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Issues concerning maps on Tiberium Wars / Kanes Wrath

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#1 Tiberium_Wolf

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  •  C&C 3 Tiberium Wars. Scrin Tier-4 "Turtle"

Posted 21 August 2014 - 04:15 AM

I logged online via revora on a temp account while waiting on my main account to be activated this morning. so far so good, however, on 5 sequenced occasions the same error came up and its something that is both rather interesting and somewhat disappointing. apparently custom maps cannot transfer. i tried 5 times to run the same map in a custom comp stomp match and each of the 5 times i was denied and we (i and 2 other players) were returned to the matchmaking menu. Just out of curiosity, but is anything being done about this in any way. i am happy that the standard online matchmaking is up and running, but part of what made the game fun online was the ability to share custom maps with friends and battle on them. i have somewhere in the 100-200'ish in total custom maps sitting in my maps folder on tiberium wars and i am unable to play any of them with friends online, even when they actually have the same map as i do. (only the vanilla maps seem to work) can someone please look into this? it would be greatly appreciated. :thumbsuphappy:

{I am the one who exists just outside of your sight, try to see me for what i am and i vanish before you are aware.}

#2 PulsE_GeneratoR

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 11:51 AM

As far as I know they are working on it without a given ETA. You can play the map packs of 1.02+ on the new server though without a single problem as long as both have the maps. They can be found here: map packs 1.02+. For the other custom maps it is just waiting for the guys at revora.net to figure it out. As I said before they are not giving an ETA. So patience is required. 

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