Notes: Theirs voice is inspiring, fiery and machine-like. (use some pitch shifter)
In some phrase sounds a little priest-like. (attack, build, repair)
Unit_Complete1: I am the War-smith you requested!
Unit_Complete2: Frater Astrotechnicus is here!
Unit_Complete3: I come from the Armoury!
Unit_Complete4: Battle-Brothers, I take care of your weapons and wargears!
Unit_Complete5: I taught the machine lore!
Unit_Complete6: The Cult Mechanicus send me to aid you!
Unit_Complete7: Someone calls for a Techmarine?
Selection1: Executing order!
Selection2: Orders on Comm-Link!
Selection3: Something to repair?
Selection4: Vox call!
Selection5: Waiting for orders!
Selection6: Signum is active!
Selection7: Order accomplished!
Move1: Coordinates received!
Move2: Into position!
Move3: Ordered to move!
Move4: Approaching target!
Move5: Destination marked!
Move6: Move!
Move7: Location designated!
Attack1: Unleash the weapons of war!
Attack2: For the Deus Mechanicus, attack!
Attack3: Show them the fury of the Forge!
Attack4: War-spirits, unleash your wrath!
Attack5: All fear the Warmachines of the Salamanders!
Attack6: Obliterate this Heretek scum!
Attack7: Feel the anger of the machines!
Build1: I divine the Runes of Engineering!
Build2: Build it for the Machine God!
Build3: Do the Rituals of Creation!
Build4: Machine-spirit, wake up!
Build5: I cant the Rites of Activation!
Build6: Construction ceremony proceed!
Build7: I sing the Hymns of Awakening!
Capture1: It’s a sacred location!
Capture2: This territory hide lost arcane technology!
Capture3: I feel some holy artifact here!
Capped1: Technology secured!
Capped2: Captured in the name of the Adeptus Mechanicus!
Capped3: It’s taken for the Salamanders!
Lay_Mines1: Caution! Mines!
Lay_Mines2: Little Machine-spirits blast our foes!
Lay_Mines3: Mines prepared… Activation!
Load_Transport1: Machine-spirit, give me protection!
Load_Transport2: Embarking!
Unload_Transport1: Fighting wait for me, Machine-spirit!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarking!
Morale_Break1: Take a better position!
Morale_Break2: Retreat!
Morale_Break3: To the rally point!
Morale_Restored1: The Machine God watches over you!
Morale_Restored2: All worship the divine Engine!
Morale_Restored3: The Cult of the Machine is back into the fray!
Charge1: No mercy for the Heretek!
Charge2: Feel the burning rage of the Mechanicus!
Charge3: Decimate them!
Ability1: Feel the wrath of the Mechanicus!
Ability2: Vanquish all the Hereteks!
Ability3: For the Omnissiah! [pronounced "Aum - nih - sigh - uh"]
Ability4: Sing Praise to the God of All Machines!
Ability5: I feel the blessing of the Omnissiah!
Repair1: I celebrate the Liturgy of Maintenance!
Repair2: I heal the machine!
Repair3: I’m doing maintenance rituals!
Combat1: Throw them back!
Combat2: Hold the line!
Combat3: We are receiving fire!
Under_Fire1: Under supreme fire-power!
Under_Fire2: Take cover!
Under_Fire3: Hold on and keep firing!
Damage1: Damaged flesh! I must replace it with cybernetics!
Damage2: Self-test: Servo-arm injured!
Damage3: My armour get damaged!
Death1: Deus Mechanicus, I will die in your name!
Death2: Death wait… for me…
Death3: I will die, use my cybernetics well!
Death4: I can’t stand… the pain… of the damaged machines…
Notes: Their voice sound machine-like, empty and mindless.
Unit_Complete1: Programming ready, Commander!
Unit_Complete2: Monotask here!
Unit_Complete3: I’m here to serve you!
Unit_Complete4: Servitor arrived!
Unit_Complete5: My improvement is complete, Captain!
Unit_Complete6: I programmed to serve!
Unit_Complete7: My strength is yours!
Selection1: Order me!
Selection2: New task?
Selection3: Programming is proceed!
Selection4: Incoming orders!
Selection5: Program me!
Selection6: File uploading…done.
Selection7: Give me a task!
Move1: Going to execute my job!
Move2: Moving to a new location!
Move3: Approaching coordinates!
Move4: Ordered to move!
Move5: Into position!
Move6: Program: moving.
Move7: I see the marked area!
Attack1: Attacking procedure!
Attack2: To battle, Servitors!
Attack3: Deliver death!
Attack4: Battle protocol starting!
Attack5: Engage the scum!
Attack6: Let them fear our names!
Attack7: To the fray!
Build1: Ordered to build!
Build2: I’ve created for this job!
Build3: Building program received…execution started.
Build4: Easy job for me!
Build5: Building in progress!
Build6: I do it!
Build7: Building is my task!
Capture1: I programmed to take it!
Capture2: We must hold this objective!
Capture3: Capturing protocol initializing!
Capped1: It’s ours!
Capped2: Capturing protocol finished!
Capped3: Job accomplished!
Lay_Mines1: Activity: Laying mines!
Lay_Mines2: Preparing Demolition charges!
Lay_Mines3: Deploying minefield!
Load_Transport1: Boarding!
Load_Transport2: Into vehicle!
Unload_Transport1: Get off!
Unload_Transport2: From transport!
Morale_Break1: Retreating process loading!
Morale_Break2: Fall back!
Morale_Break3: Withdrawal starting!
Morale_Restored1: Back to attack!
Morale_Restored2: Status secured, resume fighting!
Morale_Restored3: Charge again!
Charge1: Melee routines loading…done!
Charge2: Slaughter them all!
Charge3: Let none survive!
Ability1: Our rage will wipe you out!
Ability2: For the father of all Machines!
Ability3: Fear the anger of the Machine-spirits.
Ability4: Machine God, protect us from the Heretek!
Ability5: For the Armoury and the Forge!
Repair1: Repairing!
Repair2: Malfunction! Dissolve it!
Repair3: Reparation on the way!
Combat1: Enemy firing on us!
Combat2: Take cover!
Combat3: Receiving fire!
Under_Fire1: Fire Back!
Under_Fire2: Searching for cover!
Under_Fire3: Servitors under fire!
Damage1: My systems are damaged!
Damage2: We have losses!
Damage3: Taking heavy damage!
Death1: Servitor out of gear!
Death2: Fatal error…systems shut down…
Death3: My life comes to end.
Death4: I finish… existing.
Scout Squad
Notes: New guys. They learn the aspects of war and train without end. Their voice is optimistic, proud and maybe a little overweening. They have not filled of wisdom yet.
Unit_Complete1: We must learn, teach us Master!
Unit_Complete2: Scouts here!
Unit_Complete3: We have honoured to show you our awareness!
Unit_Complete4: The ghosts of the Chapter are arrived!
Unit_Complete5: We are silent terror!
Unit_Complete6: Thank you for the chance, Captain!
Unit_Complete7: We are here to infiltrate enemy positions!
Selection1: Waiting for Instructions!
Selection2: How can we serve?
Selection3: Apprentices wait for orders!
Selection4: Something to recon?
Selection5: Comm-Link ready!
Selection6: Receiving!
Selection7: You need us, Master?
Move1: Gathering information!
Move2: We move unseen!
Move3: Reconnaissance on the way!
Move4: Moving silently!
Move5: Sneak behind them!
Move6: Covert-Op in progress!
Move7: Move in the shadows, Brothers!
Attack1: Ambush them!
Attack2: Striking fast and hard!
Attack3: For the Chapter!
Attack4: Hunt them, Brothers!
Attack5: Bring them terror!
Attack6: Firing at the enemy!
Attack7: Attack, to prove our worth!
Capture1: Silently! Capture it!
Capture2: Take this point for the Chapter!
Capture3: We need this objective!
Capped1: This point is ours now!
Capped2: HQ objective taken!
Capped3: Area secured, next target?
Load_Transport1: Boarding!
Load_Transport2: To transport!
Unload_Transport1: Arrived! Get off!
Unload_Transport2: To battle!
Morale_Break1: Rally around me!
Morale_Break2: Back into secure position!
Morale_Break3: Retreat, Aspirants!
Morale_Restored1: For the God-Emperor, attack!
Morale_Restored2: To victory!
Morale_Restored3: This day will be ours!
Charge1: Cut them down!
Charge2: To the hilt, Brothers!
Charge3: For the Emperor, strike them!
Charge4: Charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Strike from above!
Jump_Teleport2: Overwhelm them!
Deepstrike1: From the sky!
Deepstrike2: Right into the battle!
Ability1: For the Chapter!
Ability2: In the holy name of Vulkan!
Ability3: For Nocturne!
Ability4: Holy grace filled our heart!
Ability5: We are chosen of the Emperor!
Combat1: Hold the line, Brothers!
Combat2: Take cover!
Combat3: Enemy fire!
Under_Fire1: We are taking heavy fire!
Under_Fire2: Hold on and keep firing!
Under_Fire3: Into cover!
Damage1: Wounded Brothers!
Damage2: Taking Damage!
Damage3: It’s just pain, bear down it!
Death1: Death came for us!
Death2: Scouts fell.
Death3: We failed… to do our job…
Death4: Scout Squad wiped out!
Scout Squad Sergeant
Notes: New guys. They learn the aspects of war and train without end. Their voice is optimistic, proud and maybe a little overweening. They have not filled of wisdom yet. Use a DEEPER voice for this one.
Unit_Complete1: Aspirants, attention!
Unit_Complete2: I will teach you, Brothers!
Unit_Complete3: Sergeant here!
Unit_Complete4: Chapter Master sent me to fulfill your training, Recruits!
Unit_Complete5: I take command here!
Unit_Complete6: Follow me Scouts!
Unit_Complete7: I will show you every aspect of warfare!
Selection1: What are your istructions?
Selection2: Prepare your gears, Recruits!
Selection3: Orders?
Selection4: Something to recon?
Selection5: Comm-Link ready!
Selection6: Receiving!
Selection7: You need us, Master?
Move1: Cloak up! Moving!
Move2: Swiftly and Silently!
Move3: Captain ordered us!
Move4: Moving silently!
Move5: Sneak behind them!
Move6: Covert-Op in progress!
Move7: Move in the shadows, Brothers!
Attack1: Attack from the shadows!
Attack2: For Vulkan!
Attack3: To arms, Brothers!
Attack4: Hunt them, Brothers!
Attack5: Bring them terror!
Attack6: Firing at the enemy!
Attack7: Attack, to prove our worth!
Capture1: Silently! Capture it!
Capture2: Take this point for the Chapter!
Capture3: We need this objective!
Capped1: This point is ours now!
Capped2: HQ objective taken!
Capped3: Area secured, next target?
Load_Transport1: Boarding!
Load_Transport2: To transport!
Unload_Transport1: Arrived! Get off!
Unload_Transport2: To battle!
Morale_Break1: Rally around me!
Morale_Break2: Back into secure position!
Morale_Break3: Retreat, Aspirants!
Morale_Restored1: For the God-Emperor, attack!
Morale_Restored2: To victory!
Morale_Restored3: This day will be ours!
Charge1: Cut them down!
Charge2: To the hilt, Brothers!
Charge3: For the Emperor, strike them!
Charge4: Charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Strike from above!
Jump_Teleport2: Overwhelm them!
Deepstrike1: From the sky!
Deepstrike2: Right into the battle!
Ability1: For the Chapter!
Ability2: In the holy name of Vulkan!
Ability3: For Nocturne!
Ability4: Holy grace filled our heart!
Ability5: We are chosen of the Emperor!
Combat1: Hold the line, Brothers!
Combat2: Take cover!
Combat3: Enemy fire!
Under_Fire1: We are taking heavy fire!
Under_Fire2: Hold on and keep firing!
Under_Fire3: Into cover!
Damage1: Wounded Brothers!
Damage2: Taking Damage!
Damage3: It’s just pain, bear down it!
Death1: I can not die…Not yet…
Death2: I fell from Emperor’s grace today.
Death3: Death I coming!
Death4: Scout Squad wiped out!
Marine Squad
Notes: A bunch of Pyromanics who REALLY want to torch the living daylights out of anything that doesn't have the Imperial Eagle. I picture this being said like the normal Dawn of War Space Marines, but a little less... dead and sounding a bit more unhinged.
Unit_Complete1: The Chapter calls.
Unit_Complete2: In Vulkan's name.
Unit_Complete3: We are here to cleanse this land.
Unit_Complete4: We arrive from Nocturne.
Unit_Complete5: We will burn these Heresies clean!
Unit_Complete6: In the name of Vulkan, and the Emperor.
Unit_Complete7: Master Tu'Shan has requested we assist you. [pronounced "Too-Shan"]
Selection1: Awaiting orders.
Selection2: On your orders, Captain.
Selection3: Vox open.
Selection4: Receiving.
Selection5: How can we serve?
Selection6: We are receiving.
Selection7: Orders, Commander?
Move1: Coordinates received, on route..
Move2: Moving.
Move3: Where we go, the Emperor's light follows.
Move4: Fire and faith follows our footsteps.
Move5: Brothers, we move!
Move6: Our Captain has ordered us!
Move7: Brothers, advance!
Attack1: For the Emperor!
Attack2: For the Imperium!
Attack3: For Vulkan!
Attack4: Bring the heat of a thousand forges!
Attack5: All shall fear the wrath of the Space Marines!
Attack6: We are the doom of Heresy!
Attack7: Brothers! Strike for the Chapter, and the Primarch!
