These mods more often than not fail because the modder underestimates the work load or loses interest.
So I thought "what if there was a way for new modders to get experience modding and working on a team before trying to create the big TC mods?".
So this idea was born.
The Community Mod Project.
The Community Mod Project can serve as a way to teach new members how to mod and establish them selves here at T3A.
Here's what I am thinking-
The members of the mod will be new members who will work on coding,modelling,skinning,artwork,ideas,mapping,AI etc.
The mod can be led by a Senior modder who will have a kind of overseeing role over the project to make sure things run smoothly.
New members can contribute to the project as they want as long as they make sure to let the rest know what they will be doing so that there isn't 3 people working on the same model with out knowing about it.
So what should the mod be?
Post your ideas and we'll work out what would be the best and most feasible idea.
The idea shouldn't be too drastic or hard to develop and I don't think it should be LOTR based.
Also the project will need a senior modder to lead so if anyone is interested post below.
If you have an idea please post below.
What you'll need to show.
A basic brief on what you want from the mod,how many factions,what game it's for etc.
As well as a basic story.
Also post up any concepts or pictures that will help show your idea.
I think it's best to avoid using other Game ideas/Movie ideas so that we don't run into any copyright issues and so we don't limit the interest in the project.
So knock yourselves out let's see what you can come up with.
Edited by Radspakr, 28 March 2009 - 05:40 AM.