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#1 Ash


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Posted 21 November 2010 - 08:19 PM

Right, I know I seldom venture here, certainly significantly less than I ought to. But it's sooooo far down the forum listing that I never notice it :ermm: - I only really check general discussion these days. Not that that's very active but I digress...

So what I'm looking to do here is to try to rekindle my interest in writing. To do this, I want to try to gather together some interest for a collaborative story written on the forum. A couple of our forum's most talented writers is what I'm really looking for to help out here.

"Isn't that just the same as RPGing, which you could do at the Ziggurat?"

Actually, no. For a few reasons:
Firstly, I'll be in charge of casting and steering the narrative in quite a powerful way. Essentially, I'll be like an actor-director; actively participating in the writing along with others. To that end, it'll be important to decide who's playing what characters. By and large I'd let you do that for yourselves but there would need to be some delegating on occasion. The names and personality will be rather fixed; your job will be to write what they would do and say, and also to help advance the narrative in accordance.

"Why not just write the whole thing yourself if you're going to be calling the shots?"

Truth told, I would, but I lack time and motivation a lot of the time. The phrase 'many hands make light work' springs to mind; I'll typically get more done if others are joining in and the story's progressing at a reasonably smooth rate.

Secondly, there will already be a pre-determined end point to the story and I'll give you a barebones framework of the plot, and a detailed setting. This won't be free-form, and I won't be a game-master; yes, I'll be at the helm but I expect serious business from anyone involved. That's not to say I wouldn't want people to enjoy it but I would hope it be taken seriously, where sometimes we might not in an RP setting (myself included in that).

"What about godmodding? Sounds like you'll be doing a lot of that..."

Quite right. Some characters can, and probably will, get killed off. I may or may not tell you this in advance. I may even write your character's actions in the interest of getting the plot back on track. That would include writing them out or getting their heads stoved. I would be making no apology for this particularly since you'd be walking into it with your eyes open, and it wouldn't be meant as a commentary on your skills - my plotlines may dictate that they die or get put on a bus. Certain characters will obviously have plot armour, and I would endeavour to give you each multiple characters to be responsible for (some of whom might only appear later in the story - just like any story, not everyone introduces themselves or their whereabouts on Page One), so you aren't sidelined. At some point your role in that particular performance may be over, though.

"But what if I really like the character and think they shouldn't die?"

Tough. My cake, and I'm eating it. You can have a slice or two but you have to relinquish it at my behest. :p

There may even be occasion where I might rewrite a bit of what you do in the interest of plot only. It would never be as a commentary on your skills as a writer (I wouldn't let you take part if I were going to have to do that). I would ask that you not take those points personally. The point is that the storyline get through to conclusion, and we each act out our parts to that end - if it gets too bogged down, or goes somewhere that points away from the intended direction, I might step in. I would explain myself though.

So...yeah. My wonder is whether anyone would be interested in taking part, or have I been too stringent? Thoughts please.

#2 Vortigern


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Posted 21 November 2010 - 10:14 PM

I'd be interested, though my interest may depend on the planned storyline. I'm not so good on human-interest tales. Honestly, I'm much the same in terms of commitment and time, but for all that I do enjoy my writing and have been trying to do more recently. Assuming I meet your undoubtedly-astronomic standards, I will be happy to help out.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#3 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 01:26 AM

I'd be on board, as long as I wasn't expected to go too fast... and as long as I'm included in that category of writers that you're courting... :p

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#4 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 01:42 AM

You should probably mention what sort of story its it's going to be.

Just some basics so people (like me) know weather whether they want to get into it or not.

VortEDIT: Come on man, you're supposed to be demonstrating that you can write to a very high standard if you want to get involved in this. Two errors in two short lines is hardly a mark of quality. More a mark of self-published vanity novels that you get free with Cosmopolitan.

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#5 Ash


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 05:04 PM

I'd be interested, though my interest may depend on the planned storyline. I'm not so good on human-interest tales. Honestly, I'm much the same in terms of commitment and time, but for all that I do enjoy my writing and have been trying to do more recently. Assuming I meet your undoubtedly-astronomic standards, I will be happy to help out.

You certainly do meet the standards. :p Though I'm not sure what you mean by human-interest. The stories would be in-depth sci-fi/fantasy sort of fare. Yknow, the kind of shit I might've expected you guys to be interested in. ;) I wouldn't have gone for a period drama theme! ;)

I'd be on board, as long as I wasn't expected to go too fast... and as long as I'm included in that category of writers that you're courting... :)

I wouldn't expect hyperspeed, no - I work a lot of fucked up hours so there might only be a couple of days where I'm actually available to participate. Five days in ten, probably. :S

You should probably mention what sort of story its it's going to be.

Just some basics so people (like me) know weather whether they want to get into it or not.

VortEDIT: Come on man, you're supposed to be demonstrating that you can write to a very high standard if you want to get involved in this. Two errors in two short lines is hardly a mark of quality. More a mark of self-published vanity novels that you get free with Cosmopolitan.

I agree wholeheartedly with Vort here, but weirdGuy does make a decent enough point. I wouldn't expect everyone I collabed with to be interested in every storyverse I have milling around my crazy mind. I would probably have two or three on the go at once so as not to leave them high and dry (and if you think that's a bad idea, I've had fifteen RP characters across as many forums on the go at once in the past, played to high standard :) ). Bear in mind, this was to see what interest would be like on-spec. Seems like a couple of the people I would've wanted to take part are game, so I'll put together a bit of planning for the first one to roll.