Capture1: This is Imperial territory!
Capture2: It will be ours.
Capture3: For the Chapter.
Capped1: The Chapter's colours fly high.
Capped2: Objective secured.
Capped3: Area cleansed, what is our next target?
Load_Transport1: Boarding transport.
Load_Transport2: Take us to the battle!
Unload_Transport1: Disembark.
Unload_Transport2: To battle brothers!
Morale_Break1: To the Rally Point!
Morale_Break2: I Fear No Evil, I am Fear Incarnate!
Morale_Break3: Fighting withdrawal!
Morale_Restored1: We Shall Know No Fear!
Morale_Restored2: You sully the Primarch's name by fleeing!
Morale_Restored3: Back into them, for Vulkan!
Charge1: Show them Nocturan craftsmanship!
Charge2: Into the melee!
Charge3: Charge brothers!
Charge4: Strike, for the Chapter!
Jump_Teleport1: Death from above, Traitors.
Jump_Teleport2: Teleporting into battle.
Deepstrike1: Strike behind enemy lines!
Deepstrike2: And the Tactical Squad shall engage from a position of strength...
Ability1: For the Emperor!
Ability2: For the Chapter!
Ability3: For Vulkan!
Ability4: We stand United.
Ability5: Marines providing support.
Combat1: Taking hostile fire.
Combat2: Taking light damage.
Combat3: Enemy firing on us.
Under_Fire1: Taking heavy fire, Captain!
Under_Fire2: This is nothing compared to Nocturian craftsmanship, but we are feeling it!
Under_Fire3: Heretic scum! Fire back Brothers!
Damage1: Brothers are wounded, Captain!
Damage2: It's a flesh wound, I can fight on!
Damage3: Pain is an illusion of the mind, fight on!
Death1: Reporting Brothers, Killed in Action.
Death2: Another joins the dead...
Death3: Grant me... the Emperor's... peace.
Death4: I cannot fall, not today!
Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: A bunch of Pyromanics who REALLY want to torch the living daylights out of anything that doesn't have the Imperial Eagle. I picture this being said like the normal Dawn of War Space Marines, but a little less... dead and sounding a bit more unhinged. Spoken more battle-hardened and deeper than normal brethren.
Unit_Complete1: The Chapter has called me.
Unit_Complete2: In Vulkan's name.
Unit_Complete3: I am here to cleanse these lands.
Unit_Complete4: Directly from Nocturne have I come.
Unit_Complete5: The cleansing fires will burn these Heretics to ash!
Unit_Complete6: Here to lead my brothers to total victory!
Unit_Complete7: The Master requested I assist you.
Selection1: Updating vox channels
Selection2: Yes?
Selection3: Present!
Selection4: Receiving.
Selection5: How can we serve?
Selection6: We are receiving.
Selection7: Orders, Commander?
Move1: We go..
Move2: Onwards to the target..
Move3: This path is clear..
Move4: Fire and faith follows our footsteps.
Move5: Brothers, we move!
Move6: Our Captain has ordered us!
Move7: Brothers, advance!
Attack1: In pursuit..
Attack2: Raise weapons.. ATTACK!
Attack3: Track.. and destroy!
Attack4: Bring the heat of a thousand forges!
Attack5: All shall fear the wrath of the Space Marines!
Attack6: We are the doom of Heresy!
Attack7: Brothers! Strike for the Chapter, and the Primarch!
Capture1: This is Imperial territory!
Capture2: It will be ours.
Capture3: For the Chapter.
Capped1: The Chapter's colours fly high.
Capped2: Objective secured.
Capped3: Area cleansed, what is our next target?
Load_Transport1: Boarding transport.
Load_Transport2: Take us to the battle!
Unload_Transport1: Disembark.
Unload_Transport2: To battle brothers!
Morale_Break1: To the Rally Point!
Morale_Break2: I Fear No Evil, I am Fear Incarnate!
Morale_Break3: Fighting withdrawal!
Morale_Restored1: We Shall Know No Fear!
Morale_Restored2: You sully the Primarch's name by fleeing!
Morale_Restored3: Back into them, for Vulkan!
Charge1: Show them Nocturan craftsmanship!
Charge2: Into the melee!
Charge3: Charge brothers!
Charge4: Strike, for the Chapter!
Jump_Teleport1: Death from above, Traitors.
Jump_Teleport2: Teleporting into battle.
Deepstrike1: Strike behind enemy lines!
Deepstrike2: And the Tactical Squad shall engage from a position of strength...
Ability1: For the Emperor!
Ability2: For the Chapter!
Ability3: For Vulkan!
Ability4: We stand United.
Ability5: Marines providing support.
Combat1: Taking hostile fire.
Combat2: Taking light damage.
Combat3: Enemy firing on us.
Under_Fire1: Taking heavy fire, Captain!
Under_Fire2: This is nothing compared to Nocturian craftsmanship, but we are feeling it!
Under_Fire3: Heretic scum! Fire back Brothers!
Damage1: Brothers are wounded, Captain!
Damage2: It's a flesh wound, I can fight on!
Damage3: Pain is an illusion of the mind, fight on!
Death1: No.. I have failed..
Death2: I go.. to my.. battle brothers..
Death3: Give me.. forgiveness...
Death4: Arrgghhhhhh!
Assault Marine Squad
Notes: Pyromanics. Flying is a little difficult for a Salamander due to the fluctuating gravity of Nocturne where they trained. Therefor their voice sounding aggressive, hot-blooded but a little dotty and uncertain.
Unit_Complete1: The fury of Vulkan has arrived!
Unit_Complete2: For Nocturne!
Unit_Complete3: We arrive with fire in our heart!
Unit_Complete4: Assault Squad ready!
Unit_Complete5: We bring the Light of the Emperor!
Unit_Complete6: For the Imperium!
Unit_Complete7: We are here to assail the enemies of Mankind!
Selection1: Something to assault?
Selection2: Receiving orders.
Selection3: We are waiting.
Selection4: Instructions?
Selection5: Yes, Captain?
Selection6: Waiting for orders.
Selection7: Orders on Vox.
Move1: Brothers, go!
Move2: Advance!
Move3: Coordinates received!
Move4: To the frontline!
Move5: Moving into position!
Move6: Captain has ordered us!
Move7: Move! Move! Move!
Attack1: Show them Nocturnian ferocity!
Attack2: Slay them all!
Attack3: Into battle!
Attack4: Burn them to ashes!
Attack5: Attack, Brothers!
Attack6: For Vulkan!
Attack7: Strike for the victory!
Capture1: This position is vital for the Mankind!
Capture2: For the God-Emperor!
Capture3: This is sacred land, Heretic!
Capped1: Location Purified!
Capped2: This objective is ours!
Capped3: Secured!
Load_Transport1: Into Vehicle!
Load_Transport2: Embark, Brothers!
Unload_Transport1: Our brothers waiting for us!
Unload_Transport2: Disembark, Brothers!
Morale_Break1: To the rally point!
Morale_Break2: Withdraw, Brothers!
Morale_Break3: Back to a better position!
Morale_Restored1: The Emperor’s light shine on us again!
Morale_Restored2: This day will be glorious!
Morale_Restored3: We are blessed by our Primarch!
Charge1: Chaaarge!
Charge2: For the Primarch!
Charge3: No mercy!
Charge4: Purge them!
Jump_Teleport1: Straight to the Dense!
Jump_Teleport2: Unto the anvil!
Deepstrike1: From the skies we bring thunder!
Deepstrike2: Deepstriking into the combat!
Ability1: For Mankind!
Ability2: Smite them!
Ability3: For victory!
Ability4: The Emperor protects us!
Ability5: In Unity we are stronger!
Combat1: We are under enemy fire!
Combat2: They attack us!
Combat3: Taking fire!
Under_Fire1: They are shooting at us!
Under_Fire2: We are under heavy fire!
Under_Fire3: Fire back! Fire back!
Damage1: Wounds! Ignore them!
Damage2: Taking Damage!
Damage3: Pain is acceptable, losing is not!
Death1: Primarch please forgive me for I failed!
Death2: Emperor… give me… your peace…
Death3: I’m falling…
Death4: Brothers, remember me!
Assault Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: Pyromanics. Flying is a little difficult for a Salamander due to the fluctuating gravity of Nocturne where they trained. Therefor their voice sounding aggressive, hot-blooded but a little dotty and uncertain. Use a Deeper voice here.
Unit_Complete1: I am born from fire!
Unit_Complete2: Follow my lead!
Unit_Complete3: Sergeant here!
Unit_Complete4: The Chapter calls!
Unit_Complete5: I will lead you to victory!
Unit_Complete6: Brothers we unite again!
Unit_Complete7: I come to lead!
Selection1: Orders?
Selection2: Give us a task!
Selection3: Commander?
Selection4: Instructions?
Selection5: Yes, Captain?
Selection6: Waiting for orders.
Selection7: Orders on Vox.
Move1: Follow me, Brothers!
Move2: Forth for the Glory!
Move3: Position received!
Move4: To the frontline!
Move5: Moving into position!
Move6: Captain has ordered us!
Move7: Move! Move! Move!
Attack1: Follow me to the fray!
Attack2: Attack!
Attack3: Show them no mercy!
Attack4: Burn them to ashes!
Attack5: Attack, Brothers!
Attack6: For Vulkan!
Attack7: Strike for the victory!
Capture1: This position is vital for the Mankind!
Capture2: For the God-Emperor!
Capture3: This is sacred land, Heretic!
Capped1: Location Purified!
Capped2: This objective is ours!
Capped3: Secured!
Load_Transport1: Into Vehicle!
Load_Transport2: Embark, Brothers!
Unload_Transport1: Our brothers waiting for us!
Unload_Transport2: Disembark, Brothers!
Morale_Break1: To the rally point!
Morale_Break2: Withdraw, Brothers!
Morale_Break3: Back to a better position!
Morale_Restored1: The Emperor’s light shine on us again!
Morale_Restored2: This day will be glorious!
Morale_Restored3: We are blessed by our Primarch!
Charge1: Chaaarge!
Charge2: For the Primarch!
Charge3: No mercy!
Charge4: Purge them!
Jump_Teleport1: Straight to the Dense!
Jump_Teleport2: Unto the anvil!
Deepstrike1: From the skies we bring thunder!
Deepstrike2: Deepstriking into the combat!
Ability1: For Mankind!
Ability2: Smite them!
Ability3: For victory!
Ability4: The Emperor protects us!
Ability5: In Unity we are stronger!
Combat1: We are under enemy fire!
Combat2: They attack us!
Combat3: Taking fire!
Under_Fire1: They are shooting at us!
Under_Fire2: We are under heavy fire!
Under_Fire3: Fire back! Fire back!
Damage1: Wounds! Ignore them!
Damage2: Taking Damage!
Damage3: Pain is acceptable, losing is not!
Death1: Someone… takes my place, Brothers…
Death2: I’m join death.
Death3: It was an honour to fight by your side!
Death4: Brothers, remember me!
Devastator Marine Squad
Notes: Much the same as a normal Salamander Space Marine, but with a bit more temperance to their enthusiasm to smite the foes of the Emperor due to their position. They are generally marines with a few decades of experience at least, so they can wait for the correct time to unleash their weapons upon the foe, and understand that timing means all. Voice acting wise, a similar tone to a Tactical squad, but with sounding more....experienced. Less controlled by their anger and passion.
Unit_Complete1: Devastator squad, reporting.
Unit_Complete2: We join you brothers.
Unit_Complete3: Heavy weapons, standing by.
Unit_Complete4: Our weapons are crafted by the finest smiths in the Imperium. Let us show that again.
Unit_Complete5: Devastators falling in.
Unit_Complete6: We come at the word of the Chapter Master.
Unit_Complete7: Pilot ignited. Let fire purge them.
Selection1: Yes Captain?
Selection2: How can I serve the Chapter?
Selection3: The fires of Nocturne beat in my breast.
Selection4: Brother?
Selection5: How might I serve?
Selection6: Proceed.
Selection7: We hear you brother. Speak, and it shall be done.
Move1: As you wish brother.
Move2: For the Chapter.
Move3: Quickly brothers, into position.
Move4: We advance brothers!
Move5: Fire-Born! With Me!
Move6: Devastator squad moving.
Move7: In the Emperor's Name!
Attack1: For the Emperor!
Attack2: Vulkan be with us this day!
Attack3: Support our battle-brothers with heavy fire!
Attack4: Fire! Three steps forward. Fire!
Attack5: Consolidate fire on that position!
Attack6: Burn them! Cleanse their heresy with fire!
Attack7: Kill them all!
Capture1: We shall capture the high ground.
Capture2: Moving to capture.
Capture3: Take up positions around that point brothers!
Capped1: We have taken it for the Chapter.
Capped2: This position is claimed for the Emperor!
Capped3: The sons of Vulkan watch over this place now.
Load_Transport1: This transport shall move us into position with greater speed.
Load_Transport2: Into that transport brothers, quickly.
Unload_Transport1: Out brothers, and prepare for battle!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarking.
Morale_Break1: No Battle was ever won by foolish sacrifice.
Morale_Break2: We must fall back!
Morale_Break3: Brothers, take cover!
Morale_Restored1: Hail Vulcan and the Glory of Prometheus!
Morale_Restored2: Stout hearts and steely resolve are all He asks of us brother.
Morale_Restored3: Into the fray once more brothers!
Charge1: Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!
Charge2: Let Him on Earth witness your courage brothers!
Charge3: They. Will. FALL!
