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#1 Vortigern


    Sumquhat quisquis.

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  • Location:Oxfordshire, England.
  • Projects:Workin'...
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  • Division:Role-Playing Games
  • Job:Division Leader

Posted 18 June 2008 - 01:55 PM

I've split the group into two at the moment, which will happen a lot over the next however long this runs for because it's that kind of RP. So for the moment, we're in two groups. Group 1, the breaking and entering and gunslinging group, consists of: Titus Cooper (Nology), Daniel Powel (war_angel), Ryan Thomas (Copaman) and Captain Wolff (me). Group 2, the stay at the ship and enter a world of comic mishaps and who knows what danger, consists of: Mac (Fire Ze Missiles), Chez (some_weirdGuy) and Warind Wenton (ok123456). There are two separate threads for these two separate groups at the moment, but when we've finished up we'll all be going back together in just the one thread, while stuff happens and we get ready for our next job, which may or may not have us splitting off in similar teams.

Feel to free to pose any questions that you may have.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

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