Part 1. Rebel golan 1s get 1 wing of 3 squadrons of fighters. Rebel golan 2s get 2 wings for a total of 6 squadrons, and rebel golan 3s get a third wing for a total of 9 squadrons of fighters. Anything morr than 9 squadrons risks bringing too much lag into the game.
Part 2. Golans are designed to take on capital ships. Imo, their compliments don't need to be similarly equipped. To me this means headhunters and a-wings. Their missiles allow them to deal with small craft very effectively. Based on their tech level, I have the compliments as the following: golan 1: z95af4, z95af5, rz1mk1, rz1mk2, rz1mk3. Golan 2: z95af5, rz1mk1, rz1mk2, rz1mk3, rz1mk4. Golan 3: rz1mk1, rz1mk2, rz1mk3, rz1mk4, rz1mk5.
You can swap these out for star chasers or have composite wings. This is just how I have it set up.
Part 3. Since imperial fighter wings are larger, and their fighters less well armed, their golans get 6, 12, and 12 squadrons of fighters for golans 1, 2, and 3 respectively. I don't want to add more because of lag. They get the following compliments. G1: tie/ln, tie/ln x2, tie/ln x3, tie/in, tie/in x2. G2: tie/ln x2, tie/ln x3, tie/in, tie/in x2, tie/in x3. G3: tie/in, tie/in x2, tie/in x3, tie/av, tie/av x2. As an aside, since the ties lack missiles, shields, hyperdrives, and the like, you don't need as much space on the station to store fighter consumables. This might not seem like a big deal, but it is, trust me.
Edited by johnchm.10, 16 July 2014 - 10:10 AM.