Charge4: Let us smite the foes of the Emperor!
Jump_Teleport1: We move.. Quickly!
Jump_Teleport2: Rapid insertion..
Deepstrike1: Devastator squad in position to smite our foes.
Deepstrike2: Deep-striking into position.
Ability1: Let us see if they can burn!
Ability2: By fire be purged!
Ability3: It shall be done brother!
Ability4: Brother! I am your shield!
Ability5: Devastators laying down covering fire.
Combat1: Brother-Captain! Devastator squad under fire!
Combat2: We are taking fire!
Combat3: Enemy too close to bring heavy weapons to bear!
Under_Fire1: Nocturian craftsmanship can weather much more than this!
Under_Fire2: Brother, we need support.
Under_Fire3: It shall take more than this to fell us!
Damage1: I shall continue, it is not yet time to meet my end.
Damage2: The blessed armor of the Chapter can take much more than this yet!
Damage3: Apothecary, to my side.
Death1: *groans*
Death2: My death....serves the Emperor...
Death3: *deep death rattle*
Death4: I go now to meet the Primarch.
Devastator Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: A veteran of many battles to be raised to the position of sergeant among the devastators, the Sergeant tempers his fire, using his hate and passion as a weapon. Sounding: The same as a Devastator, but with a further edge of authority.
Unit_Complete1: I have come to lead you brothers.
Unit_Complete2: I have served for many decades. My experience shall serve you well.
Unit_Complete3: Devastators, follow!
Unit_Complete4: Brother-Devastators! With me!
Unit_Complete5: You shall follow my lead brothers.
Unit_Complete6: I have come from Nocturne to fight at your side brother.
Unit_Complete7: Glory matters not. Duty is all
Selection1: What is it you wish?
Selection2: Receiving.
Selection3: Speak brother.
Selection4: Brother?
Selection5: How might I serve?
Selection6: Proceed.
Selection7: We hear you brother. Speak, and it shall be done.
Move1: Fire-Born! With Me!
Move2: Move quickly brothers.
Move3: As the Emperor wills it.
Move4: We advance brothers!
Move5: Fire-Born! With Me!
Move6: Devastator squad moving.
Move7: In the Emperor's Name!
Attack1: The time is now. Smite them brothers!
Attack2: Take aim and fire.
Attack3: Purge the unclean!
Attack4: Fire! Three steps forward. Fire!
Attack5: Consolidate fire on that position!
Attack6: Burn them! Cleanse their heresy with fire!
Attack7: Kill them all!
Capture1: We shall capture the high ground.
Capture2: Moving to capture.
Capture3: Take up positions around that point brothers!
Capped1: We have taken it for the Chapter.
Capped2: This position is claimed for the Emperor!
Capped3: The sons of Vulkan watch over this place now.
Load_Transport1: This transport shall move us into position with greater speed.
Load_Transport2: Into that transport brothers, quickly.
Unload_Transport1: Out brothers, and prepare for battle!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarking.
Morale_Break1: No Battle was ever won by foolish sacrifice.
Morale_Break2: We must fall back!
Morale_Break3: Brothers, take cover!
Morale_Restored1: Hail Vulcan and the Glory of Prometheus!
Morale_Restored2: Stout hearts and steely resolve are all He asks of us brother.
Morale_Restored3: Into the fray once more brothers!
Charge1: Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!
Charge2: Let Him on Earth witness your courage brothers!
Charge3: They. Will. FALL!
Charge4: Let us smite the foes of the Emperor!
Jump_Teleport1: Squad is jumping...
Jump_Teleport2: Repositioning..
Deepstrike1: Devastator squad in position to smite our foes.
Deepstrike2: Deep-striking into position.
Ability1: Let us see if they can burn!
Ability2: By fire be purged!
Ability3: It shall be done brother!
Ability4: Brother! I am your shield!
Ability5: Devastators laying down covering fire.
Combat1: Brother-Captain! Devastator squad under fire!
Combat2: We are taking fire!
Combat3: Enemy too close to bring heavy weapons to bear!
Under_Fire1: Nocturian craftsmanship can weather much more than this!
Under_Fire2: Brother, we need support.
Under_Fire3: It shall take more than this to fell us!
Damage1: I shall continue, it is not yet time to meet my end.
Damage2: The blessed armor of the Chapter can take much more than this yet!
Damage3: Apothecary, to my side.
Death1: I fall...serving...the Emperor.
Death2: *gasps*
Death3: Brothers! I see our Father! He has come for me.
Death4: I go now to meet the Primarch.
Bike Squad
Notes: Pyromanics. Use of Bike Squads is rare in the Chapter due to the fluctuating gravity of Nocturne where the training is difficult. So their voice sounding aggressive but a little pushed and uncertain.
Unit_Complete1: We are fast! We are lethal! We are doom!
Unit_Complete2: For the Emperor we ride!
Unit_Complete3: Fire follow our tracks!
Unit_Complete4: We are engines of fast death!
Unit_Complete5: Bike Squad arrived!
Unit_Complete6: For Vulkan!
Unit_Complete7: We come to strew death!
Selection1: Bike Squad waiting for order!
Selection2: Engines are warm, Captain!
Selection3: We are the fastest to deliver death.
Selection4: Your orders?
Selection5: Ready for out-riding!
Selection6: Bikes are ready, Commander!
Selection7: Orders received!
Move1: Ignition! We have any job!
Move2: The Chapter needs us!
Move3: We ride!
Move4: Battlefield waiting for us!
Move5: To the flank!
Move6: Riding into target area!
Move7: Starting!
Attack1: Flank Attack!
Attack2: Show them the wrath of Nocturne!
Attack3: In Emperor’s name, fire!
Attack4: Let none survive!
Attack5: Vulkan, drive my hand!
Attack6: Move! Fire! Kill!
Attack7: We bring doom on all enemies of Mankind!
Capture1: Capture it for the Chapter!
Capture2: This land will be ours!
Capture3: Get out of here, Heretic scum!
Capped1: We brought light into this land!
Capped2: For the Emperor!
Capped3: Next target?
Load_Transport1: Moving into transport!
Load_Transport2: Into Vehicle, Brothers!
Unload_Transport1: In position, disembark!
Unload_Transport2: From Vehicle, Brothers!
Morale_Break1: Rally at a better position!
Morale_Break2: Tactical retreat, Brothers!
Morale_Break3: Withdraw!
Morale_Restored1: For the Primarch, charge again!
Morale_Restored2: Back into them!
Morale_Restored3: Emperor drive us to victory!
Charge1: Trample them!
Charge2: Into the thickest!
Charge3: Decimate them!
Charge4: Into Melee!
Jump_Teleport1: Overrun this Traitors!
Jump_Teleport2: Death comes from the sky!
Deepstrike1: Right into the battle!
Deepstrike2: We strike into the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: For the Chapter!
Ability2: We are the Emperor’s wrath!
Ability3: For the Golden Throne!
Ability4: I feel your Blessing, God-Emperor!
Ability5: Now, we are stronger than ever!
Combat1: We are receiving fire!
Combat2: Enemy caused light damage!
Combat3: Back off, Scum!
Under_Fire1: Unit under fire!
Under_Fire2: In Vulkan’s name! Keep firing!
Under_Fire3: Hostile Fire!
Damage1: We have casualties!
Damage2: Wounds, we haven’t time for them!
Damage3: We are taking damage!
Death1: Engine goes wrong… human die…
Death2: Someone else must do the job.
Death3: Captain, Bike Squad erased!
Death4: The Death wait for us.
Bike Squad Sergeant
Notes: Pyromanics. Use of Bike Squads is rare in the Chapter due to the fluctuating gravity of Nocturne where the training is difficult. So their voice sounding aggressive but a little pushed and uncertain. Use a Deeper voice for this one!
Unit_Complete1: I show you glory, Brothers!
Unit_Complete2: Sergeant arrived!
Unit_Complete3: In the name of the Emperor, I take command!
Unit_Complete4: The Captain choose me to lead you!
Unit_Complete5: Follow me, Brothers!
Unit_Complete6: Brothers, I here again!
Unit_Complete7: Taking command here!
Selection1: Prepare engines, Brothers!
Selection2: What are your orders?
Selection3: Waiting for Instructions!
Selection4: Your orders?
Selection5: Ready for out-riding!
Selection6: Bikes are ready, Commander!
Selection7: Orders received!
Move1: Ride into Battle!
Move2: Faster! Fasteeer!!!
Move3: Follow me to Glory!
Move4: Battlefield waiting for us!
Move5: To the flank!
Move6: Riding into target area!
Move7: Starting!
Attack1: Send them to hell, Brothers!
Attack2: For Nocturne!
Attack3: Prepare for death, Traitors!
Attack4: Let none survive!
Attack5: Vulkan, drive my hand!
Attack6: Move! Fire! Kill!
Attack7: We bring doom on all enemies of Mankind!
Capture1: Capture it for the Chapter!
Capture2: This land will be ours!
Capture3: Get out of here, Heretic scum!
Capped1: We brought light into this land!
Capped2: For the Emperor!
Capped3: Next target?
Load_Transport1: Moving into transport!
Load_Transport2: Into Vehicle, Brothers!
Unload_Transport1: In position, disembark!
Unload_Transport2: From Vehicle, Brothers!
Morale_Break1: Rally at a better position!
Morale_Break2: Tactical retreat, Brothers!
Morale_Break3: Withdraw!
Morale_Restored1: For the Primarch, charge again!
Morale_Restored2: Back into them!
Morale_Restored3: Emperor drive us to victory!
Charge1: Trample them!
Charge2: Into the thickest!
Charge3: Decimate them!
Charge4: Into Melee!
Jump_Teleport1: Overrun this Traitors!
Jump_Teleport2: Death comes from the sky!
Deepstrike1: Right into the battle!
Deepstrike2: We strike into the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: For the Chapter!
Ability2: We are the Emperor’s wrath!
Ability3: For the Golden Throne!
Ability4: I feel your Blessing, God-Emperor!
Ability5: Now, we are stronger than ever!
Combat1: We are receiving fire!
Combat2: Enemy caused light damage!
Combat3: Back off, Scum!
Under_Fire1: Unit under fire!
Under_Fire2: In Vulkan’s name! Keep firing!
Under_Fire3: Hostile Fire!
Damage1: We have casualties!
Damage2: Wounds, we haven’t time for them!
Damage3: We are taking damage!
Death1: Emperor, forgive me!
Death2: I lived fast, now I die fast.
Death3: Report my death to HQ.
Death4: The Death wait for us.
Veterans Marine Squad
Notes: Very pyromaniacs! Heroes of thousand battles, their voice is proud, advised and full of wisdom.
Unit_Complete1: We born in fire!
Unit_Complete2: Veterans ready for battle!
Unit_Complete3: Vulkan's fire beats in our brest!
Unit_Complete4: We are doom incarnate!
Unit_Complete5: The chosen of the Chapter have arrived!
Unit_Complete6: For Nocturne!
Unit_Complete7: We are here to purge the Enemies of Mankind!
Selection1: Waiting for order!
Selection2: Instructions, Captain?
Selection3: Vox is active!
Selection4: Commander?
Selection5: Receiving instructions!
Selection6: Something to purge?
Selection7: On your orders!
Move1: Move, Brothers!
Move2: Into position!
Move3: Coordinates received!
Move4: Advance!
Move5: Approaching target area!
Move6: Fire and death follows us!
Move7: On route!
Attack1: Strike Hard!
Attack2: Kill them! Kill them all!
Attack3: Set them on fire!
Attack4: Damnation to the Traitors!
Attack5: Nothing shall stay our wrath!
Attack6: Attack!
Attack7: Cleanse them with Holy Promethium!
Capture1: This objective must be ours!
Capture2: Capture it for us!
Capture3: Purify this territory!
Capped1: It is ours now!
Capped2: Objective cleansed!
Capped3: What is the next target?
Load_Transport1: Take us to battle!!
Load_Transport2: Boarding!
Unload_Transport1: Battle wait us!
Unload_Transport2: In position! Get off!
Morale_Break1: Tactical Retreat!
Morale_Break2: Take a better position!
Morale_Break3: Rally, Brothers!
Morale_Restored1: Bravery is stronger than adamantium!
Morale_Restored2: Vulkan drive us to glory!
Morale_Restored3: Back into attack!
Charge1: Taste the burning rage of the Salamanders!
Charge2: Slay them all!
Charge3: For the Chapter, charge!
Charge4: No mercy for them!
Jump_Teleport1: Strike from the sky!
Jump_Teleport2: Teleporting to the dense!
Deepstrike1: Straight into the battle!
Deepstrike2: We bring terror in the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: In the name of the God-Emperor!
Ability2: Let them fear our names!
Ability3: Feel our wrath, Degenerates!
Ability4: Emperor gives us strength and courage!
Ability5: Our hearts filled with grace of our Progenitor!
Combat1: Taking light damage!
Combat2: Hold the line!
Combat3: Enemy firing on us!
Under_Fire1: Into cover!
Under_Fire2: Under heavy fire!
Under_Fire3: Hold on, Brothers!
Damage1: Ignore the pain!
Damage2: Injured Brothers!
Damage3: We are taking damage!
Death1: I am proud to live… I am proud to die…
Death2: Our bodies die, our wrath don’t.
Death3: Death waiting us.
Death4: My spirit return to the Chapter.
Veterans Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: Very pyromaniacs! Heroes of thousand battles, their voice is proud, advised and full of wisdom. Speak with a MUCH deeper and battle-hardened voice.
Unit_Complete1: Veterans, I again with you!
