high and cried to the world "Come and have a go! If you think you're hard enough!"

Edited by Pastinator, 03 December 2007 - 07:10 PM.

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#2 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 03 December 2007 - 08:26 PM

"Hard enough to challenge you?" came the whisper from right behind him, "Should be simple," came the whisper from the left this time, "Care to try?" from the right.

/*Nowe joined the fight*/

In all of my awesomeness, I summon the city of dragons to seek and destroy all life but my own.

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#3 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 04 December 2007 - 07:30 AM

ok, one thing with with match though, lets try and make it more serious, no more:


you can say things sorta like that, but not as silly, but you have to leave it open ended, so others can make up something to counter it (so no, "and you all die", or "and i win").

"hey kid!" says Kelvin "looks like we're a team!... for now"

kelvin pulls out his rifle, shooting one of the giant beasts,
"first i have to deal with zombies, (oops not allowed to call them that), and now this!"

he empties all the bullets into the first dragon, then switches to his other hand gun, using all its ammo, he runs to an abandoned military ware house, and find himself a rocket launcher, he loads it up, and fires its high powered missiles, the dragon falls to the ground dead.
but his victory dance is cut short when a second dragon almost barbeque's him

"hey kid, help me!" the rocket launcher is knocked from kelvins hands by the dragon, and skids off to the side.

edit: fixed a spelling error, or two

Edited by some_wierdGuy., 04 December 2007 - 07:33 AM.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#4 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 04 December 2007 - 12:59 PM

OOC: Or more lol
Lothor floated to the ground, a shield around himself, firing off magical bolts of fire and lightning, cause he is awesome like that. He floats quickly after Kelvin.

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#5 Pastinator


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Posted 04 December 2007 - 05:19 PM

(OOC: i don't mind you guys being unrealistic, but i'm going to be realistic, but not with dying)
Jamie ran fast along the rooftop, picking up speed as he ran. Entering the fastest part of his sprint he dived forward, landing on the back of one of the flying monstrous hulks. Grasping hold of the joins of one of the wings to the shoulder, Jamie pulled himself up, and pulled out his crowbar. Pulling on the left wing with the hook the flying beast veered to the left, and upwards into the air. He may not be able to control who the dragon flamed, but seeing as he controlled where it now went, to a degree at least, and he was essentially flying a ball of testosterone and reptilian anger, Jamie guessed that the creature was not going to be in a discerning mood on who was friend and foe. High in the sky he scanned the rooftops for where Nowe was. Seeing his target he pushed down on the dragons head, sending it swooping towards its summoner.

(OOC: Ok, still quite ridiculous i know, but at least with posh speaking. And Gandalf, if you could post me a link to this 'Nowe' character, it would be awesome, kthxbbai)

Edited by Pastinator, 05 December 2007 - 05:24 PM.

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#6 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 04 December 2007 - 06:55 PM

ooc: Hahahaha showuser=4550. Never said it had to be a character you controll lol. Nowe is my true online name (MWAHAHAHAHA). I should think about a name change, although that would probably scare the piss of the NLs. Although if it helps Nowe's profile sheet from Infinite Galaxies works, but I don't need to post it here since I don't need him here yet.
Nowe flew through the air with his magical abilities, sending out his mind to find his prey. He launched several magical projectiles all around, and waited for his challenger to come.

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#7 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 05 December 2007 - 07:56 AM

Gary ran fast along the rooftop

((i take it you mean Jamie :lol: :lol:

now, if you dont really understand some things, the giant zombie guy im about to talk about is in our RPG, apocalypse, so if you want to know more, look there))

Jamie had taken control of the dragon, riding it like you would a hoarse, (or perhaps a really large fire breathing dog :lol: .)
"that was too close boo"
he looks down at his hamster, suddenly the hamster scampers into his pocket
"hey, whats the matter?"
a shadow descends over kelvin
the giant zombie((hey pastinator, what should we call the big one, hes not a shambler, should i call him the giant sprinter... it just sounds kinda lame)), it was real! and it was standing right in front of him now

It bit into his arm((we haven't found out how you turn into a giant one yet, so lets just say its the same way as you normally get infected)), the pain shot right up his arm and through the rest of his body, he was awash in agony, an intense pain as his body warped, and expanded, while his flesh began to rot.

He opened his eyes, and looked at his hands, they had become putrid, and huge, he stood up, he could reach the top of the building next to him by stretching up his hands, then he heard a voice, he turned, the one who had bitten him, he wasn't talking.. it looked as if he was trying, but only managed to make noises, but kelvin could understand exactly what he was saying, -come now brother... i have given you a gift, use it well-
then the other was off, sprinting at least 4 times faster then any normal person could.

