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Guide Lines and Race Desriptions

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#1 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 26 January 2008 - 12:32 AM

Character Sheet:

Name:(code name, can have original name too if you want to)
Race:(Human, Guidesman, Kaltesian, Rakian or Baragan)
Gender:(male or female, yes even aliens only come in two types...)
Weapons:(depending on race, some weapons may be unavailable)
Specialty:(are you stronger then most others of your race? super sneaky? etc)

Other:(anything else you might way to add)

Okay now, There are 5 races you can choose from:
Races of the Great Alliance;

Humans, of the 'Earthen Alliance';

The humans are a relatively new race in the Alliance, but are evolving quickly by their quick assimilation of technologies. They have a great potential, and are a versatile race.
They usually live to the age of 110, and reach maturity at age 18,
(Okay, i don't really need to go into a detailed description of humans now do i? we know what they look like...)

Traits and Abilities;
-Flexible race, can use any type of weapon
-good at adapting/reverse engineering alien technology
-starting weapons are advance projectile, but can find other weapons later on

Guidesmen, of 'The Guide';

The guidesmen are a highly evolved race of aquatic lifeforms, although there technology has allowed then to surpass this limitation, they still require pressure suits. They are very advanced in machinery, and robotics, some using this technology in the field. They are about a head over the humans in hight, and are built with large proportions, they are much stronger then other races of the alliance physically, they have four muscular arms, large heads and bodies, two legs and a tail that fans out on the end, over their bodies they have fins, and have webbed toes fingers, as well as four eyes positioned far apart on their heads. Their skin is usually either a shade of green, or a shade of blue.

They are sworn to protect the other races from the forces of 'The New Dominion', as they feel that they are to blame for the threat; the new dominion is an off shoot of the guides men. They, in league with the Kaltesians, supply most of the advance technology and weapons, for the armies of the alliance, and the new 'ghost' units

Traits and Abilities;
-Advanced robotics and electronics
-much stronger then other races physically
-very intelligent
-use powerful electrical and nuclear weaponry

Rakians, of the 'U.R.A.T.A'

the Rakians of the 'United Rakian Anti-Transgression Allegiance', are a fierce race, although rather short in stature, they have an incredibly tough skin, almost like an exo-skeleton, they also have eyes that, when light is shined into them, reflect out in a golden colour, they evolved on a dessert planet, and as such have endured some of the harshest living conditions of any race, they have evolved out of the need for much water, they are very good at sneaking around undetected, as their people evolved they developed strong armor piecing weapons, and so, in response, they developed greater armor, this continued, and continued, till they discovered many 'Super Alloys', the strongest materials in the known universe. Rakians Skin colour can be very dark, although moslty it is a dusty colour, like the sand on their home world of Rakia.

They now have lots of armor and ships made from 'super alloys', the armor is now standard material for the new 'ghost' units

Traits and Abilities;
-Strongest materials in the known universe(of coarse they keep the best for themselves alone)
-shorter then other races
-very tough exo-skeleton like skin
-good at sneaking around with being detected

Kaltesians, of the 'Kaltesian Protectorate'

The Kaltesians Are a highly enlightened race, they are very intelligent, and through cooperation with the guidesmen, have created many amazing devices and technologies.
The Kaltesians are a very tall people, with elven features, their skin can be a pink colour like humans, all the way to a blue-ish grey colour, and their hair, usually long for both male and female, can be either green, blue, blond or brown.

The Kaltesians have incredible self control, they can manipulate their bodies for quick bursts of intense speed, all the way to neutralizing poisons in the blood stream. They stay calm in nearly all situations, thinking through what needs to be done instead of panicking. They have very advance beaming technology, weather it is for transport or weaponry, they have a beam for it.

Traits and Abilities;
-very tall race
-amazing self/bodily control
-can run very fast, and use adrenaline bursts for quick flashes of extreme speed
-advanced beam technology

Baragan Imperials, of the 'Baragn Imperium'

the Baragan are a vast race, with huge numbers they swamp their enemies in war, they have cheap labor, meaning most things are constructed on their planets. Physically they have thick fur covering their bodies, evolving on an arctic planet. All Baragns are in pairs, bonded from birth the pair must always stay together, not necessarily being of different sex, the pair is not that of love, but of bother/sister-hood. the Baragan have very good eye sight, making them exceptional snipers. Their races technology revolves around temperature warfare, with climate changing bombs and incinerator weapons, they are very adept at war.

Traits and Abilities;
-all Baragans are in pairs, acting as one unit
-mass production means they have many weapons
-thick fur to help keep them warm, or keep heat out
-very sharp eyes, great at sniping and scoutng
-temperature weapons


Edited by some_wierdGuy., 26 January 2008 - 01:24 AM.

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#2 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 27 January 2008 - 06:34 AM

All ghosts have a special device called a 'Lens',

its basically your all purpose data device, with auto translator, mission objectives, communicator, scanner, and anything else you can think of(not a weapon though)

also, when you make a baragan you have two characters, so you can make up a separate character sheet for each if you want, but you don't have too

one usually acts as a support for the other, so they cant both be super human gun slinging bad asses :p

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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