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Unable to start up Red Alert 3

steam red alert 3

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#1 LukeTheDamnBrit

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Posted 02 September 2014 - 09:09 PM



I have recently reinstalled Red Alert 3, via the Steam program. After attempting multiple times to try and login to the Red Alert Online Server, it just didn't work. So after scanning around for answers, I stumbled across CNC Online. Blah blah blah skipping to the point: I installed CNC properly and such, opened it up, clicked the button to open Red Alert 3 via CNC Online; the banner appears in the middle of the screen, like it would normally when launching the game. The banner then disappears and after waiting for 5 agonising minutes, I noticed that it wasn't actually loading up ANYTHING at all. So that button is pretty much useless. Any reason why? Anything I need to do? Any properties I need to set? Anything I need to add? 




#2 s2nZo


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Posted 02 September 2014 - 09:13 PM

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#3 XSmileX

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Posted 05 September 2014 - 02:35 PM

try run "C&C Online" as admin and on windows XP SP3

#4 ICT



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Posted 05 September 2014 - 02:39 PM

- I'm having trouble using C&C:Online with Steam.

- Solution: Open the C&C:Online launcher and use the Hook menu to hook your game. Then launch the game using the shortcut Steam made for it on your desktop (if you don't have a shortcut, go into Steam and make one). The launcher should pop up, so select your game and off you go. When Hooking, you should receive a prompt asking for your confirmation, this is how you know it worked. If you don't receive anything and the issue still occurs, check your anti-virus (Norton especially) as they are known to delete the hooking file. Add an exception for C&C:Online.

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