Kelvin looked up at the darkened sky, and let out a howl of great hunger,

He jumped up to the roof, driven by a hunger so intense he had never felt anything like it in his life, he looked over, and saw two dragons, a third one in the sky battling with a figure floating in the air. "foo" he said to himself, he was trying to say food, but his words wouldn't come out properly

He jumped, and sprinted across the streets, if he were till human he would be overwhelmed by the sensations around him, the wind blowing past his face, the world around him so much clearer, but the only thing that mattered to him now, was the great hunger

He leaped onto the first dragon, biting a huge chunk out of its side, he then lunged for the second one, but it flew out into the sky, unleashing a huge wave of flames, what was once kelvin dived behind the dragon he had wounded before, the heat didn't get past the other dragons resistant flesh, then the other dragon flew upwards, towards its master, and the combat going on above.

Kelvin feasted on the disabled dragon, but the hunger he felt was not satisfied, one thing was happening, as kelvin feasted on the flesh of the mighty dragon, he felt a great magic welling up inside him, the partly devoured dragon rose up, -food- said kelvin, (although his actual word to the beast was "foo") and he pointed up at the battle over head

The zombified-dragon raised its head, and it's own hunger filled roar

Kelvin jumped onto the undead beasts back, and they ascended, to the battle, and their next meal

*meanwhile boo, kelvins hamster looks up, what kelvin has become has complete forgotten about his pet, but the boo's thoughts soon stray to thoughts of food, and the creature scampers off.

((see, now I've just set us up for an awesome 3 way dragon-mounted battle :lol: ))
((oh, and dont worry, i haven't completely abandoned boo, he's how I plan on turning kelvin back into a person again, but thats not for a while :lol: ))

ps. sorry, if you have read up to here then you deserve a round of applause, i didnt mean it to get so long, sorry :lol:

Edited by some_wierdGuy., 05 December 2007 - 07:58 AM.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#8 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 01:36 PM

It's ok, I just saw ignore ignore dragon ignore ignore blah blah zombified dragon blah ignore ignore dead hamster blah blah....so not much.

Nowe lifted his head. "I call upon the day of the holy ones to clear the fetid flesh from the lands!"
Light rained down from the sky, destroying all of the zombies.


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#9 Pastinator


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Posted 05 December 2007 - 05:36 PM

(OOC: Bravo, good RPing! I could just say 'Jamie's awesomeness gave Nowe a heart attack and he died, the end, then add a pwned in brackets, however, i'm not petty so i wont, but you watch it!)

Jamie concentrated on what was happening around him, and seeing the floating summoner Jamie pushed down hard yet again on the dragon's head. Swooping towards the summoner Jamie watched the beast he was now commanding point its head towards the wizard. Hooking his crowbar to the underside of the right hand wing, and leaning to the left, Jamie pulled the dragon on its side, effectively creating a mound of flesh between him and this powerful wizard. His airborne steed projected a cone of flaming distilled ethane with deadly accuracy towards the wizard, before the off balance of the flying position caused him to drop like concrete towards the floor.

(OOC: see, no godmodding people by saying 'and Nowe died' , awesome RPing from moi)
(PSooc: Ok, perhaps a bit petty.)
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#10 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 06:17 PM

Nowe saw the attack coming, and disappeared in a flash of brilliant white lights. The dragon sailed through the point where he had been only moments before. Nowe reappeared behind the dragon, facing the tail of the great beast. "I condemn the to hell," he said, forming a cross in the air with his fingertips. The cross sailed toward the dragon.

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#11 Pastinator


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Posted 05 December 2007 - 06:54 PM

The cross veered towards the dragon, its burning white light illuminating the sky. In a flash of insight Jamie realised the Summoner returning his creature. Tumbling from his steed Jamie fell and rolled onto a rooftop in a crash and blur. Above him the dragon dissapeared, the air rushing back into empty space causing a sonic boom of epic proportions. Holding his arms over his ears Jamie pulled himself along the floor, his chest and shoulders in great pain from the harsh landing.
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#12 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 07:04 PM

"You think you can escape me?" Nowe stated, appearing behind the fallen Jamie. "You should be ashamed, running from a mage." A bolt of fire appeared from his fingertips, soaring towards Jamie.

