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A Noob's feeling?

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#1 lycan


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 10:11 PM

Hello Petrolution or beginning modders of UAW

I was searching Petroglyph forums and found a post.

It was a guy new to modding and he wrote a rant about communities of uaw modding. And something irrelevant to this thread

From topic Noob going crazy by LeadSpitNdragon
most of it is irrelevant but one line isn't


OK this is going to be a place where people but mostly noobs can come to complain about modding troubles. I'm putting this in the "Ask Petroglyph" Section because I want petro to see what really gets the consumer mad. Number one on my list of complaints is expert modders dissing noobs and not giving any help. Yall were noobs once too to cut us a break experts. Second is program problems from not being able to find to not being able to understand, example 3ds max If you can find a version to download you can't find a compatible plug-in. And my last big gripe is out dated links and tools, like the max alo plug-in which if I could use I'd be thankful for but can't find a max program that it works with. Like I have read in other posts I doubt the makers of the games sit there and put in line after line of code they have to have some program that makes it far easier than that but if they give it away then who needs that year plus of ITT tech to get into the field.

But one thing caught my eye


Number one on my list of complaints is expert modders dissing noobs and not giving any help. Yall were noobs once too to cut us a break experts.

That might happen on some other sites but defintley not Petrolution. I feel that it's unfair if other sites do it and i do know that T3A does it (not being bias i have seen some incidents). Just remember that UAW is a brand new game and that most people modding have little experiance of modding the game or even opening notepad to edit a simple xml file, the point im also going to make is that we do not flame beginning/learning noobs at petro. I know im not a high placed guy in petrolution but i must probably be backed by the whole of the community i feel that its outrageous that people diss noobs or something similar becuase of the apporach of there new enviroment. I assure you no admins here will kill you down as the poster said. I just want to say that if your here to beginning modding at UAW then you most defintley will be treated fairly and not a guy to flame against.

Edited by lycan, 15 March 2008 - 10:12 PM.

#2 Banshee


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 02:37 AM

Smaller communities tends to be more friendly. Here at Petrolution, we want it to be a friendly place for newbie modders and, at this moment, I am not aware of n00b bashing people here. However, once it grows, I won't be surprised if I see this kind of people posting at this forum.
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#3 lycan


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 10:58 AM

I just don't want to scare some new people away that would generally grow to be part of the community.

#4 Kelathin

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 03:57 AM

He's from the Empire at War community. Therefore I'm assuming he's been to EaW Filefront. A spamful and very sucky part of the EaW community. What do you expect from 12 and 14 year old boys who simply want their mod to be the best rather then help the community. The also care about quantity over quality, there is the recipe for disaster.

The key to founding a good community lies within the moderator staff. Some freedoms must be trampled for the good of the majority; yelling fire at a theater is illegal for a reason even if it does break your first Amendment right. I'm sure Banshee and Duke will promote good modders and community members to set the example for everyone and help keep the flamewars down.

Edited by Kelathin, 17 March 2008 - 03:58 AM.

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