Ohio, I'd like to request someone who has permission to do the following messups on my part (C&CGuild/Supérior Facilities):
1) Move Attacque Supérior News at the top and rename it to Supérior Facilities News.
2) Rename YR Attacque Supérior subforum to simple Attacque Supérior (dropping the YR prefix) and change the description to "During the Psychic Dominator Disaster, Yuri's scientists in the dark side of the moon invented a tremendous device... a black hole generator. What they didn't expected that the gravity distortions caused by the testing of the weapon will alert a new enemy... one, which the planet was not prepared for." I'd also ask for dropping the prefix from the Revora Headbar'S TS/RA2 mod listing, but that's a really minority... considering that Red Resurrection ain't even listed...
3) Between the News subforum and the Attacque Supérior subforum, I'd like to request a subforum called as Operations Complex, which would be only visible by Project+ members with the description of "Forum for betatesting the Supérior mods. Abandon all hope ye who enter here."
Thanks in advance.