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#13 Pastinator


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Posted 05 December 2007 - 09:33 PM

Jamie lurched back in shock at the sudden appearance, his clothes catching fire. Tearing off his hoodie, and the flames with it Jamie at least stopped himself being incinerated. Shuffling backwards across the coarse concrete of the prefabricated skyscraper, burnt, battered and bruised, cowering in submission Jamie fingered his penknife in his hands, hidden from the view of the mage, hoping for a chance to get away.
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#14 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 06 December 2007 - 01:54 AM

"I let you live today, but do not cross me again." said Lothor, disappearing in a flash of white.

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#15 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 06 December 2007 - 07:48 AM

Nowe lifted his head. "I call upon the day of the holy ones to clear the fetid flesh from the lands!"
Light rained down from the sky, destroying all of the zombies.


((so are we pretending this didn't happen, or will i have to tell you that technically im not a zombie, just a guy with one heck of a virus, so it wont effect me like it would a normal zombie, oh, and gandalf had a character change, or is Lothor and Nowe the same person?, ill take it that was a mistake))

meanwhile, up in the air:
Kelvin, mounted on his undead stead, flew after the dragon that had escaped him before, the beast tried to get away, but kelvins dragon was too fast, then the other dragon tried attacking, but its flames did nothing, kelvins dragon unleashed a wave of toxic flames ((infecting a dragon has that effect ;) )), and the second dragon was infected instantly.

Kelvin looked down and saw the flash of Lothor/Nowe(whoever you decide you are) disappearing. he let out a howl of rage, his next meal had just gotten away, suddenly he felt a tingling sensation, he could 'see' where Lothor/Nowe had gone, like a path of light, he saw to where he now stood. that was that feeling he had felt while eating dragon flesh, he had become enchanted, he could sense the use of magics, and could even feel a small resistance welling up inside him ((not immunity to magic though, so magic can still effect him)).
he looked around, no sign of the other dragon or that kid, the sorcerer must have killed him, oh well, looks like the sorcerer himself was the only meal left.

Kelvin steered his dragons in pursuit.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#16 Pastinator


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Posted 08 December 2007 - 11:43 AM

Jamie sat up, shaking with terror. Would he have been able to stab that conjurer? Or would his hands have been shaking to much to bring the knife down. He would not know, but a man capable of the destruction should not be left alive.
He needed a weapon.
He needed speed.
He needed power.
He needed an ally.
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#17 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 09 December 2007 - 02:41 AM

((if you want a weapon had a rocket launcher befor it got knocked out of my hands by the dragon, you could say you find that :rolleyes: ))

((also, come on gandalf, reply, i want to chase you down, but i cant if i don't know where you decided to go)

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#18 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 02:09 PM

OOC: I decided to go to Disney for the day.
Nowe had not used natural magic in the sense of the elements, he had used higher magic. Tracing higher magic was easier, and not unheard of, but even an immunity to higher magic could cost someone more than their life. A pact with demons is the only way possible for immunities to exist. "Fire and brimstone come forth. Fall upon this land with your might."

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#19 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 10 December 2007 - 10:50 PM

((cool, did you have fun?))

His new double vision was strange, everything seemed dark, except for small specks, which floated around like firefly's, and that beacon of light, Nowe. Like a trail the light led to where he now stood. Kelvin looked at his target and was surprised, it seemed to be glowing brighter, and brighter. Then in a wave the light flashed outwards, and up.

Kelvin could see the energy forming, bright flames, and giant meteor like rocks began do rain down from the sky. Kelvin and his two dragons dodged the debris as they came falling, the whole world around kelvin seemed to be alight, through his new 'vision' he could see the magical energies flowing in the flames.

The dragons swooped and dodged, they were to fast to get hit by anything substantial(although sometimes fire did land on one of the dragon, it quickly slid of as the it sped on) finally Kelvin made it, the sorcerer was right in from of him, -"now, im afraid it is over, once you become one of us, you will understand... even be grateful of the gift you are about to receive. Eternal life, and the other great powers, you may not like the idea now, but when you are one of us you will think differently, and we shall go forth and feed once more"-.

Kelvin stepped off the dragon, and the fight began...

((edit: fixed some capital letters))

Edited by some_wierdGuy., 10 December 2007 - 10:53 PM.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#20 Byakuya Kuchiki

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 10:58 PM

"I think you are wrong in that respect. The fight hasn't begun, it is over. Aelverna Istefean Shelvas Irrvet!" Nowe disappeared, an untraceable form of magic all his own. The words lingered in the air, no trace of Nowe remained.

"See now who is weak. See now who is strong. Ancient powers I call upon you, destroy the virus that clouds the pure!"

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