Spurred by Tom's constant Ron Paul hero-worship on Facebonk ( )On this above link there's a comparison of all the current Republican candidates on a series of issues. To be honest, they're all fairly predictable conserva-Republican sentiments, and if I'm honest there isn't a great amount to choose between them. I imagine the only reason one man might get the vote over someone else is based on his general charisma and je ne sais quois, that another candidate might not have.
It's perplexing, really. I wonder how many are simply toeing the party line in order to win themselves a shot at the big job or who actually believe everything they say deeply.
I thought I'd see how Tom's favourite super-Tory compares to his rivals within his own party, as much for his benefit as anyone else's. So here goes:
Mitt Romney - Would reduce the corporate income tax rate, cut "non-security discretionary spending" by 5% and "tear down the vast edifice of regulations the Obama Administration has imposed on the economy"
Now, let's take a look at what 'non-security discretionary spending' means. That is basically the stuff that the President and Congress argue about for a few hours while they decide just how much the federal government is going to spend on stuff. That doesn't include anything each individual state spends, just what Capitol Hill spends. And note it says 'non-security'. So let's just have a wild guess as to where the extra tax dollars saved by cutting public spending will be going? Right. To build yet more weapons and, potentially, fund yet more wars. Rather than cut military spending back a tad and perhaps re-allocate that money to either pay a little of America's debts off or to help stimulate growth in some other quarter, no we'll just build yet another aircraft carrier or two. Because we really, really need those to fight an enemy which either a) doesn't exist or b) is comparatively in the Bronze Age technologically (delete as appropriate).
I'm failing too to see why reducing corporate income tax will help solve US debt problems in any way. You can promote growth all you like, but all those rich corporations will, as a result of such a tax cut, not be helping pull the US out of its debt spiral. To balance the books that money's going to come from somewhere. Probably out of the honest working man's pocket (assuming he's even got a job anymore, mind you). Better to reduce his tax bill to give him more money to spend. That'd make the corporates just as happy.
I lack the specifics of his "vast edifice". But naturally, being Republican, because they were enacted by a Democrat, they must be the Words of Satan etched onto legal parchment.
Rick Perry - Would cap federal spending at 18% of GDP, which the campaign says is the average since 1960, and replace the complicated income tax code with a 20% flat rate.
Ok this guy actually says something practical. I would always be in favour of a flat-rate income tax. Whether this applies to corporations every bit as much as it does to the man-on-the-street remains to be seen, though. No doubt they'll get a tax break - it isn't so much about what the man says as what is left unsaid. Call me cynical...
Can't see a problem with a spending cap there, so long as they stick to it. At least there's plenty more money going into the federal kitty than there is going out of it, which can't be a bad thing. It's just a question of how much more than GDP everything else costs.
Hermain Cain - "9-9-9" plan calls for a flat 9% individual income tax, a 9% corporate income tax, and a 9% national sales tax
Yeah, his campaign was suspended, but hey - I can't see anyone else whose plan is as fair as this. Not so sure about the VAT on the end there. VAT is very regressive and hits those at the bottom hardest. How's about slapping capital gains tax on there instead? Or would the Republican Party's corporate paymasters disapprove too strongly?
