- It's too similar to the Republic-class Star Destroyer.
- The armaments are almost exactly the same. The only visible differences are the turreted concussion missile launchers on the Nebula, the heavy turbolasers being duals on the the Nebula, two less tractor beam projectors on the Nebula, and it being able to hold 60 'Starfighters/shuttles' compared to the Republic's 36.
- EvilleJedi had a model for the Nebula, but hadn't skinned it yet.
- It's certainly been a while since then, so perhaps EvilleJedi has skinned it, or someone else has a good model/skin they'd be alright with donating.
The argument of the ship specs is certainly a valid argument, as the mod already has limited build room, so any overlapping unit roles should be scrutinized heavily. There are certainly a couple differences that should not be overlooked.
- The Nebula was designed as a heavy destroyer/capital ship. It's supposed to single-handedly take on an Imperial II, as well as stack up somewhat decently against some of the smaller 'Super Star Destroyers', probably along the likes of the Allegiance-class. The Republic-class, on the other hand, outmatches an Imperial I, but not necessarily an Imperial II.
- The concussion missiles! A definite branch of design separation, the mod's upgrade specialization could put some heavy emphasis on this, like the Acclamator, turning those concussion missile launchers into heavier payloads. The Republic has no direct hull damaging weaponry.
- Cost:
- According to Wookie, at least, the Nebula is much, much more cost-efficient. At 168,528,000 credits, it's as much as 1/10th the cost of the whopping 1.94 billion credit cost of the Republic, while still presenting basically heavier armaments. I'm not sure where Wookie got these numbers (Google searching everything yields similar costs, and numbers aren't mentioned in Cracken's Threat Dossier), so if we play it safe and throw another zero on the cost of the Nebula, it's still cheaper.
On consumables: The Nebula, crewing an additional 700 hands, and having roughly 2/3rds the cargo capacity, has a much shorter deployment duration. The number quoted is 6 months, versus the 2 years for the Republic. This could be factored in to the cost somehow.I didn't check my source well enough. The Nebula has the larger cargo capacity, and the 700 extra hands were for a minimum crew. The Nebula actually staffs, on average, about 1,500 less than the Republic, and is accompanied by another 1,600 less soldiers.- Inflation: The cost of the Nebula may not be adjusted for in-universe inflation. In that case, the Nebula may end up near or greater the price of the Republic without artificially inflating it via throwing numbers in or consumable costs. The issue then becomes how the in-universe inflation would be calculated to adjust the price to something a little more proper.
Much like the Lancer-class Frigate for the Empire, the Nebula-class Star Destroyer is a modern pinnacle of cost-effectiveness. Cheaper than its predecessors, yet able to do the job that much better, the Nebula could be introduced, and specialized, into the New Republic arsenal as a heavy capital ship. In order to give the player incentive to grab the Republic over the Nebula, perhaps the Republic could be specialized into a more specific category a bit more, or to delay the Nebula-class one more step past the Republic-class in the tech tree, if possible.
In addition to the Nebula, the New Republic could be given its dedicated carrier capital from the New Class Modernization Program as well, the Endurance-class Fleet Carrier.
- I noticed that the Thrawn's Revenge mod was able to compromise a model together (Linky), based on it being built off the same frame as the Nebula-class. Despite the ship being rather ugly, the model itself looks nice from the picture.
- EvilleJedi also has one modeled, if not textured (Linky), but it's based off of his modeled Defender-class, and doesn't really appear to be similar enough in frame to the Nebula-class, despite looking nicer, in my opinion, than the Thrawn's Revenge Endurance model.
So, all in all, my points are:
- PR Team: are there any current or near future plans to incorporate the Nebula and/or other New Class ships into the mod?
- Everyone else: Discuss your thoughts on the Nebula vs. Republic conundrum and proposed solutions. Propose your own solutions if you think of any.
Edited by Tropical Bob, 04 September 2010 - 03:25 PM.