I'm writing a bit up now, but I'll put it up later on tomorrow, so yea...
A false peace treaty, extremists on both sides, of course the war wasn’t over, even though it wasn’t being actively fought on the battle field, both sides were still building mobile suits, both sides were still designing even stronger ones… both sides were even developing weapons which were against the treaty, of course this war wasn’t over, it was only just beginning.
“Plug those back into the fuselage!” Everyone was on edge, but why wouldn’t they? Today was the day of the big test, the first ever flight of the Providence Testament with the new Dragoon system which almost any pilot can use, everything had to be perfect. In the sea of green mechanics and personnel, one person stood out, a young white haired man clad in a yellow flight suit and a FAITH insignia on his chest, he was Kaworu Kusanagi, the very talented pilot who was chosen to pilot the Providence Testament.
The test went off without a hitch, the Providence Testaments dragoon system performed above everyone’s expectations. Elsewhere in Armory One, Three mobile suits we’re being prepped for storage. These were the silhouette flyers for the Chaos Impulse, Abyss Impulse and Gaia Impulse.
“Where are these suits going?” asked another a young pilot. Yellow haired, a faith insignia clad upon his chest, he was Siegfried Ayumi, Kaworu’s wingman, a refugee from orb. “They’re being put into storage.” “Why?” “They aren’t efficient enough, they take too long to switch during battle.” Siegfried, who was just questioning the lead mechanic, looks infuriated. “So you’re going to put these suits away, even though they’re stronger that anything the Earth Alliance Forces have?” “More or less…” Siegfried puts his finger to his lip, just one of those little quirks when he thinks. “You know what… I’m going to be taking those suits!” “Who says I’m just going to let you take them?” Siegfried reaches to his Faith insignia and puts it in plain view for the lead mechanic. “See this? This says I’m above you, if I want those suits, I’ll get them, I doubt that there will be any objections since you were just going to store them…” “Whatever, they’re your problem kid…” The lead mechanic, utterly beaten, throws in the towel. The lead mechanic exits, leaving Siegfried with the parts for the three mobile suits.
“SIEGFRIED MY FRIEND!” As Siegfried hears the loud greeting, he turns to see one of his team mates, the ever eccentric Leonard Teesdale who is waving his hands in the air to greet his friend, followed behind Leonard is Claire, the youngest member of FAITH. “wooooow! Those mobile suits look great!” Claire says in utter amazement. Leonard’s mouth drops at the sight of the impulse units “It sure beats the pants off those Zaku’s they wanted to stick us in, but do you think the chairman will go for this?” “No doubt, we might as well use them if they’re going to be put in storage, it can’t hurt.” Siegfried says looking over the suits.
//::The 3 Mysterious Gundams::\\
Days after the very successful Providence Testament test and the acquisition of the three new impulse units, the FAITH team headed by Kaworu and consisting of Sigfried, Leonard and Claire were called to a briefing for the next test mission which they were to be involved with.
Siegfried was going over the specs of the gundams, Leonard was asleep on the couch and Claire was reading a gossip magazine. The door opens, gaining the attention of Siegfried, Kaworu walks into the room, he notices Leonard fast asleep and Claire reading her gossip magazine, Kaworu walks over to Claire who is in her own world reading it, he grabs the magazine and takes it from her, Claire looks up at Kaworu, attempting the usual “puppy dog eyes” to get her magazine back. “Kaworu… can I have my magazine back? Pretty please?” Kaworu looks down at her and shakes his head, “Why do you read this? Who cares about the lives of these idiots…” Claire’s eyes lighten up, “It’s fun to know what’s happening with them! Did you hear this one celebrities little sister is pregnant? She’s only 16 as well!” Kaworu sighs, “Once again, who cares.”
Kaworu wraps the magazine up and gives Leonard a tap on the head, waking him from his slumber. Leonard looks around the room before reaching for his glasses, he sees Kaworu standing over him, rolled up newspaper in hand and with a serious look on his face, “heh heh, oh serious leader Kaworu, what’s up?” “Just making sure you’re actually awake for once for these briefings…” “You know they bore me.” Just to emphasize his own point, Leonard makes an overdramatic yawning sound. “That man deserves an award” Siegfried amusingly remarks. Kaworu looks over his laid back team and says to himself outloud “How pathetic of a commander must I be that I actually want a team full of you lazy guys?” Kaworu sighs. “yea, but you love us.” Claire says with a huge grin on their face. Kaworu smiles, “you’re right…”
Edited by Stargazer, 02 January 2008 - 07:35 AM.