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Gundam Legacy: GSD

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#1 Stargazer



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Posted 11 December 2007 - 03:55 PM

May the gods be damned, I have lost my draft of the story once again, I honestly have no idea why I keep losing it, I might be accidentally deleting it when i'm clearing the porn ( :thumbsupsmiley: ) off my hard drive or something, but I thought I may aswell take a play from TeaMasters book and post it periodically when I write it up, so yea... When I post it up, I want everyones thoughts and suggestions, at the end of the day we aren't just making the mods for ourselves, it's for everyone who wanted a gundam rts.

I'm writing a bit up now, but I'll put it up later on tomorrow, so yea...

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A false peace treaty, extremists on both sides, of course the war wasn’t over, even though it wasn’t being actively fought on the battle field, both sides were still building mobile suits, both sides were still designing even stronger ones… both sides were even developing weapons which were against the treaty, of course this war wasn’t over, it was only just beginning.

“Plug those back into the fuselage!” Everyone was on edge, but why wouldn’t they? Today was the day of the big test, the first ever flight of the Providence Testament with the new Dragoon system which almost any pilot can use, everything had to be perfect. In the sea of green mechanics and personnel, one person stood out, a young white haired man clad in a yellow flight suit and a FAITH insignia on his chest, he was Kaworu Kusanagi, the very talented pilot who was chosen to pilot the Providence Testament.

The test went off without a hitch, the Providence Testaments dragoon system performed above everyone’s expectations. Elsewhere in Armory One, Three mobile suits we’re being prepped for storage. These were the silhouette flyers for the Chaos Impulse, Abyss Impulse and Gaia Impulse.

“Where are these suits going?” asked another a young pilot. Yellow haired, a faith insignia clad upon his chest, he was Siegfried Ayumi, Kaworu’s wingman, a refugee from orb. “They’re being put into storage.” “Why?” “They aren’t efficient enough, they take too long to switch during battle.” Siegfried, who was just questioning the lead mechanic, looks infuriated. “So you’re going to put these suits away, even though they’re stronger that anything the Earth Alliance Forces have?” “More or less…” Siegfried puts his finger to his lip, just one of those little quirks when he thinks. “You know what… I’m going to be taking those suits!” “Who says I’m just going to let you take them?” Siegfried reaches to his Faith insignia and puts it in plain view for the lead mechanic. “See this? This says I’m above you, if I want those suits, I’ll get them, I doubt that there will be any objections since you were just going to store them…” “Whatever, they’re your problem kid…” The lead mechanic, utterly beaten, throws in the towel. The lead mechanic exits, leaving Siegfried with the parts for the three mobile suits.

“SIEGFRIED MY FRIEND!” As Siegfried hears the loud greeting, he turns to see one of his team mates, the ever eccentric Leonard Teesdale who is waving his hands in the air to greet his friend, followed behind Leonard is Claire, the youngest member of FAITH. “wooooow! Those mobile suits look great!” Claire says in utter amazement. Leonard’s mouth drops at the sight of the impulse units “It sure beats the pants off those Zaku’s they wanted to stick us in, but do you think the chairman will go for this?” “No doubt, we might as well use them if they’re going to be put in storage, it can’t hurt.” Siegfried says looking over the suits.

//::The 3 Mysterious Gundams::\\

Days after the very successful Providence Testament test and the acquisition of the three new impulse units, the FAITH team headed by Kaworu and consisting of Sigfried, Leonard and Claire were called to a briefing for the next test mission which they were to be involved with.

Siegfried was going over the specs of the gundams, Leonard was asleep on the couch and Claire was reading a gossip magazine. The door opens, gaining the attention of Siegfried, Kaworu walks into the room, he notices Leonard fast asleep and Claire reading her gossip magazine, Kaworu walks over to Claire who is in her own world reading it, he grabs the magazine and takes it from her, Claire looks up at Kaworu, attempting the usual “puppy dog eyes” to get her magazine back. “Kaworu… can I have my magazine back? Pretty please?” Kaworu looks down at her and shakes his head, “Why do you read this? Who cares about the lives of these idiots…” Claire’s eyes lighten up, “It’s fun to know what’s happening with them! Did you hear this one celebrities little sister is pregnant? She’s only 16 as well!” Kaworu sighs, “Once again, who cares.”

Kaworu wraps the magazine up and gives Leonard a tap on the head, waking him from his slumber. Leonard looks around the room before reaching for his glasses, he sees Kaworu standing over him, rolled up newspaper in hand and with a serious look on his face, “heh heh, oh serious leader Kaworu, what’s up?” “Just making sure you’re actually awake for once for these briefings…” “You know they bore me.” Just to emphasize his own point, Leonard makes an overdramatic yawning sound. “That man deserves an award” Siegfried amusingly remarks. Kaworu looks over his laid back team and says to himself outloud “How pathetic of a commander must I be that I actually want a team full of you lazy guys?” Kaworu sighs. “yea, but you love us.” Claire says with a huge grin on their face. Kaworu smiles, “you’re right…”

Edited by Stargazer, 02 January 2008 - 07:35 AM.

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#2 Infinity238


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Posted 11 December 2007 - 10:13 PM

Not to mention provide a place for us all to come and get our anime geek on.

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#3 theAluminumFalcon

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Posted 12 December 2007 - 03:44 AM

I guess we're all anime geeks ^ ^

hope tea-man comes

looking forward Star :p

:grin: :xcahik_: :xcahik_: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam:

~theAluminumFalcon :good:

#4 Stargazer



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Posted 31 December 2007 - 10:53 AM

In my dilluted mind, however long I really took to write this only seemed like a day.

uh hum, so yea.

read it, throw criticism back my way, suggestions so forth.

