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How to Kill a Zombie Guide

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#1 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 19 January 2008 - 02:21 AM

-One year before the outbreak-....

Kelvin sat at his work station, everyone was going home, but Kelvin had to stay back, he grumbled to himself, he worked on his program all day, but that wasn't enough for the people up top, nooooo, it had to be done by the end of the week, and so, here Kelvin was finishing off some stupid program which could be done much better if he had two weeks to finish it off,

as time went by, Kelvin began to get distracted, no body was left in the office....
Kelvin decided that he would have a break, he decided to surf the net, nothing eles to do on his computer, and he could go home...

after browsing many topics he ended up on the topic of zombies:

he had a bit of a laugh, "ok, note to self, no fire in case of a zombie attack..." he continued browsing, looking for anything else amusing, it wasn't long before he found a site:

he looked at the guide, a smile on his face, he downloaded the PDF, and hid it in the work directory, he then kept looking, and found a little comic on it:

at this he laughed, he was begging to enjoy staying back, nobody was there to tell him to get back to work, he then found a few more, some made him smile, others a giggle, but either way it was more fun then work;

"well, thats enough of that..." he looks at his watch... 12:07, time to go home, "... he took one last look at the page he had up "you have to stop wasting time man, when are you ever going to use any of this in real life anyway?..." he shook his head, sure it was a waste of time, you'll never use this knowledge in real life, but hey, it was better then work.
Kelvin shut down the computer, and walked out of the building, he was very tired, and soon forgot all about the websites...

((just having a bit of fun and showing you some of the funny guides i found on fighting zombies, i was bored and had nothing to do, anyway, some are good for a chuckle))

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