Age: 34
Race: Rakian
Gender: Male
Weapons: two silenced railpistols, Rakian super alloy micro fiber suit, 'Lens' device{later modified for greater hacking purposes}, Electron Hammer, and Interface Prototype device(created himself)
Specialty: Stealth also can hack into enemy computer systems
History: one of the few members of special ops to remember his real name, athough everyone uses his code name, he studied in many Guide and Kaltesian schools to become an expert in computer system hacking.
He has recently created a device that can interface with nearly any system, letting hack into most enemy systems with great ease.
SWG: there we go, hope you like this when you finally take a look *Hint* *Hint*, just pm me if you want to change anything and i'll unlock
Edited by some_wierdGuy., 08 February 2008 - 11:29 PM.