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New Starcraft II Maps

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#1 Gfire



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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:32 AM

Looks like a bunch of new maps are going to be added when the game releases in a few days... Can't confirm these maps for sure, but they certainly look cool.
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#2 Gfire



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Posted 25 July 2010 - 04:22 AM

I'm gonna jot down my thought on these maps, and also use google translate to get a rough idea of the names in english. (If someone who actually speaks german could give a better translation that would be cool)

Tal Von Agria: (Valley of Agria) Decent two player map. I don't like how the natural expos have such a wide chokepoint. Generally there is no open battlefield for the players to fight in, just a lot of twisting paths.

Xel'Naga-Hölen: (Xel'Naga Caves) Cool looking two player map, it reminds me of the sc1 maps a lot. The natural expo has two chokepoints, as well as a ramp with destructible rocks, so not the most easily defendable once again. Good looking map all around.

Delta-Quadrant: (Delta Quadrant?) Awesome looking four player map. Could be used for teams or 1v1. Has nice expansions in the back, blocked by destructable rocks, as well as naturals outside, and a gold expo in between each player. I really love how this map looks.

Elysium: (Elysium?) Cool to see a 3 player map. Looks pretty good. Also interesting to have a map with no gold expos.

Trümmerfeld: (Debri Field) Interesting to see an island map. They were always an interesting change in the original starcraft. Also, no gold expos. Pretty normal island map, with four starting positions.

Zwietracht IV: (Discord IV) Fun looking 2v2 map. Great to see more bases than the 2v2 maps from the beta.

Hoher Orbit: (High Orbit) Another cool looking 2v2 map, with lots of bases (although perhaps no real natural expos? I can't tell for sure where the start positions are, though)

Neu-Antioc: (New Antioc) Nice 2v2 map with a bridge with destructible rocks connecting allied bases, and longer corridors with destructible rocks connecting them to the far side.

Albtraum: (Nightmare) Cool 2v2 map on a lava tileset. Not a whole lot of expos, and a someone closed-in map design, but it looks pretty solid.

Terminus: (Term?) Another four player map, though it doesn't look like a 2v2. Great looking map, looks very standard.

Kriegsgebiet: (War Zone) Good Looking 2v2 map, with three expos for each side, in addition to a gold for each player.

Ausgrabung: (Excavation) 3v3 map with a bunch of golds: There are three standard expos on each side (1 for each player,) and an additional six gold expos across the middle of the map.

Die Tiefen Von Ulaan: (The Depths of Ulaan) fairly standard looking 3v3 map. Not a lot of expansions but a decent map.

Triebsand: (Quicksand) Cool desert 6-player map, but not necessarily a 3v3. It could be good for ffa. Has three normal and three gold expos to fight over. Not the greatest map, with no naturals, but possibly fun for an ffa with friends, or something.

Monsun: (Monsoon) Pretty standard, but awesome looking 3v3 map. Great raised naturals, and high yields in the middle. It has an awesome overall look.

Tektonischer Ris...: (Tectonic...) Very nice, very circular 3v3 map (possibly ffa, as it's fairly balanced, although not quite right) Has a normal and a gold for each player, as well as two golds in the middle.

Typhoon: (Typhoon) This one's a little crazy to look at in the scan... Looks like there are lots of expos, and nothing too out of the ordinary.

Erhöhtes Terrain: (Elevated Terrain) Great looking 4v4 map. It has a natural for each player, as well as four high-yields in the middle. Destructible rocks block alternative paths across the map.

Megaton: (Megaton) Cool 4v4 map, with an interesting shared base design. This map also uses what appear to be trees to act as barriers in the middle of the map. Looks like it's got a natural for all four as well as two gold expos on each side.

Giftige Slums: (Toxic Slums) Terriffic 4v4 map. Each player has a nicely choked in natural, as well as four gold expos available in the center of the map. I'm not sure if it's possible to reach those island-type expos by land or not. Possible by units like reapers.

Sandcanyon: (Sandcanyon) Amazingly well designed 4v4 map. It's got great base design with naturals, as well as four normal expansions in the middle to take, as well as high yields between the bases. Very solid 4v4 map.

I only reviewed the ones in the video... The others look exciting, too, from what I can see of them.

One of them looks like it might be a snow map and I'm really excited for that... A snow tileset should really be included.

Edited by Gfire, 25 July 2010 - 04:27 AM.

Greetings, community.

#3 Phil


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 01:57 PM

Nice stuff.

The translations are accurate for the most part. My two cents:

Delta-Quadrant: Delta Quadrant (maybe without hyphen in English)
Elysium: Elysium (Greek term)
Terminus: probably also Terminus in English (Latin term)
Tektonischer Ris... (Tektonischer Riss): Tectonic Rift

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#4 Gfire



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Posted 25 July 2010 - 04:15 PM

Right... The "ris" part was cut off so I have no idea what comes after that, it could be most anything.
Greetings, community.

#5 Digz


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Posted 29 July 2010 - 10:25 AM

The maps look pretty decent tbh, I'm looking forward to making my own, that should be very interesting.

#6 Hostile


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Posted 29 July 2010 - 11:28 AM

I wish I could buy the game but I'm short on cash. It looks like fun stuff.

#7 Gfire



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Posted 29 July 2010 - 06:41 PM

Well, as soon as I get time to play the game I'll post an actual list of official maps. Also, start working on some of my own again.
Greetings, community.

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