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Northern Ireland: The great enigma

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#21 FK47



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Posted 04 December 2004 - 02:38 PM

Yes. And that's the way we want it to stay. I think EIRE wants to unite with NI to raise it's economy, but it will drag us down instead of equalling us.

Hybrid, you wouldn't happen to be from NI would you. :grin:

#22 Tom


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Posted 04 December 2004 - 04:46 PM

No, lucky. EIREs stupid if they want to 'unite.' It wouldn't raise its economy it would bring it down. When the berlin wall came down and Germany reunited with East Berlin its economy slacked as they were forced to pay for damages and supply the people with what they needed. Same would happen to NI and EIRE.

#23 FK47



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Posted 05 December 2004 - 12:29 AM

I don't think you can get any more right.

My god, this guy's a legend! :cool:

#24 [222]Rekki

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 04:58 AM

Best thing to do is send our army in. Hunt out the IRA, kill the retards, and then warn EIRE anymore crap and they won't be in power much longer. Really, do you think the Irish army could hold us off? lol.

done it before m8 took you down to your knees then you had to send 3 battleships in to blow the shit out of a small group of rebels...

Thats why the best idea would be to go in and remove the IRA, problem fucking solved. No crazy irish men coming to our country to bomb for freedom of an area they don't really want or need.

its not just the IRA people seem to forget this fact that there are pro -british terror groups to :cool: why not send in your own army to disarm them :dry:
they want it back cause they feel it was taken from them 400 years ago

also i would like to remind you all that i dont want N.I back fuck keep it for all i care i dont give a flying fook about the place anymore i did at one point in my life but its to much shit to take on we are a small and proud nation

i see people walking down the street with a Celtic football shirts on with all sort of shit on the back like 26+6=1 (meaning for those how dont know)
the republics 26 counties
and the north 6 counties
makes 1 Ireland

whats the fooking point as if thats going to bring back the 6 counties we lost 400 years ago

Bloody sunday wasn't what i would call a war really. I few people threw rocks and petrol bombs at our troops and a few people were shot. Wasn't really a war, a short fight then we left.

it was the start of a lot of retaliatory bomb strikes for people killed on that day in derry

i dont know what kind of news you got over then when the pro - british terror groups bomb the shit out of dublin + cork in simultaneous bomb attacks
hell i lived trough 1 bomb attack was i was 5 and what the hell did i do to deserve it huh????

been stuck in work for 5 times cause of bomb treats to the city center (working the dublins main street has its draw backs)

For 30 bloody years we have been trying to deal with them and getting nothing from it. Its time we just went in and removed them and then our people wouldn't have to worry about a bomb going off anywhere in one of our major cities just because these idiots want ireland to be independant.

so if your great army is so fucking great why the hell cant they stop the IRA ;)
there a joke if they can stop a group of how did you put it "nobodies"
30 years down the drain lol then they give up there own weapons HAHA!!!

rant over....

RekkiPosted Image

Glaine ár gcroí
Neart ár ngéag
Agus beart de réir ár mbriathar

Edited by [222]Rekki, 05 December 2004 - 11:32 AM.

#25 [222]Rekki

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 05:07 AM

Yes.  And that's the way we want it to stay.  I think EIRE wants to unite with NI to raise it's economy, but it will drag us down instead of equalling us.

Hybrid, you wouldn't happen to be from NI would you. ;)


sorry for the DP but i just seen this

the Irish economy is quite strong at the moment thank you very much

sure the cost of living over here is not cheap but we have a higher standard of living :cool:

and one more thing hybrid have you ever been over here???

i dont think you have or there is no way you would say its a "shit-hole"

and just remember is intolerance like this is what drives people to do stupid things

peace on earth (nahh it will never happen)

Rekki Posted Image

Edited by [222]Rekki, 05 December 2004 - 05:15 AM.

#26 Guest_ImmoMan_*

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 10:32 AM

At last someone I can agree with here. Thanks Rekki. :cool:

#27 FK47



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Posted 05 December 2004 - 12:22 PM

Rekki half aggreed with the stuff I said, apart from the shit-hole bit. Immo, you just don't like me and so you block out anything intelliegent I have to say. KTHNXBIY

Rekki, when I was in Ireland a few years back I remember the roads having huge holes in them, grass growing up all over the place, pretty dire conditions. But I do understand that the Irish governement is working to improve the quality of everything there, so I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a shit-hole anymore.

#28 Guest_ImmoMan_*

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 12:59 PM

I don't hate you flak, as long as you actually can say something that's not a direct flame at Rekki or me (or Eire). I can hate parts of you but I don't want to hate all of you. I'm sure you're a nice fella when we're not talking about the troubles. :cool:

Edited by ImmoMan, 05 December 2004 - 01:00 PM.

#29 FK47



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Posted 05 December 2004 - 02:07 PM

You're a mystery to me Immo.

#30 Guest_ImmoMan_*

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 02:12 PM

Well I just don't want an issue like this to lead to complete dislike. Just because we don't agree on one thing doesn't mean I should dislike you as a whole.

Yeah, I guess I'm a mystery.

#31 FK47



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Posted 05 December 2004 - 02:45 PM

Flak you're the kind of person I really dispise. Now I mean REALLY.


