Hair:Black with some gray, long, curls at the end in the back, and if he lets it hang low, it covers his eyes, covering his bright blue irises
Height:Tall, 6' 7"
Weight:Very skinny
Pre-Outbreak Profession:Insane Asylum captive, then eventually worked there due to "good behavior"
Weapons:.50 Cal Magnum(pistol), future sight (thats how he was taken by the Asylum), 2 knives, lighter, AK-47
Other Items:Food, water, lighter fluid, black face paint, knife sharpener, .50 Cal magazines, AK magazines
Clothes:Black hat, black shirt, black pants
Description:White, but now pitch black from all of the tattoos, tall, is very skinny, fast, and flexible. His tattoos cover almost allof his body, excluding his face, which he covers with black paint to help render himself invisible in the night
Background:Well, this guy was taken to an insane asylum for hallucinations that seemed to always include a future with an apocalypse. He learned his skills while trying to break out, and learned to suppress his visions with meditation. Once the asylum learned of his suppression, they allowed him to work and help the inmates survive.
Skills:Stealth, Knocking people out-cold, Seeing the future, thievry
Edited by myself, 22 June 2008 - 12:19 AM.