Unit_Complete2: I take command here!
Unit_Complete3: Sons of fire, follow me!
Unit_Complete4: Chapter calls us!
Unit_Complete5: I will lead you, Brothers!
Unit_Complete6: Sergeant here!
Unit_Complete7: Marines, listen to my word!
Selection1: Instructions?
Selection2: Orders understood!
Selection3: Next task?
Selection4: Commander?
Selection5: Receiving instructions!
Selection6: Something to purge?
Selection7: On your orders!
Move1: Follow me to battle!
Move2: Moving!
Move3: To the frontline!
Move4: Advance!
Move5: Approaching target area!
Move6: Fire and death follows us!
Move7: On route!
Attack1: Die Bastards!
Attack2: In Vulkan’s name, attack!
Attack3: Perdition to the Heretic scum!
Attack4: Damnation to the Traitors!
Attack5: Nothing shall stay our wrath!
Attack6: Attack!
Attack7: Cleanse them with Holy Promethium!
Capture1: This objective must be ours!
Capture2: Capture it for us!
Capture3: Purify this territory!
Capped1: It is ours now!
Capped2: Objective cleansed!
Capped3: What is the next target?
Load_Transport1: Take us to battle!!
Load_Transport2: Boarding!
Unload_Transport1: Battle wait us!
Unload_Transport2: In position! Get off!
Morale_Break1: Tactical Retreat!
Morale_Break2: Take a better position!
Morale_Break3: Rally, Brothers!
Morale_Restored1: Bravery is stronger than adamantium!
Morale_Restored2: Vulkan drive us to glory!
Morale_Restored3: Back into attack!
Charge1: Taste the burning rage of the Salamanders!
Charge2: Slay them all!
Charge3: For the Chapter, charge!
Charge4: No mercy for them!
Jump_Teleport1: Strike from the sky!
Jump_Teleport2: Teleporting to the dense!
Deepstrike1: Straight into the battle!
Deepstrike2: We bring terror in the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: In the name of the God-Emperor!
Ability2: Let them fear our names!
Ability3: Feel our wrath, Degenerates!
Ability4: Emperor gives us strength and courage!
Ability5: Our hearts filled with grace of our Progenitor!
Combat1: Taking light damage!
Combat2: Hold the line!
Combat3: Enemy firing on us!
Under_Fire1: Into cover!
Under_Fire2: Under heavy fire!
Under_Fire3: Hold on, Brothers!
Damage1: Ignore the pain!
Damage2: Injured Brothers!
Damage3: We are taking damage!
Death1: I fell, but more of us comes…
Death2: Report my death, Brothers.
Death3: I die with pride.
Death4: My spirit return to the Chapter.
Terminator Squad
Notes: Very pyromaniacs! Their voice is low, proud, purposeful and full of wisdom.
Unit_Complete1: Sons of Nocturne are here!
Unit_Complete2: We live for the battle!
Unit_Complete3: Terminators arrived!
Unit_Complete4: We are the purgator of Heretics!
Unit_Complete5: Here to serve!
Unit_Complete6: Finest of the Chapter dropped in!
Unit_Complete7: We came from the Prometheus!
Selection1: Awaiting instructions!
Selection2: Orders, Captain?
Selection3: Ready to serve!
Selection4: Waiting for orders!
Selection5: Vox is active!
Selection6: Receiving!
Selection7: Incoming orders!
Move1: To the fray!
Move2: Coordinates marked!
Move3: Move!
Move4: Into target area!
Move5: Battlefield wait for us!
Move6: Location designated!
Move7: To the marked location!
Attack1: Cover them in fire!
Attack2: Sons of Vulkan, attack!
Attack3: Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!
Attack4: For Vulkan!
Attack5: Incinerate! Incinerate!
Attack6: Deliver death!
Attack7: Burn them!
Capture1: Take this for the Chapter!
Capture2: This objective will be ours!
Capture3: Capture it!
Capped1: Raise our flag high!
Capped2: Area cleansed!
Capped3: Secured!
Load_Transport1: Into transport!
Load_Transport2: Embarking!
Unload_Transport1: From transport!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarking!
Morale_Break1: Fall back, Brothers!
Morale_Break2: Retreat!
Morale_Break3: To the rally point!
Morale_Restored1: Charge again!
Morale_Restored2: We are Fearless!
Morale_Restored3: Back to fight!
Charge1: Exterminate them!
Charge2: Smash the foes of the Emperor!
Charge3: Let them fear our names!
Charge4: Mow them down!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleport into battle!
Jump_Teleport2: Right into the fight!
Deepstrike1: Strike like thunder!
Deepstrike2: Overrun the Heretics!
Ability1: Fear the Salamanders!
Ability2: Vanquish all foes of the Mankind!
Ability3: Our will is Adamantium, our wrath is Prometheum!
Ability4: For the glorious victory!
Ability5: We keep the faith!
Combat1: Incoming!
Combat2: Hold the line!
Combat3: Repel them, Brothers!
Under_Fire1: Keep firing!
Under_Fire2: Take cover!
Under_Fire3: Receiving hostile fire!
Damage1: We need medevac!
Damage2: Call for Apothecary!
Damage3: We have losses!
Death1: I am proud to die in the service of the Imperium!
Death2: God-Emperor, give me peace!
Death3: I failed, Brothers.
Death4: Headquarter, Terminator Squad expunged…
Terminator Squad Sergeant
Notes: Very pyromaniacs! Their voice is low, proud, purposeful and full of wisdom. Speak with a MUCH deeper and battle-hardened voice.
Unit_Complete1: Firedrakes, in Vulkan’s name!
Unit_Complete2: I will lead you!
Unit_Complete3: Sergeant ready to serve!
Unit_Complete4: I chosen to lead!
Unit_Complete5: Taking command here!
Unit_Complete6: Follow me to glory or death!
Unit_Complete7: For the Primarch and the Chapter Master!
Selection1: How can we serve?
Selection2: Prepare your weapons!
Selection3: Instruction, Commander?
Selection4: Waiting for orders!
Selection5: Vox is active!
Selection6: Receiving!
Selection7: Incoming orders!
Move1: Ordered to move!
Move2: Follow me to the victory!
Move3: Advance!
Move4: Into target area!
Move5: Battlefield wait for us!
Move6: Location designated!
Move7: To the marked location!
Attack1: Engage them!
Attack2: Scorch the Traitors!
Attack3: Firedrakes, attack!
Attack4: For Vulkan!
Attack5: Incinerate! Incinerate!
Attack6: Deliver death!
Attack7: Burn them!
Capture1: Take this for the Chapter!
Capture2: This objective will be ours!
Capture3: Capture it!
Capped1: Raise our flag high!
Capped2: Area cleansed!
Capped3: Secured!
Load_Transport1: Into transport!
Load_Transport2: Embarking!
Unload_Transport1: From transport!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarking!
Morale_Break1: Fall back, Brothers!
Morale_Break2: Retreat!
Morale_Break3: To the rally point!
Morale_Restored1: Charge again!
Morale_Restored2: We are Fearless!
Morale_Restored3: Back to fight!
Charge1: Exterminate them!
Charge2: Smash the foes of the Emperor!
Charge3: Let them fear our names!
Charge4: Mow them down!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleport into battle!
Jump_Teleport2: Right into the fight!
Deepstrike1: Strike like thunder!
Deepstrike2: Overrun the Heretics!
Ability1: Fear the Salamanders!
Ability2: Vanquish all foes of the Mankind!
Ability3: Our will is Adamantium, our wrath is Prometheum!
Ability4: For the glorious victory!
Ability5: We keep the faith!
Combat1: Incoming!
Combat2: Hold the line!
Combat3: Repel them, Brothers!
Under_Fire1: Keep firing!
Under_Fire2: Take cover!
Under_Fire3: Receiving hostile fire!
Damage1: We need medevac!
Damage2: Call for Apothecary!
Damage3: We have losses!
Death1: Fight on Brothers… without me…
Death2: Take my Gene-seed back to the Apothecarion.
Death3: Death, I come to you…
Death4: Headquarter, Terminator Sergeant expunged…
Notes: The apothecary is one of the backbone support units of any marine army. As a salamander he yearns to follow the promethium doctrine much like his brethren.
Unit_Complete1: Emperor's Angel of Burning Mercy
Unit_Complete2: Apothecary reporting
Unit_Complete3: I am here Brothers
Unit_Complete4: Angel of Mercy reporting
Unit_Complete5: Salamander Apothecary Reporting
Unit_Complete6: Emperor's Aid reporting
Unit_Complete7: Apothecary ready
Selection1: Apothecary here
Selection2: Angel of Mercy
Selection3: Take me to my brothers
Selection4: You have need?
Selection5: Where am I needed?
Selection6: Are geneseeds ready?
Selection7: Where are my brothers?
Move1: As you command
Move2: So is your wish
Move3: Closer to my brothers
Move4: 'Tis your will
Move5: As the emperor guides
Move6: Closer to the frey?
Move7: Are my brother's there?
Attack1: They will feel my wrath!
Attack2: I will make our Primarch Proud! [pronounced "Prime-Ark"]
Attack3: <Low Growl> My chainswords will lay waste
Attack4: They will know the meaning of Pain
Attack5: I will tear them to shreds!
Attack6: Vulkan guide my blades!
Attack7: I will show them pain!
Capture1: The point will be ours
Capture2: I will claim it
Capture3: It will belong to the Chapter
Capped1: The chapter Banner flies High
Capped2: It is ours now
Capped3: The chapter will use this well
Join1: I will aid you my Brothers
Join2: The emperor has me to aid your burning might
Join3: My brother's will not fall
Detach1: I am needed elsewhere brothers
Detach2: The Angel of Mercy must leave you brothers
Load_Transport1: To my Brother's quickly driver!
Load_Transport2: <hurried tone> Quickly driver to the front!
Unload_Transport1: I will aid my brothers here
Unload_Transport2: The geneseed is here?
Morale_Break1: Fall Back!
Morale_Break2: This cannot be!
Morale_Break3: I am broken brothers!
Morale_Restored1: The emperor has blessed me once more
Morale_Restored2: The Primarch's strength Returns!
Morale_Restored3: Such will never happen again
Charge3: FOR VULKAN!
Jump_Teleport1: Faster then light
Jump_Teleport2: I have arrived
Deepstrike1: Rain of death!
Deepstrike2: I strike at their Heart!
Ability1: [Offensive] I WILL TEAR THEM ASUNDER!
Ability2: [Offensive] Your Death shall be swift!
Ability3: [Offensive] <Anger and roughly 2 octaves higher then a charge> Your destruction has come!
Ability4: [Defensive/Support] Receive the emperor's blessing!
Ability5: [Defensive/Support] I offer my aid to you Brother
Combat1: Onward brothers, to battle!
Combat2: We will lay them to waster!
Under_Fire1: They attack!
Under_Fire2: Quickly Brothers return fire!
Under_Fire3: Tactical Formation brothers!
Damage1: My armor is failing
Damage2: To my aid brothers!
Damage3: I cannot withstand such onslaught!
Death1: Death beckons me..
Death2: <wheeze> my job is finished
Death3: Fight on my brothers..
Death4: I join our primarch..
Notes: The champion is one of the powerhouse units in any army when it comes to infantry. In most cases hand picked for the battle/crusade at hand or experiences a form of divine epiphany
Unit_Complete1: Salamander's Champion ready for battle.
Unit_Complete2: Emperor's Banishing Light reporting
Unit_Complete3: Emperor's Hammer Reporting
Unit_Complete4: Chapter Champion reporting
Unit_Complete5: Sword of the Emperor ready
Unit_Complete6: Vulkan's Might Reporting
Unit_Complete7: Company Champion ready
Selection1: I am the hammer of the Emperor
Selection2: Where are the enemy?
Selection3: Where are my brothers?
Selection4: Yes my liege?
Selection5: Shall there be blood?
Selection6: Where is my might needed?
Selection7: Do my brothers have need?
Move1: I will cleanse that position
Move2: As you will it my lord
Move3: It will bring me closer to their doom
Move4: Such is the emperor's will
Move5: onward!
Move6: Shall it take me to battle?
Move7: Is the enemy there?
Attack1: They will feel my blade
Attack2: The hammer shall fell them
Attack3: I shall smite our foes
Attack4: They will fear me!
Attack5: They will wilt before my assault
Attack6: They will crumble before me!
Attack7: None can long withstand my wrath
Capture1: It will be ours
Capture2: Should such a task fall to me?
Capture3: My brothers would be better suited for such a task..
Capped1: It is ours, do not let it be taken brothers
Capped2: This point will give us hope
Capped3: The point is ours, quickly brothers to the next!
Join1: I will inspire you brothers
Join2: Rally to me my brothers
Join3: You have need my brothers?
Detach1: I fight alone now..
Detach2: Our brothers elsewhere need me
Load_Transport1: Driver take me to my brothers
Load_Transport2: With haste driver!
Unload_Transport1: <should be read with a triumphant tone> The enemy's bane has arrived
Unload_Transport2: I am here, TO ME BROTHERS!
Morale_Break1: The emperor has forsaken!
Morale_Break2: They are showing no mercy!
Morale_Break3: I have been broken!
Morale_Restored1: The emperor has chosen me once more!
Morale_Restored2: Vulkan has given me Strength
Morale_Restored3: I feel the blessings return!
Charge1: ONWARD!
Charge2: TO THE ENEMY!
Jump_Teleport1: They suspect naught
Jump_Teleport2: Into the fray!