#32 Guest_ImmoMan_*

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 03:10 PM

Yeah I kinda knew you meant that. I just realised later that hatred won't solve anything. I'm known to do stupid things when I'm angry. But then again, aren't we all?

Just let's forget about it.

#33 FK47



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Posted 05 December 2004 - 03:59 PM

I know how you feel, recently I was flaming someone on another forum for laughing about rape, then I went and made a joke about sexuality. :cool:


#34 [222]Rekki

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Posted 06 December 2004 - 08:26 AM

sorry to drag this on but has hybird got any reply for me!

gone very quite in the last 27 hours.......

#35 Tom


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Posted 07 December 2004 - 09:00 PM

Thats why the best idea would be to go in and remove the IRA, problem fucking solved. No crazy irish men coming to our country to bomb for freedom of an area they don't really want or need.

its not just the IRA people seem to forget this fact that there are pro -british terror groups to :p why not send in your own army to disarm them :)
they want it back cause they feel it was taken from them 400 years ago

You have got to be kidding. Do you really think Blair would go and try to disarm his support? Of course not.

also i would like to remind you all that i dont want N.I back fuck keep it for all i care i dont give a flying fook about the place anymore i did at one point in my life but its to much shit to take on we are a small and proud nation

Good for you. Hope you enjoy it.

i see people walking down the street with a Celtic football shirts on with all sort of shit on the back like 26+6=1 (meaning for those how dont know)
the republics 26 counties
and the north 6 counties
makes 1 Ireland

whats the fooking point as if thats going to bring back the 6 counties we lost 400 years ago

Exactly, so why have the IRA been trying for the last 30 years plus to get it back eh?

Bloody sunday wasn't what i would call a war really. I few people threw rocks and petrol bombs at our troops and a few people were shot. Wasn't really a war, a short fight then we left.

it was the start of a lot of retaliatory bomb strikes for people killed on that day in derry

Was the start yet, bloody sunday was only ONE day not a week, month or year. It wasn't a war. What happened after was different.

i dont know what kind of news you got over then when the pro - british terror groups bomb the shit out of dublin + cork in simultaneous bomb attacks
hell i lived trough 1 bomb attack was i was 5 and what the hell did i do to deserve it huh????

Of course not. Does anyone deserve to go though a terrorist attack? Did the people in the WTC deserve what happened on 9/11? No. Did the people on the spanish train deserve what happened when it was bombed? I never said anyone deserved it.

there a joke if they can stop a group of how did you put it "nobodies"
30 years down the drain lol then they give up there own weapons HAHA!!!

I think everyone knew the IRA wasn't going to give up their weapons from day one. Today confirmed that. So why state the obvious?

EDIT: You also contradict yourself in this post. You say you don't care about 6 extra states but clearly in the end you are anti-british and pro-IRA....

#36 Guest_Rekki <---> system crashe_*

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 02:48 PM

see this is it you cant seem to realize that in the end of the day the old british govenment took something thats not theres scotland, wales and Irealand where ALL 3 of them have had there fights with the UK for indepence Ireland and Scotland having more luck than wales when it come to indepence

there is STILL an occupieing force in Ireland....

6 counties is alot for such a small place if the England had lost 12 counties in the south of england to the french during the Napoleonic wars would you be pissed off?

think about that one please i urge you....

You have got to be kidding. Do you really think Blair would go and try to disarm his support? Of course not.

good old tony ah he says he is commited to fighting terrorism but he choose to ignor the terrorists harbored in what at the moment is his own nation....

#37 Tom


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Posted 09 December 2004 - 08:58 PM

I couldn't care less. I'm not patriotic, as long as i got somewhere to live were these no pikees hanging around trashing up my house and property i don't care. Currently, Britain, under Blairs evil resigm is not that state, its called the "who gives a fuck state," the "will we do this reform, but not just yet. Lets wait until the General election to use it a propaganda that we are a good party" state, so nothing ever gets done. Whats blair done for me since hes been in power? Hmmmm *tries to think* oh yeah, raised taxes so many times so he can get more money in his pocket.

I couldn't care less if France owned the south of England, they can have it, its a shit hole. I live down here i should know. However, there is no way anyone could control the British empire and what it dominated. It was nothing to do with the government, a king was in power then, he made the decisions, 1 induvidual.

there is STILL an occupieing force in Ireland....

That force is there to try keep order. Reason why we didn't give the whole of ireland back after WWII was because if another war broke out we would need to use it as a base for sea and air forces.

#38 [222]Rekki

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:07 PM

this is going no where fast hybrid your the admin lock down this topic it is of no use to anyone people can talk and talk about this subject and never meet on a comparmise..

#39 FK47



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Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:12 PM

In other words, you can't reply. :)

By the Way, Sinn Fein and the DUP are apparently coming to signing an agreement which will in the end bring peace.

#40 Tom


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Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:35 PM

This topic isn't about meeting on a compromise of views so everyone agrees, its for people to share their own views. I have clearly done so.

By the Way, Sinn Fein and the DUP are apparently coming to signing an agreement which will in the end bring peace.

Will it be permenant though?

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