its 2016 and we're still playing a 2008 game - why does still have antiquated ban policies that feel like they're even older than KW?
at this point i dont think anyone cares if the likes of Green_ZERO got away with murder....
the fact is certain people in this community are spending time, money and effort to keep the game alive -- be it via patches, maps, sponsoring tournaments, videos etc
honestly it doesn't feel worth the effort if key players are being banned from Revora for arbitrary reasons, and we're being blatantly denied of high quality games as a result
and yes, ARBITRARY reasons -- they ARE ARBITRARY and TRIVIAL compared to the sacrifices some of the others (me included) make in terms of money, time and effort
by not allowing these 'banned' players from playing and/or not giving us any say in these decisions... you are HURTING the community - you are SPITTING IN THE FACE of people who make contributions to keep the competitive online KW community alive
if GR/Revora do not change their policies, i'm afraid you will leave some of us with no option than to stop supporting and hosting events on GR/Revora and find alternative arrangements for the same whereby our concerns and efforts would actually be respected.
post +1 here if you agree that 'banned' players should be allowed to play in events based on PLAYERS' consent, and not a bunch of admins here who dont even play the game
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