Deepstrike1: A strike at their hearts
Deepstrike2: Behind their lines brothers
Ability1: [Offensive] I will smash them to bits!
Ability2: [Offensive] They will fall by the wayside!
Ability3: [Offensive] I will break them!
Ability4: [Defensive] I offer my aid brothers
Ability5: [Defensive] Let me aid you brothers
Combat1: Onward TO VICTORY!
Combat2: Come brothers to BATTLE!
Under_Fire1: The enemy has come
Under_Fire2: I will meet the enemy
Under_Fire3: The enemy dares assault
Damage1: Vulkan give me strength!
Damage2: What is the meaning of this!?
Damage3: The emperor has willed me to take pain
Death1: I go to the emperor..
Death2: Vulkan..calls to me.. <Should be read in a pained voice>
Death3: I have failed my brothers..
Death4: Avenge me my brothers
Standard Bearer
Notes: His voice is proud, inspiring, majestic and experienced.
Unit_Complete1: Sons of fire, follow me into glory!
Unit_Complete2: I bear the Banner of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete3: Standard Bearer arrived!
Unit_Complete4: I will inspire you to greater valour!
Unit_Complete5: I am honoured to bring the Holy Relics of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete6: Vulkan's Standard flies in the wind!!
Unit_Complete7: The Ensign of the Chapter is here!
Selection1: Instructions?
Selection2: Master, do you need me?
Selection3: Standard Bearer here!
Selection4: How can I serve?
Selection5: Waiting for order!
Selection6: Where do you need the Banner?
Selection7: Incoming instructions!
Move1: I bring the Chapter’s Sacred Standard! Follow me!
Move2: Moving into position!
Move3: Into glory!
Move4: Battlefield wait for us!
Move5: Follow the Standard, Brothers!
Move6: Position received!
Move7: Advance!
Attack1: Look at our sacred banner and attack!
Attack2: For the triumph!
Attack3: Let them fear the Salamanders!
Attack4: Obliterate them!
Attack5: My Battle-Flag lead you to the fray!
Attack6: I bring you damnation, Impures!
Attack7: For the Chapter!
Capture1: Raise our Flag high!
Capture2: Cleanse this sacred land!
Capture3: It’s the right place for the Chapter’s Holy Relic!
Capped1: The Chapter's Banner fly high.
Capped2: Sanctum purified!
Capped3: Our Badge is in position!
Join1: I join you to inspire!
Join2: I’m here to strengthen your bravery!
Join3: For greater glory!
Detach1: I must leave you now!
Detach2: The Badge needed elsewhere!
Load_Transport1: To transport!
Load_Transport2: Embark!
Unload_Transport1: To battle!
Unload_Transport2: Disembark!
Morale_Break1: Rally around my Flag!
Morale_Break2: Retreat, Brothers!
Morale_Break3: Into secure position!
Morale_Restored1: Back into them!
Morale_Restored2: Look at the Banner and charge again!
Morale_Restored3: Don’t let them fleeing!
Charge1: Slaughter them all!
Charge2: Feel our burning rage!
Charge3: No mercy!
Jump_Teleport1: Death from above!
Jump_Teleport2: Delivering fast death!
Deepstrike1: Straight into combat!
Deepstrike2: Terror from the skies!
Ability1: Devastate all the enemies!
Ability2: For the Primarch!
Ability3: Feel our fury, Impure!
Ability4: Look the Standard flying in the wind!
Ability5: Bravery, Brothers!
Combat1: Defend yourselves!
Combat2: Enemy attacks us!
Combat3: Keep your position!
Under_Fire1: They shoot our Flag!
Under_Fire2: Take cover!
Under_Fire3: I’m under fire!
Damage1: I’m injured!
Damage2: I took damage but my Standard doesn’t!
Damage3: Pain! Just the weaks feels it!
Death1: Someone… takes the Banner… It must fly…
Death2: I mustn’t die today!
Death3: Death wait for me!
Death4: Fight on… without me…
Retinue Leader
Notes: His voice is proud, stern, experienced and dauntless.
Unit_Complete1: I am forged in thousand battles!
Unit_Complete2: The Guardians of the Chapter are here!
Unit_Complete3: I lead the Retinue of our most ancient warriors!
Unit_Complete4: We are bringers of fire and death!
Unit_Complete5: I am chosen to accompany our Heroes!
Unit_Complete6: Master, your Retinue is arrived!
Unit_Complete7: In the name of the Aquila!
Selection1: I follow my Master!
Selection2: Waiting for instructions!
Selection3: Your orders?
Selection4: We protect!
Selection5: You need us, Master?
Selection6: Ready to serve!
Selection7: What do you command?
Move1: To the frontline!
Move2: We follow you Master!
Move3: Marching into position!
Move4: Where you go I go, Master!
Move5: Coordinates marked!
Move6: I accompany!
Move7: Approaching target!
Attack1: Burn in Hellfire, Traitors!
Attack2: Protect our superiors!
Attack3: Blast the Heretic!
Attack4: Strike in our Master’s name!
Attack5: Onslaught!
Attack6: I give you support, Master!
Attack7: Let none survive!
Capture1: This objective must be ours!
Capture2: We capture it, Master!
Capture3: Take this for the Chapter!
Capped1: Secured!
Capped2: Objective taken!
Capped3: Territory is ours!
Join1: I come to protect you!
Join2: Here to defend!
Join3: I have the honour to serve by your side!
Detach1: You are safe now, I must go!
Detach2: I proud you trusted your life to us!
Load_Transport1: Into Vehicle!
Load_Transport2: Boarding, Brothers!
Unload_Transport1: From vehicle!
Unload_Transport2: Getting off!
Morale_Break1: Rally, Guardians!
Morale_Break2: We cover the withdraw, Master!
Morale_Break3: Fall back!
Morale_Restored1: Master, lead us to victory!
Morale_Restored2: Back to fight!
Morale_Restored3: The Captain orders counterattack!
Charge1: Into melee!
Charge2: Brothers of Flame, charge!
Charge3: Cut down the Traitors!
Jump_Teleport1: Doom from the skies!
Jump_Teleport2: Your fate earns you, Heretic!
Deepstrike1: Striking into the heart!
Deepstrike2: Death incarnated!
Ability1: All shall fall before the wrath of us!
Ability2: In the name of the Aquila!
Ability3: For the God-Emperor!
Ability4: Purity above all, Brothers!
Ability5: We shall know no fear!
Combat1: Hold the formation!
Combat2: Defend our Master!
Combat3: Hold on, Children of Fire!
Under_Fire1: Receiving fire!
Under_Fire2: Take cover!
Under_Fire3: Master under heavy fire! Defend him!
Damage1: Taking damage!
Damage2: We are wounded, but our Master must not!
Damage3: Pain! Ignore it!
Death1: Guardians fell!
Death2: We sacrifice our life… for our Hero…
Death3: Death, come for me!
Death4: It was an honour… to fight by your side… Master…
Notes: His voice is experienced, tactician, commanding and real leader-type voice.
Unit_Complete1: Follow my lead!
Unit_Complete2: Captain, here!
Unit_Complete3: I will lead you to victory!
Unit_Complete4: For the Primarch!
Unit_Complete5: I chosen to lead!
Unit_Complete6: Taking command here!
Unit_Complete7: Brothers, listen to my word!
Selection1: Ready for command!
Selection2: Your orders?
Selection3: Incoming transmission!
Selection4: How can I serve the Chapter?
Selection5: Give me a task!
Selection6: Execute my orders!
Selection7: Instructions?
Move1: Follow me, Brothers!
Move2: To the frontline!
Move3: Emperor watch our steps!
Move4: My order: Advance!
Move5: Coordinates marked!
Move6: Move into position!
Move7: Move, Brothers!
Attack1: Bring them rain of fire!
Attack2: Eliminate them!
Attack3: In Emperor’s name, fire!
Attack4: Into battle!
Attack5: Sons of Vulkan, attack!
Attack6: Burn them all!
Attack7: Nothing shall stay our wrath!
Capture1: We need this position!
Capture2: Purify this land!
Capture3: Take it for the Chapter!
Capped1: This objective is ours!
Capped2: Captured!
Capped3: Taken for the God-Emperor!
Join1: I lead you in person!
Join2: Together again, Brothers!
Join3: I join your Squad!
Detach1: I do my job, you do yours!
Detach2: I must go now!
Load_Transport1: To transport!
Load_Transport2: All aboard!
Unload_Transport1: To battle!
Unload_Transport2: In position! Get off!
Morale_Break1: Fall back!
Morale_Break2: To the rally point!
Morale_Break3: Back into secure position!
Morale_Restored1: Vulkan drive us to glory!
Morale_Restored2: To victory!
Morale_Restored3: It’s a glorious day, my Brothers!
Charge1: Take your hammer! And chaaarge!
Charge2: Exterminate them!
Charge3: No mercy!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleporters ready, go!
Jump_Teleport2: Straight to the thickest!
Deepstrike1: Strike deep into the heart of the foe!
Deepstrike2: From the sky!
Ability1: Destroy all of them!
Ability2: Fear the Lords of Death!
Ability3: We are Doom Incarnate!
Ability4: Our primarch forged us in fire!
Ability5: We bring the Light of the Emperor!
Combat1: Incoming!!!
Combat2: Enemy firing on us!
Combat3: Receiving fire!
Under_Fire1: Fire Back!
Under_Fire2: Enemy shooting at us!
Under_Fire3: Take cover!
Damage1: My armour get damaged!
Damage2: Call for an Apothecary!
Damage3: I am injured!
Death1: Death wait… for me…
Death2: Primarch forgive me, I was weak!
Death3: I can not die…Not yet…
Death4: God-Emperor, give me peace!
Notes: His voice is rich, inspiring, fierce and a little priest-like!
Unit_Complete1: I lead the Promethean Cult into war!
Unit_Complete2: Chant the Chapter’s sacred battle creeds with me!
Unit_Complete3: I teach you the Catechisms of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete4: The Reclusiam sent me to aid you!
Unit_Complete5: I celebrate the Liturgies of Battle!
Unit_Complete6: The Priest of Fire and Hammer have arrived!
Unit_Complete7: I wield Vulkan’s Sigil!
Selection1: I say a litany immediately!
Selection2: A sermon, Captain?
Selection3: Glory or death!
Selection4: Ready for the preaching!
Selection5: As the liturgy orders!
Selection6: It’s always time for a prayer!
Selection7: Cult of Prometheus is ready!
Move1: Fire and death follows us.
Move2: Forth for the Glory!
Move3: Every step closer to the victory!
Move4: To the marked coordinates!
Move5: Follow me to the fray!
Move6: Into the fires of war!
Move7: Say a prayer and start!
Attack1: With fire and hammer, Brothers!
Attack2: My Crozius will smash you, Infidel!
Attack3: Bring them terror! Bring them death!
Attack4: Brothers of Fire, attack!
Attack5: None can stand before the Salamanders!
Attack6: Perdition to the Heretic!
Attack7: Purge them!
Capture1: This land is sacred!
Capture2: Cleansing ritual beginning!
Capture3: This position is significant for the Chapter!
Capped1: Point is ours! Say a preach, Brothers!
Capped2: Purifying ceremony finished!
Capped3: Location sanctified!
Join1: Pray together, Brothers!
Join2: For greater glory, I came!
Join3: I came to inspire you!
Detach1: Now, I’m going!
Detach2: They need me somewhere else!
Load_Transport1: Swiftly to the fray!
Load_Transport2: Take us to battle!
Unload_Transport1: Our brothers waiting for us!
Unload_Transport2: Battle wait us!
Morale_Break1: Back to gathers momentum!
Morale_Break2: Into secure position!
Morale_Break3: Rally, Brothers!
Morale_Restored1: Warriors of the fire, I show you glory!
Morale_Restored2: For the Honour of the Chapter!
Morale_Restored3: Bravery is harder than steel, wrath is hotter than fire!
Charge1: Show them how you smite the hot steel with your sledgehammer!
Charge2: Into the thickest!
Charge3: Purge the Impure!
Jump_Teleport1: Like the Forge-Hammer smites the hot steel!
Jump_Teleport2: Death from the sky, Heretics!
Deepstrike1: Strike behind the enemy!
Deepstrike2: Unto the anvil!
Ability1: Worship the God-Emperor or die!
Ability2: Our wrath is Fire, our fist is Hammer!
Ability3: Let them fear our names!
Ability4: Keep your faith, Brethrens!
Ability5: My Rosarius will protect me, Traitors!
Combat1: Shields up!
Combat2: Hold the line, Brothers!
Combat3: Back off, Scum!
Under_Fire1: For Vulkan, keep firing!
Under_Fire2: Everyone, into cover!
Under_Fire3: Fire back!
Damage1: My will is stronger than pain!
Damage2: I have no time for medical attendance!
Damage3: Just a light damage!
Death1: I fell… give me the Rite of Passage…
Death2: My body die, my spirit never.
Death3: Brothers… remember my teachings…
Death4: Take my body to Nocturne and burn it!
Notes: The librarians of any chapter are the keepers of knowledge the chapter has acquired over the millenia of service the chapter has had. They are also the only Psyker unit within a regular Space Marine Chapter.
Unit_Complete1: Librarian Ready.
Unit_Complete2: Salamander's Psyker ready.
Unit_Complete3: Burning Might of Mind is here
Unit_Complete4: Salamander's Librarian ready
Unit_Complete5: I am ready to lead my brothers.
Unit_Complete6: I have arrived with Promethium in hand.
Unit_Complete7: I have arrived, where do you need me?