Once again with the helping of corporations. I appreciate the need for a free market and facilitating enterprise but on the other hand I question vehemently how, if she's cutting taxes, she intends to balance the books and help pay off some of the debt. It's quite simple. If I was earning £100 a year before in taxes and my outgoings were £120, I'm in trouble. Let's say I lower my taxes to £90. My outgoings aren't getting any less, so I'm in even more trouble. It might make more businesses spring up like weeds, but they've got to do a lot more to make up the difference assuming they appear in the first place. It seems a very risky approach to tackling the problem to me.Michele Bachmann - Would reduce corporate income tax rates; opposes increases in the US debt limit
Another one with the stripping of taxes, particularly ones that probably pull in a good amount of the income. I can't disagree with stopping unbalanced budgets, although given the inability of Republicans and Democrats to agree on the wetness of water this probably will result in nothing ever getting decided. Nor can I dispute the need to cut budgets, but I do have to query where the money's being cut from. Doubt it'll be from defence. That'd be unpopular. More likely to be from a more useful bit of infrastructure.Ron Paul - Would veto any "unbalanced" budget; refuse to raise the US borrowing limit; and eliminate the income, capital gains, and estate taxes, and cut $1tr (£633.6m) from the annual federal budget
So...where's the money coming from, Jon? Do you have a magical pixie who farms money trees? Do you intend to win the lottery on a weekly basis? Please enlighten us.Jon Huntsman - Would eliminate the current system of income tax deductions and credits and lower individual and corporate tax rates; would eliminate capital gains taxes
Again...where's the money coming from? Though I imagine the majority of everyone and everything will elect to not take that option of paying 15%. There's a pattern emerging; generally very few are doing things that benefit the man-on-the-street, instead preferring to benefit corporations. Either way it makes the books harder to balance but I imagine there's more to be gained by taking the squeeze off the honest working man rather than the corporates who swim in lakes of money.Newt Gingrich - Would make permanent Bush-era individual income tax cuts; eliminate the capital gains tax; reduce the corporate income tax rate; and establish an "optional" 15% flat income tax
Right. So the US would then lose out on the vast sea of profits that is made by multinationals. Christ if I were to buy a fucking KFC the US wouldn't make a cent out of it by that logic, and the company'd net all the profit (after whatever our government took)! Let's also look at this from another perspective - most businesses would probably find it more profitable to operate only overseas, but base themselves in the States. Provided those organisations limited their activities in Europe the'd net a massive tax fiddle, and the USA would become a corporate tax haven. And what does the US get out of it? Not a great deal that I can see.Rick Santorum - Calls for a 0% tax on the manufacturing industry and on repatriated corporate profits earned overseas
I'm not going to bother to quote this one. They all say exactly the same thing - wail on Obama and to fuck with the people. Let the paupers die as they can't afford life-saving treatment, or to get into crippling debt forever. God forbid we'll ever try and make something big like this work. Newt Gingrich is the only one who offers anything constructive following the inevitable step backwards - tax benefits to encourage purchasing private health insurance. To be honest, it's still a case of God forbid you get ill, as you'd have to pay the excess on the insurance and it'll go up because you've had to claim on it. But I can imagine the same thing happening soon in the UK, particularly if the Tories keep their stranglehold on power - the healthcare budget is massive and so is the amount of National Insurance contributions everyone pays. They'll probably reduce the NICs for those with private plans with, say BUPA.
Mitt Romney - Would make English the official language of the US and "turn off the magnets like tuition breaks or other breaks that draw people into this country illegally
Rick Perry - Has been criticised for his support in Texas for offering children of illegal immigrants the same low university tuition rates as native-born Texans; has suggested using Predator Drones to patrol the US-Mexico border; says a fence along the entire border "does not make sense"
Herman Cain - "We should secure the border for real, and it would be a combination of a fence, technology, as well as possibly boots on the ground for some of the more dangerous areas"
Michele Bachmann - Calls for a fence along the entire US-Mexico border and will "enforce" English as the official language of the US government
Ron Paul - Would "abolish the welfare state" to discourage illegal immigration and end automatic citizenship for everyone born in the US
Jon Huntsman - Has said it would be unrealistic to deport all 12m estimated illegal aliens in the US
Newt Gingrich - Would make English the official language of the US and favours "100% control" of the US-Mexico border
Rick Santorum - Would penalise employers who hire illegal immigrants
Right. Because Mexico's the only problem. Although I suppose you guys across the Pond don't have the unelected Eurocracy to worry about. I think soldiers and predator drones might be a bit excessive though - are they invading your country forcibly? Errr no... also fencing it should surely already be done - but then they'll just come around in boats and dinghies, or on trucks. Talk of making English the official language won't make a blind bit of difference, considering it primarily already is. Ron Paul's comment is a big sticky wicket though - as if it's the fault of children of illegal immigrants that they're the children of illegal immigrants? Why punish them and make them pariahs (which denying them citizenship will doubtless do, either by sending them back or rendering them as an underclass of untouchables)? I sense a Metric fuckton of lawsuits here. Although I am absolutely gobsmacked that Santorum's idea isn't already being done.
