Update time for Trials of Malvegil
Work continues on this project hell I can't stop working on it.
First some information about this map
The size is a huge 600 square map.
The terrain is vast and varied with Snow capped peaks in the north,Orc camps (a few of those),the pleasant Hill lands,Baladin (your main base),Taur nu Ithil (I think that's spelt right),Taur Anor and others.
There are multiple towns and outposts in this map to heal in and obtain new quests.
Baladin - your starting point a dwelling of the Dunedain of Arnor.
Man Town (no name yet) - a small human town that will be an important place being in middle of the map.
Ashton - A small village hidden (this will be a secret)
ElBalad (temp name for the Elf Town - hidden in Taur nu Ithil (which means Forest under Moon) a small settlements of Elves live.
Naurburg - a small abandoned fort in the Mountain region holding it as an outpost are the Dwarves.
Some of the other areas are
Wolflands - a rocky region very hostile to life somehow the Wolves and Wargs of Sauron live here.
Burz Guarsh - A small Orc Camp located East of Baladin
Cur Thraror - a larger Orc Camp led by the fearsome Orc Orzgar
Ongkar - another large Orc camp North of Cur Thraror the Orcs here are tougher
Gurtha Carang - yet another Orc Camp in the north in a rocky area some high level quests will be here.
Mountains of Angmar - part of the Mountain chain this is the largest region in the map.
In this region there are small Orc outposts,Trolls and all kinds of very strong Orcs.
This map will have quite a few custom units and items.
The Orcs will be custom as will the bosses and most other random creatures.
Malvegil will have 40 levels as will some bosses.
The Orcs aren't in hordes and are pretty tough.
There will be bosses to defeat for quests that will drop items.
I am currently working on developing an advanced ability customisation system.
Essentially you'll be able to choose which abilities Malvegil has in each slot.
There will be multiple slots with different types of attacks and spells ie blademaster style abilities or wound arrow types.
The player will be able to choose from multiple different abilities for each ability slot.
I may even have preset specs so that you can change him around on the go.
The ability system is still in it's infancy so it will take time for me to do properly.
I have some screenshots for show today.
These screenshots are a long way off finished but they'll give you an idea of the types of terrain you'll be playing in.
Elf Town - very early days on this one.
A winding path trough the cliffs populated by Wolves and Wargs.
The first Orc Camp you visit,not the last.
Home of Orzgar
Baladin - home sweet home,notice the civilians in town they are your quest givers every town will have some like them.
The imposing Mountains of Angmar still working on this one.(was even bigger than this but had to be scaled down to get the map to work.
Edited by Radspakr, 18 September 2009 - 02:59 PM.