Selection1: I divined you would have need.
Selection2: I speak his word.
Selection3: My words are like fire.
Selection4: I sensed you would call.
Selection5: You have need?
Selection6: What is it you desire?
Selection7: Am I needed to lead?
Move1: If you will it
Move2: I sensed you would chose such.
Move3: I foresaw this area.
Move4: It shall be done
Move5: I will move there
Move6: If you so desire
Move7: It shall be done
Attack1: I will destroy their minds.
Attack2: Their spirits will bend to my will.
Attack3: My mind shall rend them asunder.
Attack4: I will break their minds and burn their bodies.
Attack5: I will set them ablaze with my brothers.
Attack6: I will burn them to ash!
Attack7: They will fear my mind!
Capture1: Wouldn't my brothers be more suited for this?
Capture2: If you insist..
Capture3: It will be done..
Capped1: The point is ours
Capped2: It is ours now, do not lose it!
Capped3: I hope this was not a waste of my time brother.
Join1: I will guide you brothers.
Join2: We will walk side by side.
Join3: I will bolster your strength my brothers.
Detach1: I leave you now, may my teachings guide you.
Detach2: I am needed elsewhere.
Load_Transport1: Driver take me from this place.
Load_Transport2: Be swift driver, my brothers have need.
Unload_Transport1: Is this where I am needed?
Unload_Transport2: May this time not have been wasted.
Morale_Break1: My powers have forsaken me!
Morale_Break2: My mind has grown weak
Morale_Break3: I did not foresee this!
Morale_Restored1: I feel my mind calming once more.
Morale_Restored2: The storm has passed.
Morale_Restored3: I will not lax again.
Jump_Teleport1: [Should be read as if at a distance from origin] The enemy will see nothing as we strike.
Jump_Teleport2: Strike directly at their hearts.
Deepstrike1: I will strike behind their lines!
Deepstrike2: Their lines will crumble now!
Ability1: [Offensive] I will break their minds!
Ability2: [Offensive] I will tear their souls asunder!
Ability3: [Offensive] Their bodies will break under my power!
Ability4: [Defensive/Support] May my words guide you.
Ability5: [Defensive/Support] My mind shall guide you true!
Combat1: My mind is strong against them.
Combat2: I am doing all I can!
Combat3: My promethium is strong!
Under_Fire1: I am taking fire
Under_Fire2: The enemy is upon me!
Under_Fire3: The enemy surrounds me!
Damage1: My powers are weakening
Damage2: I am injured brothers
Damage3: How can this BE?!
Death2: My powers have failed me..
Death3: The enemies of the emperor...have won..
Death4: Avenge brothers..
Notes: His voice is planner, commanding and he knows, he is the supreme commander.
Unit_Complete1: The Chapter calls, so I here!
Unit_Complete2: In the name of the Emperor, I take command!
Unit_Complete3: I will lead you, Brothers!
Unit_Complete4: For Nocturne!
Unit_Complete5: Headquarter, I’m in position!
Unit_Complete6: Taking command here!
Unit_Complete7: Sons of fire, follow me!
Selection1: Waiting for orders.
Selection2: Comm-Link ready!
Selection3: Instructions sent!
Selection4: Ready for command!
Selection5: I give order!
Selection6: Next task?
Selection7: Vox open!
Move1: Battlefield wait for us!
Move2: Follow me to the victory!
Move3: Advance!
Move4: Next command: Move!
Move5: Location designated!
Move6: Approach the target!
Move7: Where we go, the Emperor's light follows.
Attack1: Sons of Nocturne, attack!
Attack2: Prepare for death, Traitors!
Attack3: Incinerate the Traitors!
Attack4: We are the bringers of war!
Attack5: Send them to hell!
Attack6: For Nocturne!
Attack7: Strike for the victory!
Capture1: This land will be ours!
Capture2: Bring light into this territory!
Capture3: Capture it for us!
Capped1: Objective taken!
Capped2: Position is ours now!
Capped3: Area secured!
Join1: In unity there is strength, Brothers!
Join2: We unite!
Join3: I’m with you, again!
Detach1: Keep on without me, Brothers!
Detach2: I leave you now!
Load_Transport1: Boarding vehicle!
Load_Transport2: Embarkation!
Unload_Transport1: Unboarding vehicle!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarkation!
Morale_Break1: Rally in a better position!
Morale_Break2: Withdraw!
Morale_Break3: Tactical retreat!
Morale_Restored1: Back into them, Nocturnians!
Morale_Restored2: This day will be ours!
Morale_Restored3: Primarch, drive us to victory
Charge1: Feel the burning rage of the Salamanders!
Charge2: Decimate them!
Charge3: Strike them down, for the Chapter!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleport into the fray!
Jump_Teleport2: Strike from above!
Deepstrike1: We bring terror!
Deepstrike2: Deepstriking into the combat!
Ability1: For the Golden Throne!
Ability2: Feel our wrath!
Ability3: Smash them!
Ability4: Our faith in Emperor is our shield!
Ability5: The faith of the Salamanders is not forged in the chapel, but on the fires of the battlefield!
Combat1: Receiving enemy fire!
Combat2: Take cover!
Combat3: We are receiving fire!
Under_Fire1: Under heavy fire!
Under_Fire2: Hold on, Brothers!
Under_Fire3: Into cover!
Damage1: Now, I haven’t time for wounds!
Damage2: I wounded! So what?
Damage3: Ignore the pain!
Death1: I die with pride.
Death2: Fight on Brothers… without me…
Death3: Death came… for me…
Death4: I die in your service Emperor!
Notes: This is the transport unit of the Salamanders chapter and therefore its lines relate to its carrying role with some references to chapter imagery. As with all Salamanders level headedness prevails except when engaging the enemy where they exhibit a fiery side of thier character. The tone of the lines can assumed to be fairly regular speech except when in, or entering combat when their full fury is unleashed.
Unit_Complete1: Ready to carry my brothers
Unit_Complete2: We have arrived from Prometheus
Unit_Complete3: Fueled by the flames of war
Unit_Complete4: We bear Vulkan's flame
Unit_Complete5: In Vulkan's fire we are forged
Unit_Complete6: We carry the chapter's honour
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Rhino
Selection1: We bear our brothers into battle
Selection2: Surrounded by shadows, we are rock
Selection3: The might of the chapter rides with us
Selection4: Our brothers request mobility?
Selection5: We are ready to bear our load
Selection6: We are tested in the fires
Selection7: Forged to bear a heavy load
Move1: Into the fires of battle
Move2: The Forgefather guides us
Move3: It is the Promethean way
Move4: Our journey is never the easy path
Move5: Moving to deployment co-ordinates
Move6: Through the flames
Move7: Into the inferno
Attack1: Commencing covering fire!
Attack2: Time to let loose Promethean fire
Attack3: The enemy will fall under our tracks
Attack4: Begin mechanized assault!
Attack5: Crush the traitor!
Attack6: We bring death!
Attack7: We are Salamander!
Charge1: For Nocturne!
Charge2: Ramming speed!
Charge3: Die xenos oppressors!
Ability1: Fireborn, disembark!
Ability2: It is unwise to resist the Emperor's will
Ability3: Fire consumes our enemies
Ability4: They will not spill the blood of Nocturne!
Ability5: Vulkan's will protects us!
Combat1: Maintain covering fire for our brothers!
Combat2: Fall before us!
Combat3: The Fireborn will not yield
Death1: We require the canticles of immolation.
Death2: Vulkan's Mercy.....
Death3: The flames draw close
Death4: <Explosion>
Notes: This is the transport/fire support unit of the Salamanders chapter. As with all Salamanders level headedness prevails except when engaging the enemy where they exhibit a fiery side of their character. The tone of the lines can assumed to be fairly regular speech except when in, or entering combat when their full fury is unleashed.
Unit_Complete1: Ready to take the heat
Unit_Complete2: We are ready to carry the chapter's honour
Unit_Complete3: Where His people are oppressed, we are called
Unit_Complete4: Our purpose is as metal within the forge - remade strong, remade anew
Unit_Complete5: Razorback deployed
Unit_Complete6: Fire support vehicle deployed
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Razorback
Selection1: We fight for the people of the Imperium
Selection2: The Emperor sees and knows all
Selection3: We are the sons of Vulkan
Selection4: While the heretic remains, we will not rest
Selection5: Forgefather, grant us wisdom
Selection6: We are warriors!
Selection7: Awaiting instructions
Move1: Eye to Eye is the Promethean way
Move2: Moving to aid the oppressed
Move3: Endurance and fortitude
Move4: Our brothers require our support
Move5: Movement orders received
Move6: By the mark of Vulkan
Move7: We move closer to victory
Attack1: With fire shall I smite the foes of the Emperor
Attack2: Rain down furious vengeance on the foe
Attack3: Throw them into the chasm of fire!
Attack4: Enemy sighted, engaging
Attack5: Cleanse by fire!
Attack6: Smite the Emperor's foes!
Attack7: Strike like the hammer on the anvil!
Charge1: I am the Hammer!
Charge2: For the Emperor and His people!
Charge3: Purge this infestation!
Ability1: Covering fire!
Ability2: Salamanders, dismount!
Ability3: Fire from defilade!
Ability4: Protected like the Sanctuary cities
Ability5: Popping smoke
Combat1: Enemy identified, suppressive fire!
Combat2: One less enemy
Combat3: Continuing engagement
Death1: Our final moments with our brothers
Death2: May Vulkan take us to his fires
Death3: Nocturne, your sons return
Death4: <Explosion>
Notes: This is the scout and light support vehicle of the chapter. Salamanders are known for being stoic, stolid and physically slower compared with their fellow Astartes which does not make them natural scouts. The lines mostly relate to scouting activities and less to the rhetoric of their fellows, as I have assumed that Salamanders in a scouting role are probably the least conventional of the chapter's brothers (at least by Astartes standards) and consequently slightly less inclined to recite the chapter's dogma.
Unit_Complete1: Landspeeder awaiting instructions
Unit_Complete2: Fast attack asset ready
Unit_Complete3: Recon vehicle deployed
Unit_Complete4: If there are enemy here, we will find them
Unit_Complete5: Swift and deadly like a firedrake
Unit_Complete6: Our brothers need to know what foulness awaits them
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Landspeeder
Selection1: We are the eyes of the chapter
Selection2: Auspex engaged (Or-specs)
Selection3: Vulkan, keep our senses sharp
Selection4: What needs to be reconnoitred? [pronounced "reckon-or-ter-ed"]
Selection5: Watching, waiting
Selection6: The enemy has no hiding place
Selection7: Let us seek out the enemy
Move1: Swift as a fire lizard
Move2: Seek the foe and exterminate him
Move3: Relocating
Move4: No heretic can outrun us
Move5: Bad terrain is no hindrance
Move6: Confirmed and understood
Move7: Advancing and observing
Attack1: Gun them down!
Attack2: The tainted shall burn!
Attack3: Enemy sighted, engaging!
Attack4: We will turn them into ash!
Attack5: On the anvil of war, we will crush the heretic!
Attack6: Crush them like a dactyl egg! [pronounced "dak-till"]
Attack7: Engaging target of opportunity!
Charge1: Time to die, traitor!
Charge2: For the Primarch and Nocturne! [pronounced "Prime-ark"]
Charge3: Run them down!
Ability1: Commencing fire and movement protocol
Ability2: Faster and hotter than a fire storm!
Ability3: Pyroclast deployment pattern, now!
Ability4: Holding position!
Ability5: Shore up our resolve in the forge's fires
Combat1: We are made for the fires of war
Combat2: You will oppress His subjects no longer
Combat3: Defiance before the Emperor is worthy only of death! Quick and deadly!
Death1: We're hit!
Death2: Speeder down, grid reference 214, 375
Death3: Reporting heavy ene......(transmission is cut short)
Death4: *Explosion*
Notes: This is essentially a mobile coffin for an battle brother whose wounds are grievous, but who still clings to life. He will spend much of his time in suspended animation (sleeping) and will be awoken when battlefield circumstances demand it. As with all Salamanders level headedness prevails except when engaging the enemy where they exhibit a fiery side of their character, this moreso for a dreadnought who no doubt relishes the chance to serve again in combat, for which he was made. The tone of the lines can assumed to be fairly regular speech, even somewhat somber except when in, or entering combat when the dreadnought's full fury is unleashed.
Unit_Complete1: Sons of Vulkan serve beyond death
Unit_Complete2: From the flames I am forged anew
Unit_Complete3: The Master of The Forge provides
Unit_Complete4: I aid my brothers beyond death
Unit_Complete5: The grave is no barrier, I serve once more.
Unit_Complete6: The Fire-born call, I answer
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Dreadnought
Selection1: My pyre-slab can wait
Selection2: While enemies remain
Selection3: Let us end this oppression
Selection4: The chapter honours me
Selection5: Death will not stop a Fire-born
Selection6: Suffer not the agents of oppression
Selection7: You have need of my experience?
Move1: This is the time for action, not rest
Move2: This trial is born willingly
Move3: Vulkan's strength is in my veins
Move4: Death is no barrier to duty
Move5: The chapter's needs guide me
Move6: I will sleep again, when we have won
Move7: I will not be kept from aiding my brothers
Attack1: Heed me traitors and tremble!
Attack2: No xenos can withstand the Fire-born
Attack3: The Emperor's work is done with fire!
Attack4: None shall stay my blades, I am Salamander!
Attack5: Flame and bullets for the heretics!
Attack6: It is your Tempus Infernus, heretic!
Attack7: Immolate the tainted!
