Capital: Talkala.
Alliance: The League.
Faction Technology: Cold fusion power cells in all weapons, provides constant supply of energy for photon cannons on ships, rifles and pistols in hands and explosives in torpedoes. Elements of the Chalsithron, the secret police, also carry photon-blades, energy swords capable of slicing through virtually anything without blunting.
Military Strength: The Chalsidii use a titanium-iridium alloy for their shields, which proves to be entirely laser-proof, though explosives and solid slug weaponry are more effective against it than would be preferred. Scientists are currently working on a new form of shielding to cut off this source of damage. The Chalsithron are an extremely well-trained and well-disciplined élite and have not been beaten in combat since first capturing space-age weaponry, nearly two hundred years ago. Their armour is made of the same material as their spacecraft, as are the new bodysuits to be worn by all soldiers, thus rendering lasers absolutely useless against Chalsidii forces. The Chalsidonian military consists of every able-bodied man from within the confines of the Chalsidonian Empire.
The Chalsidii torchships are capable of travelling far above lightspeed, as they distort dimensions to push the ship closer to the destination, thus leaving it less physical distance to travel. The fact that this travelling is all done in alternative dimensions where the distance is greatly decreased anyway make torchship travel extremely fast. They are named for the bright streaks of light left in their path in the first three dimensions like an astral trail between dimensions.
The torchships are huge affairs, and carry within them thousands of fighters, used both in space and in atmospheric dogfights. The fighters are equipped with eight self-propelled photon torpedoes and two rotating photon cannons (like miniguns, but with concentrated beams of intense light.)
Military Weakness: The fleet has no ships in between torchship and fighter, and though the torchships are heavily armed, sometimes the fighters are not fast enough in response to crises. They are also weak against high explosives, though this is, of course, only a factor when environments are concerned. In space combat, cannonballs would be the greatest problem faced by the Chalsidonian fleet.
Government Style: Benevolent dictatorship.
Social Flaws: The Chalsidii are a dictatorship. This is quite possibly a good thing in times of war, which is always for the Chalsidii, but it does prevent their attaining certain freedoms. However, Dethocas, ruler of Talkala, the Chalsidii homeworld, is keen to bring in reform for the common good.
Every able-bodied Chalsidii male joins the military for at least a few years, so the females attend to most of society's needs. However, as the Chalsidonian soldiery is well-treated, conjugal visits are frequent and a new generation of warriors is always guaranteed.
They still live in caves on their homeworld. There are a few areas which have been converted to allow hydroponic farming to account for most of the Talkalan population, but it is an ongoing process. Admittedly, the caves are very nice and have been decorated and redesigned over the generations to become genuine homes, but they're still underground.
Admittedly, the Chalsidii do not care overmuch about the races they subjugate. Talkala is far more important than a bunch of aliens.
Redeeming Features: Dethocas and Rovairn between them provide a benevolent dictatorship, with new spoils from conquered worlds coming in all the time. Talkala is rapidly becoming something of a paradise, and even the sun seems less harsh these days. People are happy and contented, and the Chalsithron are rarely called in for domestic action.
When invading, they do try to broker a peace first, but their offers of domination and tribute are often ignored by the ignorant alien races.
Main characters: Admiral of the Fleet Rovairn, Emperor Dethocas, Captain Rezian.
Other information: The Chalsidii are essentially humanoid in appearance, though at first seem closer to neanderthals than humans. They have heavy, thick eyebrow ridges and dark skin and hair, doubtless due to the years spent toiling for food and shelter beneath the bright orange Talkalan sun. They do, however, have six fingers on each hand, each of which is about eight or nine inches long, though not spindly. They look like normal fingers, but bigger. All Chalsidii weaponry is designed with these long fingers in mind, so would be extremely difficult for any short-fingered race to use.
Character Registration
Character Name: Rovairn, Admiral of the fleet
Character Age by Terran standards: Mid-40s.
Character Gender: Male.
Character Profession: Admiral of the Fleet - most important military figure in Chalsidonian Empire.
Character Appearance: Tall (6'10"), sturdy, dark hair and skin, black uniform as ranking officer aboard ship.
Character History: See this post. Also this thread for general Chalsidii information.
Character Name: Emperor Dethocas.
Character Age by Terran standards: Mid-40s.
Character Gender: Male.
Character Profession: Emperor - rules over Chalsidonian Empire.
Character Appearance: Lithe and slender by Talkalan standards, very long hair, has an air of keen intelligence about him. Quite tall for a Chalsidia at nearly seven foot tall.
Character History: See same post as for Rovairn.
Character Name: Captain Rezian.
Character Age by Terran standards: 50ish.
Character Gender: Male.
Character Profession: Captain - commands one of the torchships.
Character Appearance: Like a Talkalan should - 6 and a half feet tall, solidly built and heavily muscled, dark leathery skin and jet black hair shaved off on either side of the head and tied back into a mohawk-tail, as is expected of Captains.
Character History: Became captain of a torchship after being a good captain and good soldier for some years before.
Man, that took a while. By the way, not that this impacts my faction in any great way, but I'd like to point out, SWG, that you are being too restrictive in terms of age and gender. My faction is strongly humanoid, so it doesn't matter, but for others they might not have genderm or have several genders, or live for thousands of years in a gaseous state after a life as a solid form for a couple of hundred. Or maybe they have evolutionary stages, and spend fifty years each in sixteen different forms, but are still the same person and still alive. We're talking science fiction here, man, think outside the box.
Edited by Durandel, 25 April 2009 - 10:01 PM.