Alliance: Federation
Faction Technology:
Construction technology of the Fonai are highly advanced. Huge structure with detailed carving can be found everywhere. This feature extended to their starships as well.
Phase Photon weapons (which means photon is unleashed through acceleration in subspace field):
Photon Beam >> Heavy weapons, mounted on large (sometimes mobile) platforms or starship. Simple and effective (moderate power-use / moderate firepower).
Photon Pulse >> Light weapons, use mostly by infantry due to short firing range. Moderate firepower (for infantry).
Photon Dispenser >> Photonic explosive device. It can be installed as warhead of a missile or starship torpedo.
Shield >> They use two shield types as defensive measure, Void Shield and Polar Shield. Void Shield for energy weapons and Polar Shield for projectile weapons.
Military Strength: Fonoss is more like a defensive warrior. They can construct massive fortress in short time and use that advantage to create their battle tactics. Mobile fortifications can be deployed quickly in time of battle.
Military Weakness: Though excel at construction, their hyperspace technology is quite limited. They can only travel at low hyperspace speed, thus limiting their expansion capability. Their separated shield types means that if they are not combined, they would be more vulnerable to one type of weapons.
Government Style: Female dominant class-based system with 4 standard classes; Rayal, Overseer, Ordinary, and Worker. 2 Special classes; Priestess and Warrior. Royal is ruling class. Councilors (a female and a male for each city/town) are collected in the Grand Council as governing body. A High Matriarch is elected from the Grand Council as the supreme leader with 5-Fonoss-year term. Special classes are not assigned by birth but by selective measures.
Social Flaws: Vocational advancement of skilled people in lower classes (especially Worker) tended to be low. As a result, some high skill individuals of such classes cannot fully use their skill for the greater goods of the Fonoss. Generally, Fonais are not open toward outsider due to their class-based society. Furthermore because Fonoss is female-dominant society (due to their pheromone), most Fonais tended to be indirect in conversation.
Redeeming Feature: Fonais have been exposed to more alien traders during last few decades, allowing the society to be more acceptance to outsiders. Lately, more males were able to rise up to high ranking positions (which is normally quite difficult).
Other information:
Fonais have pale skin and hair color can vary between red, brown, pale-blue, pale-green, and white. Average height is about 2.4 meters. Each Fonai has 2 hearts and 2 completely separated lungs (if one is punctured, the other can still operate). Although their appearance seems like human, Fonai skin is composed of harden chitin layer above thin fat layer (which helps Fonai resist harsh heat and UV generated from Fonoss suns). Fonai optical receptors can detect human visible light to UV wavelength. Female Fonai has pheromone gland, which uses to dominate male (which is stronger gender). Average lifespan is 111 years.
They live in 3 star systems; Fonoss, Kon, and Panit. Fonoss is capitol system which contains 3 inhabited planets; Mattia (capitol), Pron, and Kaius while others only contain one each. Orbital facilities are common sight.
Fonai Military consists of 3 branches; Fonai Navy, Fonai Army, and Fonai Law Enforcer.
Fonai naming and title are as this pattern: (TITLE) (FAMILY NAME) (NAME)
Title is specified by class. Connoi (Royal), Ziron (Overseer), Pomak (Ordinary), Joch (Worker), Sho (Priestess), Vakk (Warrior)
Character #1
NAME: Vakk Cruso Eral
AGE: 38
GENDER: Female
POSITION: Prime Lady (Captain) of the Flame Sword
APPEARANCE: 2.3m height with red hair and oval face
Character #2
NAME: Vakk Errsul Larnsoyu
AGE: 76
GENDER: Female
POSITION: Grand Mistress (Supreme Commander) of Warrior class
APPEARANCE: 2.6m height with pale-blue hair.
Character #3
NAME: Connoi Shal Durias
AGE: 80
GENDER: Female
POSITION: High Matriarch of the Grand Council
APPEARANCE: 2.4m height with pale-green hair.
Character #4
NAME: Vakk Davzen Krull
AGE: 36
POSITION: Senior War Officer aboard the Flame Sword, he's also Eral's mate.
APPEARANCE: 2.7m height with brown hair and round face.
PS: I'll fill in the alien trader part later.
Edited by Casojin, 10 June 2009 - 06:19 AM.