Charge1: I am Deathfire!
Charge2: For my brothers!
Charge3: Purge the damned!
Ability1: My will shall beak down any fortress of oppression
Ability2: You will burn for your heresy!
Ability3: I strike like Vulkan's hammer!
Ability4: I am the Emperor's shield
Ability5: I protect the defenseless
Combat1: Vengeance is my duty!
Combat2: You will fall!
Combat3: You will not oppose His will!
Death1: I have returned to the mountain
Death2: Again death claims me
Death3: I will serve again
Death4: <Explosion>
Venerable Dreadnought
Notes: This is essentially a mobile coffin for a particularly ancient battle brother whose wounds are grievous, but who still clings to life. He will spend much of his time in suspended animation (sleeping) and will be awoken when battlefield circumstances demand it. I have assumed given the Salamander's compassionate (by Astartes standards) outlook, that the venerable dreadnought will be almost paternal. Given that he's encased in some of the toughest armour, and has survived a long time, I've written some of the lines with a tone of confidence, bordering on arrogance.
Unit_Complete1: My flame still burns
Unit_Complete2: An ancient one arrives
Unit_Complete3: I can rest no longer, Vulkan's work awaits
Unit_Complete4: A son of the 18th legion awakens
Unit_Complete5: An ancient one awaits orders
Unit_Complete6: Within the crucible of fire, I am reborn
Unit_Complete7: The Fire-born need me still
Selection1: Be the anvil, become the hammer
Selection2: You require my wisdom
Selection3: Point me at the enemy
Selection4: I have seen this situation before
Selection5: Duty is as heavy as the mountains
Selection6: I have slept too long, I crave action
Selection7: Send me to aid my brothers
Move1: A wise decision
Move2: The enemy will fear my approach
Move3: I remain vigilant
Move4: Salamanders are constant like the stone of the mountain
Move5: The needs of my brothers come first
Move6: Close with the enemy and destroy him
Move7: Again, to the aid my brothers
Attack1: Revenge for Isstvan!
Attack2: Cleanse and burn!
Attack3: The hammer strikes hard
Attack4: Death to traitors and heretics!
Attack5: Fear will not slow me, for I know none!
Attack6: Smash them into oblivion!
Attack7: Death comes for you stain!
Charge1: This is your damnation!
Charge2: Fall before me!
Charge3: For His people!
Ability1: <laugh> See them flee in fear
Ability2: They cannot hope to stop me
Ability3: These enemies are without honour!
Ability4: May Vulkan watch over us all
Ability5: Vulkan armour me
Combat1: A Salamander does not relent!
Combat2: Death to His enemies!
Combat3: Stand not in my way heretic!
Death1: After all this time, my duty is done
Death2: I have served the chapter for the last time..
Death3: I can offer no more for my brothers..
Death4: <Explosion>
Notes: This is the heavy support tank of the Salamanders chapter and hence the references to it's anti-fortification weaponry and bombardment style attacks. Salamanders are known for their level headedness and being human than most Astartes chapters. Like their brother marines they fight fiercely when engaging the enemy and exhibit a fiery side of their character. The tone of the lines can assumed to be fairly regular speech except when in, or entering combat when their full fury is unleashed.
Unit_Complete1: Ready to serve the chapter
Unit_Complete2: We are here to breach the enemy's defences
Unit_Complete3: Heavy support vehicle deployed
Unit_Complete4: We are the might of the chapter
Unit_Complete5: The Master of the Forge provides
Unit_Complete6: Vindicator awaiting orders
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Vindicator
Selection1: In Vulkan's name
Selection2: We are for His people
Selection3: Fortifications are naught before us
Selection4: We are the wrath of Vulkan
Selection5: We honour the Primarch
Selection6: It is His will
Selection7: The chapter sends a Vindicator
Move1: To better strike the enemy
Move2: There is honour in this
Move3: Vulkan's legacy is not idleness
Move4: The forge fires guide us
Move5: To better defend the Imperium of Man
Move6: Heading for firing position
Move7: Redeployment in progress
Attack1: They will bend like untempered metal!
Attack2: Crush them on the anvil of war!
Attack3: Deathfire speaks!
Attack4: The hammer strikes hard!
Attack5: Like saurochs to the slaughter. [pronounced "saw-rock"]
Attack6: Obliterate the foe!
Attack7: Leave nothing but a feast for carrion
Charge1: Hammer them flat!
Charge2: Plow then down!
Charge3:For the honour of the Fireborn!
Ability1: Engaging with Hellbender shells! (this is a type of real salamander lizard)
Ability2: Summoning Nocturne's fire
Ability3: Precision shelling commencing
Ability4: Repositioning siege shield
Ability5: Salamanders protect
Combat1: Demolisher primed, firing!
Combat2: Preparing to bombard
Combat3: Elevate 35, fire!
Death1: Our final moments with the chapter
Death2: We can support our brothers no more
Death3: Our duty ends
Death4: <Explosion>
Notes: This is the artillery support weapon of the Salamanders chapter and therefore its lines are a mix of artillery references are well as fire/forge related rhetoric. As with all Salamanders level headedness prevails except when engaging the enemy where they exhibit a fiery side of thier character. The tone of the lines can assumed to be fairly regular speech except when in, or entering combat when their full fury is unleashed.
Unit_Complete1: Here to do Vulkan's work
Unit_Complete2: With the chapter's blessing we have arrived
Unit_Complete3: We are here to protect the Imperium
Unit_Complete4: We bring the fire!
Unit_Complete5: Salamander support unit deployed
Unit_Complete6: Our brothers need long range support
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Whirlwind
Selection1: Awaiting strike co-ordinates
Selection2: We are Vulkan's fist
Selection3: Where do the fire-born need support?
Selection4: We bring death from the skies
Selection5: The fire born do not need rest
Selection6: Where do you need our support?
Selection7: We cannot remain idle while the enemy still lives
Move1: Moving into support
Move2: Moving to launch site
Move3: An arduous journey is a worthy one
Move4: Transit order received
Move5: We toil in the Primarch's name
Move6: Repositioning to better strike the enemy
Move7: Deploying to support position
Attack1: Unleashing the inferno!
Attack2: Fire from the heavens.
Attack3: Target locked - launching
Attack4: Commencing strike
Attack5: Hiding will not spare them.
Attack6: Rain down fire on the traitor, mutant and heretic!
Attack7: Burn the foul xenos from this world!
Charge1: Commit them to the flames of purgation!
Charge2: For Vulkan and the Emperor!
Charge3: Run them down!
Ability1: Commencing precision strike
Ability2: Bringing down Deathfire!
Ability3: Missile pattern Ignis engaged [pronounced "Ig-niss"]
Ability4: Preparing defensive curtain of fire
Ability5: We protect the fire-born
Combat1: Give no ground to the enemy
Combat2: Maintaining bombardment
Combat3: The enemy has no place to hide from us
Death1: It is time to take our spiritual path into the desert.
Death2: Mount Deathfire calls us
Death3: Prepare the canticles of immolation
Death4: *Explosion*
Notes: This is the main battle tank of the Salamanders chapter and therefore its lines are a mix of gunnery references are well as fire/forge related rhetoric. As with all Salamanders level headedness prevails except when engaging the enemy where they exhibit a fiery side of their character. The tone of the lines can assumed to be fairly regular speech except when in, or entering combat when their full fury is unleashed.
Unit_Complete1: From the fire we come
Unit_Complete2: Fire-born armour has arrived
Unit_Complete3: We are the hammer with which to strike against the anvil
Unit_Complete4: With pragmatism we stand against the foe
Unit_Complete5: We are ready to engage the enemy
Unit_Complete6: Salamander's armour deployed
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Predator
Selection1: The anvil is unyielding
Selection2: Salamanders need no rest
Selection3: To serve the chapter
Selection4: Fire does not stop until it has consumed all
Selection5: Duty to the Emperor is its own reward
Selection6: We are ready to lift the yoke of oppression
Selection7: The chapter's honour demands it
Move1: On the path of glory
Move2: Our sacrifice shall not be in vain
Move3: A Salamander does not forgo action because of doubt
Move4: In Vulkan's footprints
Move5: Steel my purpose beneath the hammer
Move6: Transiting to new fire position
Move7: Vulkan guides us
Attack1: Our righteous fury shall burn the enslaver
Attack2: Commencing targeting litanies
Attack3: Take them down!
Attack4: Target ahead!
Attack5: Unleash Vulkan's might!
Attack6: Cleanse the unclean with fire!
Attack7: Enemy bearing 75 degrees, take aim!
Charge1: For the Forgefather!
Charge2: For the glory of Prometheus!
Charge3: Crush the oppressors!
Ability1: Sons of Vulkan strike true!
Ability2: Drake pattern rounds loaded!
Ability3: Vulkan gives us the will, the Omnissiah gives us the means!
Ability4: Stronger than a well quenched blade
Ability5: Vulkan preserve us
Combat1: Strike like a sa'hrk [pronounced "sa-hurk"]
Combat2: One more branding scar (the Salamanders use scarification to mark their achievements - I'm assuming that the tank command is marking his kills this way)
Combat3: Targets remain, continuing to engage
Death1: Our souls will be eternally warm in His flame
Death2: The circle of fire is broken
Death3: Our flame burns low...
Death4: <Explosion>
Land Raider
Notes: This is one of the heaviest units available to the Salamanders chapter and as such it is entrusted to only the most capable and dependable warriors. As with all Salamanders level headedness prevails except when engaging the enemy where they exhibit a fiery side of thier character. The tone of the lines can assumed to be fairly regular speech except when in, or entering combat when their full fury is unleashed.
Unit_Complete1: Upon the anvil of war we are tempered
Unit_Complete2: The Forgefather has provided
Unit_Complete3: We come from the earth, molded by fire
Unit_Complete4: We are forged in the flames
Unit_Complete5: We carry Nocturne's finest
Unit_Complete6: We are the bulwark against oppression
Unit_Complete7: The chapter sends a Land Raider
Selection1: Vulkan's fire burns in our hearts
Selection2: We endure, we are Salamander
Selection3: We are the hand of Vulkan
Selection4: Vulkan's eyes are upon us
Selection5: We await with the patience of Kalliman [pronounced "Kally-man"]
Selection6: We endure the cauldron
Selection7: Praise Vulkan
Move1: The Forge-father's work is always righteous
Move2: Unto the anvil of war
Move3: It is noble work
Move4: Relocating to better smite the enemy
Move5: We seek not the easy path
Move6: The primarch guides us
Move7: As the Pantheon council directs us
Attack1: The enemy lies between the hammer and the anvil.
Attack2: The enemy will fall beneath us!
Attack3: We are Emperor's will made manifest!
Attack4: Let the fire take them!
Attack5: Burn them all to ash!
Attack6: Condemn them to trial by fire!
Attack7: Bathe them in Nocturne's fire
Charge1: For Vulkan!
Charge2: Glory To Vulkan!
Charge3: Leave naught but ash!
Ability1: Assault ramp deployed.
Ability2: None can stand against the volcano!
Ability3: Defying the Emperor's will is heresy.
Ability4: Harder than drake scale!
Ability5: The will of Vulcan is my shield
Combat1: Engage the enemy more closely!
Combat2: The Fireborn do not relent
Combat3: Vulkan grant us victory
Death1: We fought with honour
Death2: Our service has ended
Death3: We will be forged anew
Death4: *Explosion*
HQ Building: Chapel of Fire
HQ Addon/Upgrade1: Temple of Flames
HQ Addon/Upgrade2: Cathedral of Light
Selection1: locator, sonar, radio sounds, static noise…
Barracks: Infantry Dock
Selection1: commands, soles hit the floor…
Armoury: Armoury
Wargear Research Upgrade1: Bionic Enhancements
Wargear Research Upgrade2: Networked Bionic Systems
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1: Targeters
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2: Targeters with auto-sense link
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1: Reinforced Armour
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2: Master-crafted Armour
Commander Health Research Upgrade1: Commander Artificer Armour
Commander Health Research Upgrade2: Salamander Mantle
Selection1: hydraulics, pneumatics, stepper motor sounds…
Tech Building (Tier2): Forge
Selection1: Forge sounds: flaming fire, hammer smites the steel…
Vehicle Building (Tier2): Machinery Dock
Vehicle Research Upgrade: Improved Warmachines
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: Full might of Mechanicus
Selection1: Vehicle sounds: engine humming, track creaking…
Advanced Tech Building (Tier3): Foundry
Selection1: Workshop sounds: grind, turning-machine…
Listening Post: Altar of Purging
Listening Post Addon1: Shrine of Purifying
Listening Post Addon2: Sanctum of Cleansing
Requisition Research Upgrade1: Escalate our Wrath!
Requisition Research Upgrade2: Bring them full Fury!
Selection1: like normal DoW SM Listening Post
Generator: Lava Generator
Power Research Upgrade1: Higher Temperature Resource
Power Research Upgrade2: Higher Density Storage
Selection1: steam eruption, lava ebullition…
Large Generator: Magma Generator
Selection1: steam eruption, lava ebullition (lower-pitched)…
Turret: Purgator Turret
Turret Addon1: Decimator Turret
Selection1: like normal DoW SM Turret
Mines: Perdition Mines
Selection1: like normal DoW SM Mines
Chaos! Must destroy these hellish creatures!
Chaos Space Marines! They want to taint us!
Dark Eldar
Minions of Comorragh! Our Arch-Enemies! [pronounced "co-morr-ah"]
Dark Eldars! The torturers are here!
