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#1 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 31 January 2008 - 07:59 AM

ok, any queries, questions or anything you're unsure about, ask here :thumbsupsmiley:

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#2 Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 31 January 2008 - 07:22 PM

so now we have a leader, the muscle, a sniper, and a scout

So what other members might we need? I'm thinking Demolitions Expert ("When stealthy just won't cut it!"), Weapons Expert (the guy who gets a ridiculous number of crazy guns), and....erm....any ideas, anyone?
Maybe that guy with a Flamethrower that I mentioned :thumbsupsmiley:
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#3 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 07:56 AM

well, a medic type
a robotics expert

in fact, heres a list of different classes that are in most games:
* Heavy Infantry (High power weapons, slower),
* Sniper (very long range rifles, weak close fighting ability, typically very difficult to use),
* Engineer (weaker than average firepower, but abilities such as repairing vehicles, creating automated turrets or planting mines or bombs),
* Medic (weaker than average firepower, but can heal others),
* Anti-vehicle (Slow, can destroy vehicles, weaker firepower against infantry)
* Typical infantry (average firepower, possibly faster than support classes, few or no special abilities, however, ideal for taking down more specialised classes such as engineers or anti-vehicles)
* Auxiliary (weaker than average firepower, can give ammunition to other players)
* Spy (Can disguise/cloak himself, plant cameras for remote surveillance and stab foes in the back for one-hit kills; sometimes combined with the sniper to make a "Covert Ops" class)
* Flamethrower Infantry (Slow or average speed, high power at close range, little or no long range capabilities, best at harassment tactics. Sometimes combined with the standard infantry class as a selectable weapon)

so any of these and others could feature

and ofcoarse you can have multi class characters, so they wont be as good as the one that just specializes, but they can use skills from more then one

eg a spy and sniper combo, wont be as good as just a spy, or just a sniper, but can have abilities from both

but good idea to think about this

((PS. this isn't to say that once someone has taken a position others cant also have similar abilities, but please, we dont need 500 snipers, so maybe i should put a cap on that

you can have long range abilities, but unless you are a baragan from now on, you wont be able to be a "super sniper"))

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#4 war_angel

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Posted 05 February 2008 - 06:19 PM

two questions

1. how long is the training going to last for?

2. when we like on operations as ghosts, do we wear like special suits (like the SAS black suits etc) or do we just wear random things, (like the Rakians funny hooded cloak things)?

just a few things i was wondering!


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#5 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 06 February 2008 - 08:50 AM

yeah, we get standard themed armor, so basically any armor you said in your character description, all the Ghost theme

plus any other accessories you have added to your person

lol, forgot about your first question:
the training will go for a bit, ofcoarse with the magic of RPing, we will fast forward time till a certain somthing happens, which im not about to spoil for you all :lol:

Edited by some_wierdGuy., 06 February 2008 - 09:05 AM.

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#6 war_angel

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Posted 06 February 2008 - 04:27 PM

oh yh also, do we have all our weapns already? or do we get them when we pass?

also can i add night vis. heat vis. etc googles to my character? (cos he's the scout, so it might be useful!)


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#7 Vortigern


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Posted 06 February 2008 - 04:42 PM

Ah, rubbish. I was hoping we'd be like the X-Men, with individual outfits ;) I was looking forward to my yellow spandex.

Also, I'm guessing a Guidesman would have night-vision naturally, as I've heard it's quite dark way down under the sea. Maybe I should mention in my next post about Semoé that he has red eyes to enable better vision through darkness...
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#8 war_angel

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Posted 06 February 2008 - 04:45 PM

lol four arms four eyes and yellow spandex, that could be fetish!
i bet you could find it on t'internet!


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#9 Vortigern


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Posted 06 February 2008 - 05:13 PM

Yeah, probably. There's everything on there these days. One of my friends (NOT being a euphemism for me, it really was one of my friends ;)) found a) clown porn, b) horse porn (there was tons of that, apparently) and c) midget porn. And then on the Graham Norton show (for you English chums out there who know the camp and badly-dressed moron) they had some wool fetishists. They had woolly underwear and gags and masks and whips and everything. This presents me with an interesting question: how do you get into that?
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#10 war_angel

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Posted 06 February 2008 - 05:45 PM

haha lol!
i have no idea!
lol midget porn reminds me of cyanide and happiness comic!
in fact im going to find it


