We are not the League of Robots, nor do we even have robots. tongue.gif
glad you noticed the reference
Also, why do you have to give them names when either nobody is in the alliance or it's just one person, such as me? The only genuine alliance we seem to have so far is the Fonoss and the Cythelu, and I'm looking good with the Cythelu, so I may well end up joining that alliance. I think this whole set of alliances has to end, SWG. The idea has been tried, tested and failed, now it needs to be retired. Put this idea out to stud where it can have lots of little idea babies and then one day they can grow up into real ideas and we'll find them and use them.
Hey, i was just trying to keep a convenient record for the system that was in place. I was making my faction and thought 'hmm, what alliance should i be?' then went to check out who was in what alliance and found it to be a bit awkward, so i decided to make this thread to keep track of it all.
There is the five galactic powers, even though now some have no members factions in them, which it seems have been sorta kept for my original plan, although things have become a bit muddled up, what with the new leaders allowing friendships between people from different alliances which by my original plan were never suppose to happen.
If things had gone how i had planned then things would not be so mixed up, but it is up to the new leaders to do whatever they want with this now, not me, and they have kept part of this without planning out properly the changes they are going to make.
I'm not saying this is bad or anything, im just saying that because of this it seems that the alliances concept is a little 'out-dated' in this new
Worlds of War cas/mike/dur edition. Not working how they were going to be working had i decided to remain in charge.
I say, like i have said before, that you three leaders get your asses into gear(
) and have a big planning session, then reformate this as you will and get things organised, instead of this half muddled up RP it is right now with stuff from me still being used despite it not completely fitting with how things now are.
Get in, delete posts, put up nice fresh new ones, with new registration form fitted to your new direction with this RP, and have everything to do with the new Worlds of War all fixed up.