I've been messing around with resolutions in the Commandos 2 binary, and have so far managed to figure out where to change window size, the viewport (the actual gameworld inside the window) size as well as the menu resolution.
Unfortunately, setting the horizontal resolution to anything above 1440px results in some weird glitches:
Does anyone have a solution for this yet?
Furthermore, there are still a some hexadecimal strings which are obviously resolution values, yet I don't know what they are used for.
I've marked them in the following picture (red are values for overriding 640x480, orange is 800x600, blue is 1024x768 and purple is 1280x1024). I've written in green in the gutter, what three of the sections are for, but as you can see, there are seven sections I don't know what are for. Do you guys know?
EDIT: It appears that zooming while the glitch is visible crashes the game, regardless of what the 7 sections above are changed to. If zoomed in while inside a house, you can go outside and still be zoomed in, but when you zoom out so far that the glitch appears, the game instantly crashes.
Best regards.
Edited by zachasme, 24 May 2013 - 01:37 AM.