National Security
And it's acceptable for the US or anyone else to have it...why? I note he's not closed the door on full-on military action. North Korea has nuclear weapons - is that more acceptable than Iran? I don't foresee Iran being more likely to deploy theirs than Korea. Meddlement in foreign governments has landed the US in hot water a few times before, and yet still they don't learn. One would imagine being forced to withdraw from Vietnam and the monster they created in Bin Laden might have made the upper echelons of American political power think "hmm we should stop pissing people off", but no.Mitt Romney"It's worth working with the insurgents in the country to encourage regime change in the country. And if all else fails, if after all the work we've done there's nothing else we can do besides take military action then of course you take military action. It is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon"
Damn man, the fuck do you have against Mexico. Bad burrito? Yet in the same breath he says tightening the border control and fencing it off "does not make sense". But it does make sense to deploy a divison of troops to keep them out?Rick Perry - Would deploy thousands of soldiers to the US border with Mexico
Herman Cain - "The first thing that I would do is to assist the opposition movement in Iran, that's trying to overthrow the regime"; Would deploy warships to the Persian Gulf
Yep. What America needs right now is another war.
Scathing. So, from that I read that, if elected, you will yank on the leash you're holding the UK on, and tell everyone else in the world (particularly those who don't subscribe to your personal idea of freedom) to fuck off with bombs. An interesting take on foreign policy, and at least mildly refreshing compared to the fact all her opponents are a bit one-track: fuck Iran, fuck Mexico. She does that too, but it's nice to know that some of the upper echelons of the Republican Party are aware that the world is bigger than those three nations.Michele Bachmann - "We have a President who devalues the special relationship with our most trusted ally, Britain, even as he bows to kings, bends to dictators, bumbles with reset buttons, and babies radical Islamists"
Ah. A voice of sanity does occasionally arise. Even from Ron bloody Paul, a man who doesn't believe in evolution. Unsure if the take-home message from that is "don't listen to the voice of sanity" or "not every creationist fuckwad is a complete fuckwad."Ron Paul - Openly questions his rivals' aggressive talk on Iran and calls concerns about Iran's nuclear programme "propaganda" aimed at building support for another US war
Can't disagree with a word here. Hopefully that is a codeword for "downsize the US military in a time of peace", but I can't see it somehow.Jon Huntsman - Questions the "ill-advised counterinsurgency campaign" in Afghanistan; calls for a "sober-minded" assessment of US commitments abroad
So basically everything short of outright declaration of war then. No doubt you'll do it with NATO/UN flags flying and it'll all be ok! \o/Newt Gingrich - Calls for "maximum covert operations" to disrupt the Iranian nuclear programme
As above.Rick Santorum - "We should be working with Israel right now to do what they did in Syria, what they did in Iraq, which is take out that nuclear capability before the next explosion we hear in Iran is a nuclear one and then the world changes"
Social Issues
Again, they all oppose gay marriage and abortion. I wonder if it's a Republican Party entry requirement that you hate gays. You can pick the staunch God-botherers out too - the ones facilitating homeschooling.
So basically, out of eight, then, to summarise just where the Republican Party's hearts lie, and also illustrating the similarities between the candidates:
Corporate Tax Cuts - 6/8 at least
Individual Tax Cuts - 4/8 at most
Something Approaching A Plan To Balance The Books (Whether It Would Work Or Not) - 3/8
Regress Obama's Healthcare Work, For Good Or Ill - 8/8
Fuck The Mexicans! - 7/8
Fuck Iran! - 6/8
Fuck The Gays (Metaphorically, Not Literally - That'd Be A Sin)! - 8/8
Raped And Pregnant? Well Fuck You All Over Again! - 8/8