#6 Vortigern


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 05:13 PM

Sci-fi/fantasy whatever is absolutely fine. I was just dreading you suggesting something like the crap that gets on bestseller lists because it has 'themes people can identify with'. I don't like identifying with themes. I like identifying with characters in situations as far from reality as possible. The real world is kinda rubbish, let's be honest.

Oh, and if you have anyone specific in mind you were hoping to take part, might be worth giving them a nudge in this direction. Like you noted earlier, activity isn't particularly high at the moment, and the Temple of Muses in particular is rather empty. I'm willing to bet very few people ever bother to check and just assume nothing's happened.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#7 Ash


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 06:08 PM

Sci-fi/fantasy whatever is absolutely fine. I was just dreading you suggesting something like the crap that gets on bestseller lists because it has 'themes people can identify with'. I don't like identifying with themes. I like identifying with characters in situations as far from reality as possible. The real world is kinda rubbish, let's be honest.

I couldn't agree with you more, incidentally. :p

Oh, and if you have anyone specific in mind you were hoping to take part, might be worth giving them a nudge in this direction. Like you noted earlier, activity isn't particularly high at the moment, and the Temple of Muses in particular is rather empty. I'm willing to bet very few people ever bother to check and just assume nothing's happened.

Other than yourself and Athos, really, no other names spring to mind. I'm not here as much as I used to be so I don't know who's good. If you'd like to point anyone you think would be up to it and up for it in the direction of this thread mate that'd be appreciated. ;)

#8 mike_


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 08:03 PM

I can't say that I've done this kind of thing before, but I'd be happy to give it a shot, time willing :p

#9 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 10:27 PM

Sci-fi/fantasy whatever is absolutely fine. I was just dreading you suggesting something like the crap that gets on bestseller lists because it has 'themes people can identify with'. I don't like identifying with themes. I like identifying with characters in situations as far from reality as possible. The real world is kinda rubbish, let's be honest.

But Shakespeare wrote with themes... :p

;) Anyway, back to the point. I usually only feel comfortable writing in a fantasy setting, since I feel like a poser poseur when either making up science or attempting to understand "hard" sci-fi. Then again, this might be a good experience for me to peek out of my one-dimensional box (try to figure that one out) a bit...

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#10 Vortigern


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 10:49 PM

Shakespeare also wrote about fairies, sorcerors and ghosts.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#11 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 22 November 2010 - 10:51 PM

Does that mean we get to do that, too? :p

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#12 dangerman1337

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Posted 22 November 2010 - 11:13 PM

Hmph on setting i've got an idea (maybe a bit wacky) but how about a confrontation between a fantasy world ala D&D/Tolkein vs RL as of now? I mean most magic and modern day combinations just consist with angsty teenagers with MAGIC POWARS. It could allow freedom to kill off characters as well and have plent of tension, wheter between charcters or the setting in general :p.

#13 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 23 November 2010 - 12:26 AM

VortEDIT: Come on man, you're supposed to be demonstrating that you can write to a very high standard if you want to get involved in this. Two errors in two short lines is hardly a mark of quality. More a mark of self-published vanity novels that you get free with Cosmopolitan.

I just started holidays, i feel i'm entitled to a bit of bold faced half-arsedness when it comes to writing :p

On a more serious note, that weather/whether was just a careless mistake, i blame my laxity on the fact that it was just a short post (the no apostrophe in its was deliberate laziness though, that and not capitalising my i's have become something of a habit when in my typing recently, though i can stop it when it comes to 'serious business')

And Vort, why don't you combine the temple of muses and the zig into one. I mean, they're both fairly inactive here, maybe pooling their audiences might mean both get more attention. (what little of it there is...)

Edited by some_weirdGuy, 23 November 2010 - 12:28 AM.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#14 Vortigern


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Posted 23 November 2010 - 12:33 AM

that weather/whether was just a careless mistake

It's a mistake you also made in the Ziggurat, in your last post in the Unholy Crusade. I corrected it there too. And the main reason I haven't merged the two divisions is pure laziness. Maybe eventually I'll get around to it, and rename bits and pieces to fit with the theme. Who knows?

how about a confrontation between a fantasy world ala D&D/Tolkein vs RL as of now?

By that are you meaning modern world setting but with magic and monsters, or regular old world suddenly invaded by D&D? Because only one of those is a good idea, and it's not the second one. And magic stuff in the real world has to be done very carefully or it just seems silly. See Neil Gaiman for a prime example of how to do it well.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#15 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 23 November 2010 - 02:03 AM

It's a mistake you also made in the Ziggurat, in your last post in the Unholy Crusade. I corrected it there too. And the main reason I haven't merged the two divisions is pure laziness. Maybe eventually I'll get around to it, and rename bits and pieces to fit with the theme. Who knows

Well ok then, seems thats another common error of mine. That one i will try to stop doing.

As for that real life vs fantasy world thing:
I agree its better to have it as 'magic is normal' rather than 'magic suddenly appears out of nowhere'.
Also the 'world secretly has magic' (ala harry potter) is also something i find myself not buying into.

Sci-fi/fantasy whatever is absolutely fine. I was just dreading you suggesting something like the crap that gets on bestseller lists because it has 'themes people can identify with'. I don't like identifying with themes. I like identifying with characters in situations as far from reality as possible. The real world is kinda rubbish, let's be honest.

I completely agree. Stories that could just be real life are SO boring. Fiction needs to be detached from the real world, you see real world every time you step out the door.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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