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The Ha'el League

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#1 Commander Dingo

Commander Dingo
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Posted 26 July 2009 - 03:38 AM

Faction Name: Ha’el League

Alliance: The Orion Conference Treaty Alliance (OCTA).

Faction Technology: Tri-Lance Cannon (laser cannon), Yabogin [bow] Lanucher (Coil Gun), Phahon [Phoenix] Flyer (Corvette like attack and transport vessel).

Military Strength: The Ha’el have a highly mobile and versatile military.

Military Weakness: The Ha’el 's true weakness is that it cannot be everywhere at once. Due to their inability to manufacture large combat vessels and their lack of modern hyper-drives before the Orion Conference has caused the Ha’el to be cautious of extending their bounds too far out from home. Soldiers are also hard to produce to the quality expected of them

Government Style: The government is lead by the Tribunal which is made up of a Ward Lord from each of the three Wards, The General Assembly which is made-up-of elected representatives from each of the three factions, and the High Court is made up of a panel of nine judges with three judges from each faction.

Social Flaws and Redeeming Features: The Ha’el (which means United Ward) are divided into three internal factions; the Pa’el (the Inner Ward), the Wa’el (the Outer Ward), and the Fa’el (the Middle Ward). The Pa’el or the Inner Ward is the native race of Serenity. The Wa’el are human refugees that migrated to Serenity. The Fa’el are cross breeds between the two peoples. These three factions don’t always see eye to eye and that can make getting things done difficult but after 368 years they are extremely loyal and united against all comers; Unity gives Strength, Unity gives Life is the motto of the Ha’el people.

Location: Miranda the Ha’el home world is located in the Serenity system in the Orion Arm of the galaxy. The Serenity system is made up of over 16 planets and hundreds of moons though only 4 planets in the system are capable of supporting life. They have expanded to neighboring and nearby solar systems in the 46 years since the Orion Conference Treaty was signed, mostly to create a buffer zone between the Ha’el and the rest of the galaxy.

Character Name: Leon Seth Kennedy
Character Age: 32
Character Gender: Human Male
Character Profession: Human Ward Leader
Character Appearance: The average look of short cut hair and slightly tanned worn skin from combat and a grey officers uniform which is standard for all humans.
Character History: Leon leads the human ward faction and is also the one who selects the snipers for the “Ghost Squad” which he leads on the home front. It is also said that the human ward leaders are like old diapers, they change leaders a lot due to lifespan and many retiring due to old age and cannot keep up with the demands of war.

Character Name: Ti’nuke
Character Age: 200 (average life span is about 400 hundred years old)
Character Gender: Male Pa’el
Character Profession: Pa’el Ward Leader
Character Appearance: As of usual members, he has orange tinted skin with the calm facial style of a fiction creature known as an elf and the pointed ears to go along with. They wear orange red tinted armor when in the issue of military and unless they are a civilian, you will always see one in the armor as a sign of unity among the Pa’el Military Force.
Character History: Ti’nuke was around when the first humans came to the Serenity system and has seen many Human Ward Leaders because they were often replaced. He does however, have much respect for Human Ward Leader Leon because he has seen what Leon has done for all three factions and admires the fact that he is willing to risk his life in the name of unity and peace. Ti’nuke often gives religious sounding speeches which always ends with “Unity Gives Strength, Unity Gives Life.” He is mostly clam in matters but the calm side can disappear in the heat of battle.

Character Name: Sa’rah
Character Age: 150 (The Fa’el inherited the average 400 hundred year life span from their Pa‘el relatives)
Character Gender: Female Fa’el
Character Profession: Fa’el Ward Leader
Character Appearance: Has the physical appearance of the orange skin and elfish looks buts also maintains the human figure which is shown more in the face. She is seen in a standard Blue Uniform which is issued to all Fa’el.
Character History: Sa’rah is seen as a fumbling fool among the other Ward Leaders due to her being fearful of combat however, when push comes to shove, she is seen fighting unlike most people would see in a Half Breed of her stature. She is also around to change some of the social issues so as to give the Fa’el an equal chance at being seen like any human or Pa’el.

Side Note - when troops are on the field of combat, most times they are seen in fully sealed combat suits which shows no signs of gender or what the race is behind the suit. The only signs to tell who it belongs to is to find the logo on the arms which will say which ward they are from. Another sign is that their colored armor matches requlation color for their race, grey for humans, orange with the tint of red for Pa'el, and blue for Fa'el. When it comes to gender ID, it is left to guess.

Edited by Commander Dingo, 27 July 2009 - 07:01 AM.

War is more then defeat and victory, it is the changing of the verse to a new unseen start and with hope of a new way of life.
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#2 Commander Dingo

Commander Dingo
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Posted 27 July 2009 - 07:01 AM

I updated with the three main Personas which I will be writing with and the general discreption of the troops.
War is more then defeat and victory, it is the changing of the verse to a new unseen start and with hope of a new way of life.
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