Eldars! Presumably they try to trick us!
Eldars! The most arrogant xenos of the Universe!
Imperial Guard
The Imperial Guard! Our allies have betrayed us?
Guardsmen! It seems they are our enemies!
Undeads! The creatures of the C’Tan wishes our souls!
Necrons! The Harvesters of Soul are here!
Greenskins! I smell their stench from miles!
Orks! Again these vile xenos!
Sisters of Battle
The Brides of the Emperor! Why are they here?
Battle Sisters! Ecchlessiarchy wants to expunge us!
Space Marines
Astartes! They turn aside from the Emperor’s Light! [pronounced "As-tar-tehs"]
Space Marines! An other renegade Chapter?
Servants of the Greater Good! We don’t ally with them!
Tau! They would like to colonize this planet!
Black Templars
Dorn’s psyker-haters! Do they want to kill our Librarians?
Black Templars! Are they on Crusade against us?
Blood Angels
Blood Angels! How can they change so much since Armageddon?
Sons of Sanguinius! Do they became bloodthirsty Traitors? [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"]
Blood Ravens
So is this true! The Blood Ravens Chapter became Heretic!
Blood Ravens! They are tainted by Chaos!
Crimson Fists
The red-handeds! Where is their famous loyalty?
Crimson Fists! We must fight against our Brothers-Astartes!
Dark Angels
Dark Angels! It might be that they fallen like their Brothers, who they hunt for?
The Angels of Darkness? What are they doing here?
Fallen Angels
Fallens! The Dark Angels’ hidden shame became public.
Fallen Angels! What are they looking for here?
Imperial Fists
Dorn’s Siegemasters! Why do they want to breach us?
Imperial Fists! Defenders of the Holy Terra are tainted?
Iron Hands
Iron Hands! These flesh-haters are against us!
The machine-addicts! Their Heretek cybernetics damned them!
Legion of the Damned
Damned Legionnaires! So their curse is real!
The Damned! We have to exterminate them!
Raven Guard
Shadow warriors of the Raven Guard Chapter!
Sons of Corax! Their talons bite into us soon!
Red Scorpions
Red Scorpions! So their purity is fake!
Red Scorpions! Are they tainted?
Salamanders! Our Chapter-Brothers turned to traitors?
Salamanders? It’s a shame on us!
Space Wolves / 13th Company
Wolves of Russ! It seems the Wulfen curse takes them all!
In the Lykaar Campaign we were War-Brothers. Now are they our enemies? [pronounced "ly-car"]
Ultramarines! The eminent Marines gone traitors?
Guilliman’s favorites are defiled by Chaos? [pronounced "Gill - i - man"]
White Scars
White Scars! Prepare for a flank attack!
The Khan’s warriors! We have to slow them down!
Alpha Legion
Alpha Legionnaires! Multiple attacks wait for us!
Alpha Legion! If they are here, Chaos Cultists are here too!
Black Legion
Black Legion! Abaddon’s scum are here! [pronounced "Abb-a-don"]
The Arch-Heretic’s force! We must put an end to his Black Crusade!
Death Guard
Nurgle’s minions! They want to infest us! [pronounced "nur - gl"]
Death Guards! Must purge their Plague!
Emperors Children
Slaanesh’s drug-addict scum! We will give them the pleasure of their own death! [pronounced "sl - aah - nesh"]
The Emperor’s Children! Beware their Noise Marines!
Iron Warriors
Iron Warriors! We have to charge them before they fortify their lines!
An other Warmith and his warband! They plan to siege us!
Night Lords
Night Lords! Prepare for Raptor assault!
Lords of the Night! Chaos terror forces are here!
Red Corsairs
Red Corsairs! Stand ready for the raid!
Huron’s pirates! Since Badab they become more and more vile!
Thousand Sons
Thousand Sons! Sorcerers lead their automatons onto us!
Rubric Marines of Tzeentch! Turn them to real dust! [pronounced "z - een - nch"]
World Eaters
Khorne’s Berzerkers! Their fury will be their doom! [pronounced "korn"]
World Eaters! Our skulls will never be theirs!
Word Bearers
Dark Apostles! The shame of all Chaplains!
Word Bearers! We have to silence their blasphemous prayers!
Catachans! Imperium’s elite jungle-fighters are against us! [pronounced "cat-a-kan"]
Catachan Devils! Beware the traps and mines they likely fitted to us!
Death Korps of Krieg
Death Korps! So they rebelled against the Emperor once more!
Krieg’s clone troopers! They want to siege us! [pronounced "cr-ee-g's"]
Drop Troops! Stand ready for the massive deepstrike of them!
Elysians! The Empire’s best airborne troopers want to overrun us! [pronounced "El-si-ans"]
Last Chancers / 13th Penal Legion
Penal Guards! Death wait for them instead of redemption!
Filthy criminals! Carry out their punishment now!
Iron Guard! Foolish uniform but iron discipline!
Mordians! What are they doing here in their parade clothing?
Praetorians! Prepare for concentrated lasfire! [pronounced http://www.howjsay.c...ord=praetorians ]
Guards of Pretoria! They will try to overcome us soon!
Steel Legions
Armageddon’s mechanized Guard! They are fast… but the bullets of our Bolters are faster!
Steel Legion! We saved their planet… It’s the thanks for it!
Desert Raiders! They are notorious for their guerrilla warfare!
Tallarnians! They stand the hot of the deserts… but not the hot of Promethium! [pronounced "Ta-lar-ians"]
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
Ghosts! Don’t let them infiltrate our position!
Tanithians! They shall perish as their planet did! [pronounced "Tan-a-thi-esians"]
Ice Warriors! We will warm them up… until they taking fire!
Warriors of Valhalla! The eternal winter takes their mind!
Firstborns! Why are they defy us?
Vostroyans! Once they refused to support the Imperium… now they attack it!
Harlequins! Beware their kisses!
Eldar Clowns! They dance the dance of Death!
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Daemonhunters! Do they think we summon Daemons?
Ordo Malleus! Perhaps is it a rogue Inquisitor?
The Ordo Hereticus! We have to protect our Librarians at all cost! [pronounced "Or-doe"]
Witch Hunters! But we have no witches!
Tyranids! So the Great Devourer reach this planet too! [pronounced "Tear-ra-nids"]
The Destroyer of Worlds want to consume us! Don’t let them!
Daemons! So there’s a tear between the Immaterium and Materium near!
Foul creations! We must banish them back to the Warp!
Demonic entities! I smell the stink of Chaos on them!
A Monstrosity! We have to cancel it before it causes damage to us!
What kind of Monster is it? Slay it otherwise the morale will break!
Monstrous Creature! We must destroy it!
Enemy marked!
Our foe reveal itself!
Malignant warband sighted!
Our adversaries in sight reach!
Enemy spotted!
Hostile forces observed!
Opponents perceived!
Enemy units beheld!
Engines of Death! But not of our death!
Tank! Destroy it before it destroys us!
A Warmachine! It will be hard to stand its firepower!
ToDo (Feb 27.2011)
1) Units
2) Spottings
Salamaders Master Voice Script thread
Started by thudo, Sep 02 2010 03:24 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 02 September 2010 - 03:24 PM
Advanced Skirmish AI Team Lead for the coolest Warhammer40k PC RTS out there:
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Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 02 September 2010 - 03:24 PM
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Note for Squads and Sergeants:
For Squad Leaders just add 7 unique Unit_Complete, and 2-3 unique Selection, Move, Attack, and Death voice scripts. The rest of the script will be inherited from the squad they come from.
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
SPOTTINGS (2 of each - spoken by Tier1 main infantry):
Vanilla Factions
Dark Eldar
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines
User Factions
Space Marine Chapters
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Blood Ravens
Crimson Fists
Dark Angels
Fallen Angels
Imperial Fists
Iron Hands
Legion of the Damned
Raven Guard
Red Scorpions
Space Wolves/13th Company
White Scars
Chaos Legions
Alpha Legion
Black Legion
Death Guard
Emperors Children
Iron Warriors
Night Lords
Red Corsairs
Thousand Sons
World Eaters
Word Bearers
Imperial Guard
Death Korps of Kreig
Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
Steel Legions
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Daemon (need 3x)
Monstrosity (need 3x)
Enemy (need 8x)
Tanks(need 3x)
HQ Building [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade1 [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Barracks [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Armoury [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Tech Building (Tier2) [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Vehicle Building (Tier2) [name?]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [name?]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Advanced Tech Building (Tier3) [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Listening Post [name?]
Listening Post Addon1: [name?]
Listening Post Addon2: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Generator [name?]
Power Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Power Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Large Generator [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Turret [name?]
Turret Addon1: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Mines [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Take your time of these and submit each unit as it comes.
Other things to keep in mind..
1) Keep each line to a max of, say, 40 words. No need for run-on sentences.
2) Single worded lines like "Acknowledged" or "Yes" are ok here and there but please use infrequently.
3) When spelling I word that is VERY hard to say verbally please try to break the word down so the voice actor who may not know War40k fluff/codecs can say it. There are factions in War40k that have names that are bizarre so the voice actor will need to understand the word and how to deliver it. ie. Macragge [pronounced "Mac - raaj"]
4) No need to put the scripts in quotes "".
Also to clarify the above:
Capture = when the squad or unit is commanded to go to a Strategic/Criticial/Relic point to commence the capture of it.
Capped = when the squad or unit has successfully captured such a point.
Charge = when the squad or unit issues a mighty battlecry before heading into combat so as to inspire fellow troops/allies and demoralize the enemy.
Combat = when the squad or unit is directly right in the fray/center of the battle and ushers a comment about the situation basically taunting the enemy.
Under_Fire = when the squad or unit finds itself being attacked by the enemy but taking real minor damage.
Damage = when the squad or unit is being hurt light to moderately by the enemy (for a squad, this is before morale is broken).
If you have ANY questions about anything above fire away..
ie. Unless you are familiar with the Dawn of War game mechanic re: capturing and capping map points such points giving extra income and strategic supremacy to the player when a squad or individual unit commences capturing the point then finishing the capture. Such voice scripts are meant for this part.
Always assume a unit/squad's abilities will be of two kinds:
1) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units
2) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units
ie. even if the Commissar could, say, call an Orbital Strike that targets a local area on the battlefield which hurts all enemies near to the affected zone a generic Commissar script could say: "Perish you unworthy filth!" The key is to be somewhat generic with both those ability types mentioned above. This will cover many possibilities.
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Note for Squads and Sergeants:
For Squad Leaders just add 7 unique Unit_Complete, and 2-3 unique Selection, Move, Attack, and Death voice scripts. The rest of the script will be inherited from the squad they come from.
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
SPOTTINGS (2 of each - spoken by Tier1 main infantry):
Vanilla Factions
Dark Eldar
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines
User Factions
Space Marine Chapters
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Blood Ravens
Crimson Fists
Dark Angels
Fallen Angels
Imperial Fists
Iron Hands
Legion of the Damned
Raven Guard
Red Scorpions
Space Wolves/13th Company
White Scars
Chaos Legions
Alpha Legion
Black Legion
Death Guard
Emperors Children
Iron Warriors
Night Lords
Red Corsairs
Thousand Sons
World Eaters
Word Bearers
Imperial Guard
Death Korps of Kreig
Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
Steel Legions
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Daemon (need 3x)
Monstrosity (need 3x)
Enemy (need 8x)
Tanks(need 3x)
HQ Building [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade1 [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Barracks [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Armoury [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Tech Building (Tier2) [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Vehicle Building (Tier2) [name?]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [name?]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Advanced Tech Building (Tier3) [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Listening Post [name?]
Listening Post Addon1: [name?]
Listening Post Addon2: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Generator [name?]
Power Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Power Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Large Generator [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Turret [name?]
Turret Addon1: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Mines [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Take your time of these and submit each unit as it comes.
Other things to keep in mind..
1) Keep each line to a max of, say, 40 words. No need for run-on sentences.
2) Single worded lines like "Acknowledged" or "Yes" are ok here and there but please use infrequently.
3) When spelling I word that is VERY hard to say verbally please try to break the word down so the voice actor who may not know War40k fluff/codecs can say it. There are factions in War40k that have names that are bizarre so the voice actor will need to understand the word and how to deliver it. ie. Macragge [pronounced "Mac - raaj"]
4) No need to put the scripts in quotes "".
Also to clarify the above:
Capture = when the squad or unit is commanded to go to a Strategic/Criticial/Relic point to commence the capture of it.
Capped = when the squad or unit has successfully captured such a point.
Charge = when the squad or unit issues a mighty battlecry before heading into combat so as to inspire fellow troops/allies and demoralize the enemy.
Combat = when the squad or unit is directly right in the fray/center of the battle and ushers a comment about the situation basically taunting the enemy.
Under_Fire = when the squad or unit finds itself being attacked by the enemy but taking real minor damage.
Damage = when the squad or unit is being hurt light to moderately by the enemy (for a squad, this is before morale is broken).
If you have ANY questions about anything above fire away..
ie. Unless you are familiar with the Dawn of War game mechanic re: capturing and capping map points such points giving extra income and strategic supremacy to the player when a squad or individual unit commences capturing the point then finishing the capture. Such voice scripts are meant for this part.
Always assume a unit/squad's abilities will be of two kinds:
1) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units
2) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units
ie. even if the Commissar could, say, call an Orbital Strike that targets a local area on the battlefield which hurts all enemies near to the affected zone a generic Commissar script could say: "Perish you unworthy filth!" The key is to be somewhat generic with both those ability types mentioned above. This will cover many possibilities.
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