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#11 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 07 February 2008 - 07:24 AM

lol, yeah there is some weird stuff on the net

reminds me of something a saw in someone's sig somewhere, it had a caption saying "there Is porn of it on the internet", then had the guy in front of his computer saying "Calvin and Hobbes!?" with a funny expression on their face

it was hilarious :wink_new:

anyway, back on topic;

the armour may be all one style, but it is still individual, you can get upgrades:

so its like, we all get standard issue, then we get any upgrades that we decide to add
and yes, i will let you decide to change your upgrades if you put some on your character sheet, that you want to change

but don't go overboard, you cant be an all round having 500 weapons and shields and stuff

as for the eyes

you can have them, but they would not work as well as artificial ones,

also depends on weather you wanted your Guidesman to be one of the deep level Guidesmen, or more a surface swimmer

deep level guidesmen would see better in the dark, but don't have a very good perception of the colour red, as at those depths red is the first colour to disappear
also most of the New Dominion were from the deep, as that is where the eggs are(the new dominion were originally comprised of mostly the care takers of the guides eggs, from there they learnt more of genetics, and so thats why the ND has lots of genetics technology, but not as much mechanical tech)

the more surface guidesmen have better perception of colours, but in the dark their eyes are as good as a humans pretty much

of coarse you do have that certain advantage we spoke of via PM, you dont know what other little things were put in :wink_new:

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#12 war_angel

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Posted 07 February 2008 - 05:11 PM

hey SWG you didnt answer my question!

do we have all our weapns already? or do we get them when we pass?

also can i add night vis. heat vis. etc googles to my character? (cos he's the scout, so it might be useful!)


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#13 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 08 February 2008 - 09:07 AM

well we get training weapons in our base, and later on we get real proper ones

also, i though i answered the rest of the question when i said:

and yes, i will let you decide to change your upgrades if you put some on your character sheet, that you want to change

but don't go overboard, you cant be an all round having 500 weapons and shields and stuff

also, with the heat vision, i thought that was the whole idea of the head mounted lens device

so you could look through some of it for heat vision, etc, so instead of being a wrist device, it is like a helmet

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#14 war_angel

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Posted 08 February 2008 - 10:01 PM

ok kl
i thought it was just to realy info. and because i was a scout i need to keep both hands on my weapons modst of the time!
but yh that sounds ok!


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#15 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 08 February 2008 - 10:46 PM

yeah, it gives info too

it is like all purpose ;)

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#16 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 07:11 AM


firstly, i know i haven't completed the baragans complete description, i dont think i ever will, cant find good pics for them like i could the others.

but this has nothing to do with that...

i just had a thought about the guidesmen;

i think that maybe we could make it that guidesman females are very different to the males.
the males are huge muscled bulky amphibians

well what if the females were different?
my idea is that the females are aquatic only, unless someone wants to be a girl guidesman(which doesnt seem to likely) then it wont be any problems

the females are slender, and have mostly clear skin, they can turn almost invisible, and have long tentacles coming of the ends of their arms and head and stuff. they are like jellyfish, but not as.... jelly-ish
(as in, they are mostly made of water, but arent... squishy? i mean, if they were to squishy, then they could be killed by the male guidesmen to easy)
they live way down in the depths,(thats why they are mostly made of water, so they dont get crushed)
they can glow if they want, but have super good eye sight in the dark anyway

out of water they are pretty helpless, as they are not strong enough to even lift their own weight when they are above water.

guidesmen are ferociously protective of their women, and wont even let other races come near their egg chambers and deep cities where their women are located, not even their allies

so what do you think? slender jellyfish-like(as in they are clear, have no bones, and are made up of mostly water) women for the guidesmen, or not?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#17 war_angel

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Posted 20 May 2008 - 05:31 PM

aha, sonds pretty cool, however are they actually gunan be in the story at al?!

or was tht just a random thought?

and wouldnt most races woman be different?, though i spose not quite that different!


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#18 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 21 May 2008 - 08:21 AM

i just thought of it when vort(as semoe) said that human men and women all look the same to him

then i though, "that doesnt make sense if guidesmen women looked the same as males" cause i had originally thought about it as guidesmen men and women looking nearly exactally the same, with nearly no difference. but when vort said that i came up with this idea which i think i like

they will feature later on, when we have to infiltrate a new dominion planet, and also they will probably feature if i decide the guidesmen get attacked big time, or if we do a water mission and i feel like adding one :rolleyes:


baragan females are like human men and women, except hairy and more wookie like
rakian women are also nearly the same as rakian men, except they are less bulky, and more just small proportioned
Kaltesian like humans pretty much, but both are taller, also, there are no black kaltesians, they range from white to a greenish tint(just thought up that then :popcorn:)

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#19 war_angel

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Posted 21 May 2008 - 03:56 PM

nice, that pretty cool i suppose,,
and ooh an underwater mission, would we like all need funny futuristic breathign gear?!

and harpoon guns :p:D:D

aha tht would be well cool!


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#20 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 07:49 AM

yup :p

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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