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CaH Statistics Gone!

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#1 euthanasie

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 12:03 AM

Hello everyone,

I'm 'very' new here, so please be kind to me, as it will take some time for me to hang around and learn how things work in here.

I was trying to install the RJ RotWK mod, when I saw that it included another 140+ MBs for the audio and video, I gave up installing. Everything works in order; however, my Create-A-Hero statistics are all gone! With that hero, my awards were quite fascinating. When I looked at them, it made me feel good and encouraged me to play. Now, what I see on that stat page is that only damn zeros, quite unfascinating.

Do any of you have any idea how to bring those back?
Thanks in advance.
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#2 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 01:29 AM


You should be posting your reply in this section:

This forum is for feedback on the forum itself, as can be read in the specific forum rules.

As to your question. Yeah, I think so. If I recall correct, the award statistics for the CaH are stored in a file which is somewhere in the same folders as the savegames are. Look around a bit to find it. The naming should be obvious.

As to editing the file. If you kill one unit of a certain type, the unit name will be added to the file as an entry, with the kill count behind it. You can edit both the names and numbers using a notepad to open the file, although I'd advice you to only edit numbers.

I don't have the game installed and don't recall the specifics, so you'd have to ask someone else if you can't figure it out on your own with these pointers. Ah... and first try this with a new CaH which you don't care about. If you do something wrong, the file may be corrupted.


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