If you read the OPEN rule: "topics are allowed to evolve to new discussions".
If the topic turns to a flame war it's allowed, although the individual flame posts are not allowed.
I'm glad flyby is gone. I would have banned him for his cold elitist comments anyway, under the 'lowering the tone rule'
THANK YOU for your personal appreciation, Detail. -_-
A little bird told me to get back to the last debate, but I prefer not to pollute the TFH forum with my reaction as it does not resort under any related topic over there.
If I was blamed to start a flame war, where no personal or group (TFH) insult was issued, what then to think about a moderator that feels fit to add personal insult while reaffirming he would have abused his moderating power just for personal appreciation reasons ?
-I find it intriguing that you're tempted to qualify every person that is capable of formulating his opinion in a sharp and coherent way as "elitist". You feel so much intimidated that you’d have to resort to abuse, instead simply replying in a civil way?
I fail to understand your definition of "cold elitist", so I do wonder why you make such populist comments?
Whenever I made a tool, I made it available for everyone, whenever my research results in something interesting, I’ve shared the information. I frequently take the time to train/help promising modelers and offer help with 3d related topics, because that's where I have an advantage over most ppl....( I do have 10 yrs experience)
In the unlikely case, you’d see it fit to simply delete my reaction, instead of facing it, I’ll make sure it gets carried on to other public forums that have a lot higher visitor frequency.
I wouldn't have reacted, if I didn't consider your reaction as being gross and absurd. I'll keep it in mind, next time we meet somewhere...