Do you think they should gain the suits another way? or is it fine as is?

btw. I hate how this board makes everything you write look smaller, that's a whole page of word right there!

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#5 TeaMaster

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Posted 31 December 2007 - 05:26 PM

Do you think it's a little too soon to reveal the Prov. Testament? (assuming it has nuclear capabilities)

#6 Stargazer



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Posted 31 December 2007 - 06:06 PM

Wasn't the Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor a way around the Peace Treaty?

While technically speaking it was Nuclear powered, it could also run out of power as seen in ep 42 or 43?

Also, the test wasn't open to everyone, only high-ranking people who would've known about it regardless.

and technically speaking, it doesn't really matter as the first official battle for either side was the one when EaF launched nukes at the PLANTS, so before then when the two groups have their skirmishes, neither side can really tell on each other.

Edited by Stargazer, 31 December 2007 - 06:17 PM.

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#7 Soul


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Posted 31 December 2007 - 06:21 PM

And I see this bit of story now?

Looks good and sounds good too.
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#8 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 January 2008 - 12:33 AM

Wasn't the Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor a way around the Peace Treaty?

While technically speaking it was Nuclear powered, it could also run out of power as seen in ep 42 or 43?

Wasn't devoloped until late in the series & the part where the destiny ran out power... well the staff said it was their bad and cut that part out in the special edition.

Also, the test wasn't open to everyone, only high-ranking people who would've known about it regardless.

and technically speaking, it doesn't really matter as the first official battle for either side was the one when EaF launched nukes at the PLANTS, so before then when the two groups have their skirmishes, neither side can really tell on each other.

Remeber how surprised Athrun was when he saw the Legend & destiny And Gil had to explain himself

#9 Stargazer



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Posted 01 January 2008 - 03:07 AM

Wasn't the Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor a way around the Peace Treaty?

While technically speaking it was Nuclear powered, it could also run out of power as seen in ep 42 or 43?

Wasn't devoloped until late in the series & the part where the destiny ran out power... well the staff said it was their bad and cut that part out in the special edition.

Also, the test wasn't open to everyone, only high-ranking people who would've known about it regardless.

and technically speaking, it doesn't really matter as the first official battle for either side was the one when EaF launched nukes at the PLANTS, so before then when the two groups have their skirmishes, neither side can really tell on each other.

Remeber how surprised Athrun was when he saw the Legend & destiny And Gil had to explain himself

I would think that it would take a while to develop something like the HDNR, so we could say that it's a prototype, meaning it could malfunction, meaning that could be how Kaworu dies? if not then we'll just give him a normal reactor. :dry:

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#10 Infinity238


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Posted 01 January 2008 - 05:53 AM

:dry: finity stamp of aproval, I'll have to go back and re-read it when I'm less drunk. peace.

Edited by Infinity238, 01 January 2008 - 05:53 AM.

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#11 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 January 2008 - 07:31 AM

Sweet... based on the other version, we get to see more of Kusangi-san :thumbsupsmiley:

#12 Stargazer



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Posted 01 January 2008 - 07:36 AM

Expect mine to be darker though.

- Character Deaths
- Betrayal
- Broken Hearts

basically shit like that.

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#13 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 January 2008 - 07:40 AM


#14 Stargazer



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Posted 01 January 2008 - 07:48 AM

also, just to let you know, I'm going to write one from ZAFT's point of view and one from EAF's point of view.

that way we can get a good amount of information for each, plus it's easier to write that way.

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#15 Stargazer



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Posted 02 January 2008 - 07:36 AM

First bit of the next part is up.

basically just showing some of the characters personalitys and showing how they interact, also showing that even with their differences, the group is very close.

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#16 Dark Lord Revan

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Posted 02 January 2008 - 08:43 AM

Sweet job so far.

Ah about the nuke generators, HDNG's are in development with both legend and destiny around the time impulse is test-flighting. Thats why there are destiny silhouettes, it began testing around the time impulse got broken out.

Concerning the silhouettes btw, its more than just the silhouettes. Abyss and gaia impulses require different leg flyers too. Given the way chaos is scrunched up when in MA mode, and that its carrying two shields, it may need a different chest flyer as well. Have a look-see...


No edit required yet, but just to let you know, for future chapters.
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#17 Stargazer



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Posted 02 January 2008 - 08:56 AM

already knew it, t'was pretty obvious from the pictures.

but when I say silhouette, I mean all parts of it, so legs and backpack part.

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#18 theAluminumFalcon

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Posted 03 January 2008 - 05:55 AM

Star that's awesome! :)

#19 Dark Lord Revan

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Posted 03 January 2008 - 04:05 PM

Oh well ok. Tho strictly speaking silhouette refers only to the back part...meh. No point nitpicking that. Other than that, pretty good story so far. Looking forward to more man, haha
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#20 Stargazer



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Posted 03 January 2008 - 04:45 PM

Oh well ok. Tho strictly speaking silhouette refers only to the back part...meh. No point nitpicking that. Other than that, pretty good story so far. Looking forward to more man, haha

no worries, from now on in the storys i'll make sure to refer to them as Leg Flyer and Silhouette Flyer.

and i've changed my mind once again, and i'm gonna do both Eaf and ZAFT at once, so i'm writing up the beginning parts for Eaf.

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